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 Rep: 194 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

I actually kinda like that 2010 version. And I'm not even lieing I like the way DJ played it. Alot to be honest and I thought Ron was great on the acoustic. This to me is a band having fun and just entertaining the crowd. Sounds good to me. I don't care that they didn't play it exactly hwo Slash does it still sounds good.

Yeah, not anywhere near as bad as Myles butchering Axl's vocals or Robin butchering the full electric version of Sweet Child through the years.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:

I agree tho.

If I was forced to choose...

I'd rather have Axl's voice

than Slash's guitar

Sorry Slash fans... sad

 Rep: 194 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

tejastech08 wrote:

Definitely tougher to imitate a unique human voice than a unique guitar sound. At least with the guitar you have thousands of different instruments and all kinds of string combinations you can use to try to get a similar sound. But that damn voice is God given. I've heard very few tributes to it that were actually high quality. The worst thing about Myles is that he does that stupid helium voice while attempting to imitate Axl's higher register. I wish he would just sing in his normal voice. My favorite GN'R cover vocals are when the singer understands his/her limitations and simply sings the song without trying to imitate Axl.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:

Or rather than duplicating the sound, you just reboot it.

Axl's voice with Bucket's guitar was pure heaven on earth too. Too bad it never caught on, and didn't last long either.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Olorin wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I agree, it's fucking terrible. Like KOHD, SCOM hasn't been remotely entertaining since '93.

Only ONE MAN, and I mean ONE MAN can play that song right with the right feel...



It was awesome, Axl was awesome, Robin was awesome - crowd loved every second.



Sweet Child Glezga style 9

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:

Let's be real these fans were not loving every second of BECAUSE of Robin. They don't even know who Robin is haha! They were embracing the song. There's no way you can post a  clip of Robin playing SCOM and use the crowd reaction as proof others play it with as much feeling as Slash. What, the fans were gonna start booing on the opening notes if it wasn't up to standards? No they heard the opening notes and couldn't wait to sing with Axl.

I'm not saying it sounds bad, it sounds really good but they are reacting to SLASH'S song not Robin's playing. Just saying.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Olorin wrote:

What the fuck you on about, he said the song hasnt remotely entertaining since 93, and only one man can play with the right feel.

I was there and the crowd was entertained, look for yourself. I'm not Robins biggest fan but theres people here saying he butchered Sweet Child - I think he sounds fantastic here and plays with a hell of a lot of feel, you think the crowd would be as jacked as that if he was just phoning it in - or posing, blowing kisses and pouting like DJ?

Did you watch the whole fucking video, seems to me the crowd is even more jacked as the song goes on, and during the solos the passion grows and Robin rises with it, its a fucking great performance and one of the best of all the eras' and Robin shines here, doesnt matter  that its Slash's song.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:

In fairness, the crowd is reacting to the song being played and Axl Rose being there to play it. However I can confess that I like Robin performing SCOM better than DJ. (Russ, yes I said it)

However, the fans in that pit are not the geeks that we are where we can analyze every single type of performance of SCOM from GN'R and Slash solo. They just don't. They just react.

I personally as someone who has heard Slash play the song live and heard Robin play the song live and heard DJ play the song on YouTube, that Slash's feel is the only one that grabs me.

SCOM in 2006 for me was a piss break song. Axl's voice was 2002-ish on it, and Robin's feel was wrong for MY taste.

All of the AFD songs, I think the original band plays better, with the sole exception of Bucket's remixed solo for Nightrain in 2002.

Bottom line: Neither of you are wrong

 Rep: 485 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Neemo wrote:

those 2 acoustic versions of scom couldnt be more different

first, one is faster pace than the normal tune with elements to make it the same as the orig (axl's rock voice and elec guitar, full band) the other one is slowed way down 2 man jam with only acoustic...a more somber pace

i wouldnt say DJ dummies it down, juts doin his own take on it, you guys are nuts to think that DJ, Ron, RIchard whoever cannot play what other people play or what is on the afd album these guys are damn good players, ron can play anythign under the sun, the guy is an amazing guitar player ... seriously his talent isnt normal..Myles isnt trying to be axl either, jsut doin his own take on it while trying to be somewhat true to the orig

anyway IMO both versions are really cool

 Rep: 217 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Mikkamakka wrote:

Nobody questions Ron's ability to play anything on guitar, he's a first-class progressive rock guitarist, but I'm not sure about DJ and Richard. Just because someone's in GN'R for some time, it doesn't make him a first class musician. For example I really like Gilby, but he's not good at solos. Both DJ and Richard are better than him, but face it, neither of them comes close to Bumble or even Slash in technic.

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