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 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah it's all very interesting.

Firstly - the idea of an "exclusive set list" and "spanning the band's biggest hits from AFD to CD" - seems inconsistent to me as the shows for the last 6 years or so have been hits+cd shows - but I guess that means it will be the same set list with maybe a rare UYI track added or something?

But I'm curious what the "surprise elements" are and in what way the show is "unlike" anything they've done before....really makes me wish I could be there as it does sound from that like they're planning something interesting!

Be interesting to see what form Axl is in too....I'm hoping for something like the tokyo 09/10 tour where he was really screaming out the chinese songs and it sounded amazing.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:

I honestly think all that "wording" is a way to hype up the shows.  I doubt they know exactly what Guns is going to play, how they're going to play it, or anything of the sort.  I doubt Axl knows for sure at this point.  More along the lines that this is a rare opportunity that the band is setting up shop in one location for a few weeks.  That alone is surprising.  I wouldn't expect anything too far outside of the box than what we've gotten over the last few years.  Maybe a few different songs played from time to time, a different order, a few guest appearances.  Nothing groundbreaking.

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Sky Dog wrote:

exactly...same old same old. I would imagine Izzy shows up quite often...which is cool.

 Rep: 83 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

otto wrote:

I'm expecting very little, to be honest... Perhaps a more laid back set, like the weddings or the UCAP tour with a few songs thrown in, that haven't been played yet or in a long time, such as My Michelle, Think About You, Outta Get Me, perhaps we get to finally hear Perfect Crime, perhaps we get to have Izzy and another round of 14 Years and maybe Dust N' Bones (altough I doubt it, since it's a Slash and Duff song as well, that Axl had no input, differently from 14Y).

Perhaps on one of the nights off we get some rare stuff from CD - I'm thinking Scraped, Prostitute - and Oh My God.

This is my BEST CASE scenario.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

ottosporteman wrote:

I'm expecting very little, to be honest... Perhaps a more laid back set, like the weddings or the UCAP tour with a few songs thrown in, that haven't been played yet or in a long time, such as My Michelle, Think About You, Outta Get Me, perhaps we get to finally hear Perfect Crime, perhaps we get to have Izzy and another round of 14 Years and maybe Dust N' Bones (altough I doubt it, since it's a Slash and Duff song as well, that Axl had no input, differently from 14Y).

Perhaps on one of the nights off we get some rare stuff from CD - I'm thinking Scraped, Prostitute - and Oh My God.

This is my BEST CASE scenario.

Agreed! This is what I expect as well!

 Rep: 33 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Scabbie wrote:
ottosporteman wrote:

I'm expecting very little, to be honest... Perhaps a more laid back set, like the weddings or the UCAP tour with a few songs thrown in, that haven't been played yet or in a long time, such as My Michelle, Think About You, Outta Get Me, perhaps we get to finally hear Perfect Crime, perhaps we get to have Izzy and another round of 14 Years and maybe Dust N' Bones (altough I doubt it, since it's a Slash and Duff song as well, that Axl had no input, differently from 14Y).

Perhaps on one of the nights off we get some rare stuff from CD - I'm thinking Scraped, Prostitute - and Oh My God.

This is my BEST CASE scenario.

'like they have never done before or will ever do again' - marketing hype

There's always some line before or at the start of a tour promising the earth,but they never quite deliver. It would be nice to see them actually push the boat out for once. But that would probably take lots of practice, and Axl will probably do his normal routine and turn up the day of the first show.

Fly in bucket for Halloween, that would be cool!:headbang:

 Rep: 96 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

I'm expecting some guest spots from Izzy and maybe Duff. Maybe both of them at once? Bach might turn up, too. Some tracks that haven't been heard for a while – OMG, Prostitute, maybe TWAT or Perfect Crime if we're lucky.

 Rep: 212 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Intercourse wrote:

If Axl puts Izzy & Duff up together, the calls for Slash's return will only be amplified.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

monkeychow wrote:

I know this is foolish in GNR world...but I see this as a massive opportunity.

Not having the burden of travel on the cast and crew.
Being in the exact same venue night after night - with the exact same equipment and acoustics.

It should lead to performances at their peek - as the band isn't tired out - and things like sound problems should be resolved at least after the first few shows.

Add in that they're talking of doing something special, be it guest spots, new songs or whatever...and you have a real legit chance for the new GNR to do it's real marque performance and really set itself up out there as an interesting band in its own right irrespective of history.

Probably setting myself up for a fall though!

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