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 Rep: 221 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

polluxlm wrote:
Kim Thayil's Beard wrote:

Second tier? PLEASE. Soundgarden's discography destroys GNR's although its not really a fair comparison as SG were more prolific for a longer period of time.

Take AFD out of the equation and GNR would have difficulty competing with SG's first two albums which consist of filler and a handful of monster tracks.

Oh and Badmotorfinger would have exploded even if they toured with the Bay City Rollers.


Not a chance. Even if you swap AFD for BMF there's no way SU + whatever else beats UYI. King Animal is alright but so is CD. Lies rival their debut easily.

64 to 81 songs isn't that much of a difference anyway. Throw in TSI and they're about equal.
But you're right, it's not fair to compare one of the all time greats to an arena band. No doubt Soundgarden have a lot of fans and Cornell is certainly among the greats, but he's no Axl Rose. They were Alice In Chains/Rage Against The Machine level. For a time there GN'R reached Stones/Zeppelin levels of stardom.

They'll always be in another league than bands such as Soundgarden, no matter how many good albums they make. Axl and Slash are icons, SG is just Cornell and some other dudes that made Black Hole Sun and maybe Jesus Christ Pose.

A spot on the tour of the year is a guaranteed extra amount of units no matter how good your album is. Either way it's an acknowledgment and a nice gesture. Should at least buy you enough goodwill to not be labeled a high maintenance freak 20 years later. Even if that's what you are.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

See Faldor, your sentence could so easily have ended up been written about:

The Stones
Several members were heroin addicts, there were epic fallouts, fights, arrests, deaths and accidents

Heroin, car crashes, singers child killed, band tension, cocaine, insane backstage behaviour, black fucking magic 18

see all of the above, add in about ten more destructive forces

Dead bass player, cocaine, alcoholism, power moves, bass player meltdown, lead singer meltdown, global backlash etc..

Need I say more...


You have to challenge our idols to explain why they pissed away their chance to prove they were more than short, lucky run.

Well I posted earlier that EVERY band goes through inner turmoil.  Some stick with it and see it through.  Some fall apart.  Obviously we know which path Guns went down.  I just refuse to lay all the blame at the feet of Axl Rose. 

Vince Neil is a contracted employee of Motley Crue these days, after they fired his ass and realized they weren't the same without him.  He crawled back to them and accepted his "employee" status.  Slash and Duff were offered the same deal.  They chose not to accept.

Again, SOME bands fight through the inner turmoil.  Some just can't work it out.  For a variety of reasons, GNR was one of those bands.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

Smoking Guns wrote:

Comparing Motley to GNR is a reach..  I like Vince, and I like Motley Crue..  But that is completely different than GNR.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

smoke wrote:

I didn't realize that Vince came back as an employee after his absence. Fascinating. In reality, it's Nikki's band anyways and always has been, but as an employee it seems to me he's got them by the balls. And depending on how the whole thing's structured, it seems to me that Vince get all the reward and no risk, a la Izzy on parts of the UYI tour, Rick Wright on The Wall tour...

Off to check this for myself, but how much writing did Vince get credited for on the albums after his return I wonder. Not that he ever had a ton to begin with if I remember correctly.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah 'ole Kim Thayil Benjamin James Matlock Lofton III went a little nuts with that SG discog > GN'R discog comment.

Maybe on some planet where every major city is called Seattle, but here on planet Earth, GN'R is the bigger band in every aspect of living and breathing, from discog to known names to HOF credentials.

So, umm....

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

Sky Dog wrote:

you forgot to add Paul Huge into James' real name! I think the discography's match up pretty even. Gnr was just more popular due to 5-6 huge singles in a 3-4 year period.....and Soundgarden never had a Sweet Child O' Mine moment where you really affected pop culture.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

Smoking Guns wrote:

I used to love Cornell's voice, but now it's so shredded its painful to listen too. It's either lazy sounding, or painful screech.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

faldor wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Comparing Motley to GNR is a reach..  I like Vince, and I like Motley Crue..  But that is completely different than GNR.

I don't think you can compare ANY band to GNR.  They've done and gone through things that no other band in the history of the world has.  But comparisons to their contemporaries are inevitable.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

monkeychow wrote:

The point was all of those other bands went through conflicts and potentially band-ending and life threatening dramas. Only GNR never found a way out of it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chris Cornell: "Guns N 'Roses were all normal types minus one"

monkeychow wrote:
Kim Thayil's Beard wrote:

PLEASE. Soundgarden's discography destroys GNR's although its not really a fair comparison as SG were more prolific for a longer period of time.

Take AFD out of the equation and GNR would have difficulty competing with SG's first two albums which consist of filler and a handful of monster tracks.


To me a cherry picked best of Soundgarden, Audioslave and chris' solo stuff would be maybe on par with the stuff I like less on UYI - nothing in their catalogue would even come close to my fav gnr tracks.

monkey wrote:

I think Axl always tells the truth

Kim Thayil's Beard wrote:


I think he believes what he says.

Be it that people betrayed him, or things are someone elses fault or other things that you might say are lies - I think that perspective is what Axl believes honestly is the case.

As i said i think he views things a little differently to most people but I don't think he goes around saying things he knows are false just to lie.

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