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 Rep: 191 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Gibbo wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I know this is foolish in GNR world...but I see this as a massive opportunity.

Not having the burden of travel on the cast and crew.
Being in the exact same venue night after night - with the exact same equipment and acoustics.

It should lead to performances at their peek - as the band isn't tired out - and things like sound problems should be resolved at least after the first few shows.

Add in that they're talking of doing something special, be it guest spots, new songs or whatever...and you have a real legit chance for the new GNR to do it's real marque performance and really set itself up out there as an interesting band in its own right irrespective of history.

Probably setting myself up for a fall though!

Its nice to dream mate 22

 Rep: 212 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Intercourse wrote:

Probably setting myself up for a fall though!

laughed out loud in work at that Monkey!!!

 Rep: 661 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

monkeychow wrote:

It's the strangest part of the whole thing is how things never quite go like they should - take RIR last year - it's always been a great show for GNR - even the new line up of the time - and then it bombed badly....and who seriously thought that after a decade or more of waiting for CD that it would come out to zero promotion, mistakes in the artwork and an unplayable vinyl master....and all that from a major label release... yikes

So like we all like to play armchair manager or whatever and I'm probably the worst...but all that aside....fundamentally Axl's a talented guy - and while I totally recognise the mood and feel of this band isn't slash and the AFD's totally a band of very talented and amazing musicians who could do something awesome with Axl....

So sometimes I sort of look at it all, and while I get no one owes us anything or whatever, and I'm sure the pro game is harder than I realise, sometimes I just look at it and think like WHY doesn't something WOULD be badass with their level of talent....all I know is I'm going to release my music soon and I'm a hack...and Axl's not...and there must be a world of people who want it to if i can do it with nothing behind me.... why in hell doesn't cd2 happen?????

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

monkeychow wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

Not to come off as an asshole here, but I just don't see anything to be upset about/disappointed with/let down by, etc etc.

Well....Not to be a similar asshole...but to be honest I'm a little disappointed with how things have panned out recently....

* After years the album finally comes out in 08 - band and label both entirely drop the ball with next to no explanation - I've seen releases from low level bands get better treatment....

*That's now 4 years ago with no reissue to rectify these problems, no bonus features/tracks/not even a video for the last album /  no follow up talk of the originally planned and 2nd album...even though we know it's mostly recorded....

*Band hires a replacement guitarist - who has  shown a ton of ability in terms of writing and producing modern rock songs and working with 80s starts to create modern and vibrant rock records and uses him to......cover songs written by people who left the band at least 15 years ago. He's now been waiting what 4 years? Bumblefoot must be up to what 6 or 7 years of just playing covers? I have no problem with them being GNR and playing GNR songs...but what's the point if there's no new GNR music ever?

*Performances of late have been highly questionable, Axl's so low on that last TWAT performance you can't even hear the verses. He's returned to his 2000-2 style of singing mostly abandoning what the fans loved in the 06-09 style sound.

* Axl won't give us the old GNR and snubs things like RRHOF, yet he also won't or can't do anything to make the new GNR a real act of it's own - he seems to just want to pretend that it was ashba and co who were always in the band in the heyday - return to the ritz my ass - these guys could write a great album and be something other than a cover act but it doesn't seem to be going to happen...or at least it hasn't in the last 6 years...and based on the 15 before that I'm no longer holding my breath...

I've long been one of Axl's biggest fans, and I strongly believe in his talent, but I can't lie...this band is a river that doesn't flow anymore, the water seems stagnant and it's getting toxic.....the day anything happens I'll spend my last cent to support him...but until that day....I'm sorry but I'm disappointed that my favourite act of all time and my favourite artist is in an endless loop of betraying his own creativity by releasing nothing new and playing old songs with a band who didn't create them but happen to look a little like Izzy or smoke while playing guitar kinda like slash...

This vegas stint is being advertised as something new...and if it is...god bless axl for delivering...but if it's more of the same...then fair enough...the guy has to earn a living in his retirement...but I'm not going to get too excited about them waisting ANOTHER chance to be the artists they really are.

 Rep: 77 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

smoke wrote:

My gut feeling is that the posters all over the city and building will be the largest part of this huge event. Wouldn't mind a bit being wrong.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 83 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

otto wrote:

Russ, you gotta see that you're always positive!

You were positive about Euro tour and I now you're having the same attitude, which is great, and I'm sure you're gonna have a blast of a time there, but think about it:

Isn't this the kind of attitude that enables Axl to keep on this circus for so long?

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

monkeychow wrote:

To be clear I'm not against the shows at all, actually I'm somewhat hopeful that maybe they'll be the beginning of something new - seeing as they are definitely pushing that there will be something different happening....

I've just been feeling a little frustrated in general of late, the building blocks are all there to do something amazing but they never push the button, it starts to become hard to watch.

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