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 Rep: 485 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Neemo wrote:

yeah you are right but i'm jsut saying that DJ and Richard are really good professional musicians ... i wish i had half of their abilities (either one) on guitar, peopel on this board have the tendancy to make it appear like these guys are talentless bedroom guitarists...couldnt be further from the truth...i know i slag on robin from time to time, its not hat he's not good, he is in his own quirky style ... hes just not a right fit for GNR IMHO, hes not a classic rock guitarist and fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your view) that type of thing is what GnR needs to have, again IMHO. RObin is totally better suited to what got him his noticed ... NIN and industrial rock

 Rep: 194 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

metallex78 wrote:

I'd argue that Richard can actually outplay Slash, just from seeing his solo spots over the years, but he's yet to write anything himself to put him in the league of Slash. DJ has pretty good chops, and can write pretty good songs and solos, evidenced by Sixx AM's excellent releases. Especially This Is Gonna Hurt, which has some killer solos from DJ on it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:
Olorin wrote:

What the fuck you on about, he said the song hasnt remotely entertaining since 93, and only one man can play with the right feel.

I was there and the crowd was entertained, look for yourself. I'm not Robins biggest fan but theres people here saying he butchered Sweet Child - I think he sounds fantastic here and plays with a hell of a lot of feel, you think the crowd would be as jacked as that if he was just phoning it in - or posing, blowing kisses and pouting like DJ?

Did you watch the whole fucking video, seems to me the crowd is even more jacked as the song goes on, and during the solos the passion grows and Robin rises with it, its a fucking great performance and one of the best of all the eras' and Robin shines here, doesnt matter  that its Slash's song.

Calm the fuck down roll I didnt say it sounded bad. I actually said it sounded good. I never said anything bad about Robin BUT the crowd is not reacting to his playing here. They are reacting to  the song. They are reacting to Slash's notes that Robin is playing and they are reacting to Axl singing. Nobody is in that crowd thnking "Holy fuck this new guys plays with just as much feel as Slash this is unreal" No they are thinking "I love this song!!!" End of story.

And yes I watched the whole video for your information.  Why cause it was good. I never said Robin doesn't play well I said you can't use a crowds reaction to their most popular song(argueably) as an indication or proof that someone plays with as much feel as Slash. It's subjective to the listener but you sure as hell can't prove it because the crowd goes off when SCOM is played. yeah if Robin was phoning it in the crowd would react the same unless of course he playe a differentsong while Axl sang SCOM lyrics.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Nobody questions Ron's ability to play anything on guitar, he's a first-class progressive rock guitarist, but I'm not sure about DJ and Richard. Just because someone's in GN'R for some time, it doesn't make him a first class musician. For example I really like Gilby, but he's not good at solos. Both DJ and Richard are better than him, but face it, neither of them comes close to Bumble or even Slash in technic.

Yeah but DJ solos at least as good as Robin, if not better. Richard is a pretty good soloist, but he just isn't given that role alot, being he's a rhythm guitarist for the band.

There were fan rumors when Robin left, about having Richard take his role, and bringing Izzy back for rhythm. I think it would've worked.

metallex78 wrote:

I'd argue that Richard can actually outplay Slash, just from seeing his solo spots over the years, but he's yet to write anything himself to put him in the league of Slash. DJ has pretty good chops, and can write pretty good songs and solos, evidenced by Sixx AM's excellent releases. Especially This Is Gonna Hurt, which has some killer solos from DJ on it.

I agree. Anyone who doubts DJ's abilities, apparently don't listen to Sixx:AM because they're "too cool" to listen to radio-ready post-grunge.


It's either good music or it's not. In Sixx:AM and DJ's case -- it's good.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Smoking Guns wrote:

DJ plays standard rock licks, he is about on the level as the lesser player in buckercherry, or the guitar player in kid rock's band.  His playing is okay to good, but not jaw dropping like Slash, or Bucket, or Jimmy, or Jimi, etc.. He is a solid rock player, but that is about it. 

On Slash's solo's, DJ will OFTEN take the easy way out and ad lib them, I know this because I play guitar and I know he skips a lot of the harder parts.  This isn't opinion, its fact..  In that Sweet Child video, he skips the harmonic minor run slash plays right before bumble took over.

 Rep: 191 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Gibbo wrote:

:slash:Dj mite not be as good as slash but he does a good of looking like him

 Rep: 485 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Neemo wrote:

i still say that its more of a mick mars thing


but whatever hes taken the LA rock thing and made it his own i say

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

On Slash's solo's, DJ will OFTEN take the easy way out and ad lib them, I know this because I play guitar and I know he skips a lot of the harder parts.

Or as Robin fans call it "making it his own"

roll 16 19 13

 Rep: 194 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

On Slash's solo's, DJ will OFTEN take the easy way out and ad lib them, I know this because I play guitar and I know he skips a lot of the harder parts.

Or as Robin fans call it "making it his own"

roll 16 19 13

Fuck Robin. Dude is a hack. You reading this Russ? A hack. 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:

Axlin I'm so sorry dude but I stumbled upon this just now.... I swear I wasn't looking for it just came across it

Axlin08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Fall to Pieces? really? I swear that's one of the worst songs ever written.

Agreed. I hate that song, hard. Instrumentally it's repetitive, and the lyrics (whoever wrote them, i'm sure a fan knows who) make me puke. Seriously, I get sick to my stomach when I hear that song, strangest thing. No other song has ever done that to me.

I like some pretty cheesy melodic rock acts, real 80's cheese, but Fall To Pieces takes the cake. Makes Poison look like Slayer..

You even gave me karma for it saying "Fuck Fall to Pieces"  It was in the "Slash to play Civil War" thread


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