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 Rep: 217 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Mikkamakka wrote:
johndivney wrote:

Snakepit r x100 better than VR
Axl would've killed it on some of those Snakepit tunes. it'd have been their Let it Bleed phase. Slash was master of his domain then.


Fuck Fall to Pieces. Garbage from top to bottom. Axl would not have saved that song let alone turned it into the next SCOM.


Fall to Pieces is the most overrated Slash track ever. I've never got the praise, it's a very simple song with not much happening. The filler version of SCOM.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Intercourse wrote:

I actually think Axl's nature deserves alot of credit for Slash pushing himself and performing what we got on the Illusion's.

Slash said he worked alone in the studio doing the guitars at the rate of one song a day and having a blast. He makes no reference to Axl 'pushing him' at all.

Ax left him to it, i.e.  he wasn't there.

Axl has always tried to play the post-breakup card that his vision was the true one for the band and Slash only 'got it' much later on after much protracted begging, cajoling and pushing.

Axl is simply trying to deflect the glory from Slash for his work and move it back to him, like the pushy parent living through his kid; "If it wasn't for me he never would of..."

Axl did not get what he got from Slash by having him 'forced or pushed' into playing anything. Those tunes deliver so selflessly from a guitar perspective that it simply could not be true.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

metallex78 wrote:

What's with all the hate for Fall To Pieces? It has a really nice riff melody, and is a pretty cool ballad. I definitely think Axl could have taken it to another level, but that's not to say it's a bad song.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

I actually think Axl's nature deserves alot of credit for Slash pushing himself and performing what we got on the Illusion's.

Slash said he worked alone in the studio doing the guitars at the rate of one song a day and having a blast. He makes no reference to Axl 'pushing him' at all.

Ax left him to it, i.e.  he wasn't there.

Axl has always tried to play the post-breakup card that his vision was the true one for the band and Slash only 'got it' much later on after much protracted begging, cajoling and pushing.

Axl is simply trying to deflect the glory from Slash for his work and move it back to him, like the pushy parent living through his kid; "If it wasn't for me he never would of..."

Axl did not get what he got from Slash by having him 'forced or pushed' into playing anything. Those tunes deliver so selflessly from a guitar perspective that it simply could not be true.

Your 'pushing' and Axl's 'pushing' are two entirely different things.

Slash fucking hated having to add parts to those tunes. I don't care what he says now, he said for years how much he hated it, Izzy hated, even Duff wasn't that down with it. AND Axl said it.

I'm sorry, there's just too many original band members all connecting the same story for it to not be true.

Axl being a dick and basically throwing those songs at him, then not really asking what his opinion was on any of it, not jointly showing up or participating in recording sessions... yeah... that's 'pushing' Slash.

The more Axl did it, the more Slash got pissed, the more he picked up the guitar.

once again - jmo

Bono wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Now one song Axl was wrong about, was Slash claimed he originally wrote Fall To Pieces while still in Guns, and took it to Axl and Axl wasn't interested.


Axl writing good lyrics and recording good vocals on that (unlike Scott) would've made it the next GN'R Sweet Child.

NO! That song is one of the biggest peices of shit songs in the history of music. Boring music, awful lyrics. Fuck Fall to Pieces. Garbage from top to bottom. Axl would not have saved that song let alone turned it into the next SCOM. Fall to Pieces is a prime example of modern rock radio force feeding people garbage untill they start to think they like it. No different than how Nickelback gained success. Forced fed garbage.

Messages... now that's another story.

Well it's the best he had. Period. Messages is the best he recorded, but Estranged is the best GN'R recorded, and never gets NR credit.

Fall To Pieces was Slash's "big Gun", period. The only problem with the song is it needs more fleshing out with Izzy (more riffs), and Axl (more melody, more orchestration).

But the biggest thing it needs -- better lyrics. Weiland fuckin' sang it wrong. Fuckin' did the melody wrong. Fuckin' wrote it wrong.

Fall To Pieces had ALOT of potential. It's not Nickleback garbage, and i'm not even a fan of the song or VR, all that much. But just because someone records a song that people like to hear, doesn't make it garbage. You might not like it, but the tons of people that made it a hit disagree with you.

Like I said, I would re-write the bitch from top-to-bottom, EXCEPT for Slash's guitar stuff. But yeah, it needs LOTS of work.

Mikkamakka wrote:
johndivney wrote:

Snakepit r x100 better than VR
Axl would've killed it on some of those Snakepit tunes. it'd have been their Let it Bleed phase. Slash was master of his domain then.


Fuck Fall to Pieces. Garbage from top to bottom. Axl would not have saved that song let alone turned it into the next SCOM.


Fall to Pieces is the most overrated Slash track ever. I've never got the praise, it's a very simple song with not much happening. The filler version of SCOM.

No the most overrated Slash track ever IS SWEET CHILD O' MINE.

Oh damn... look out.

metallex78 wrote:

What's with all the hate for Fall To Pieces? It has a really nice riff melody, and is a pretty cool ballad. I definitely think Axl could have taken it to another level, but that's not to say it's a bad song.

Agreed. The song needs Axl, Izzy, Duff... hell i'll even re-write Scott's fucking awful lyrics.

But with tweaking (like alot of Axl's ballads), there's greatness in there. But Slash's guitar work in it and his nice SMALL melody -- is the song's strongest aspect. Not it's weakest.

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Sky Dog wrote:

Sweet Child O' Mine is a perfect pop/rock song. In my opinion, one of the greatest pop songs ever.

Now, when you guys are done licking Slash's ass, can we discuss the truth about the Illusions? A really bad alcoholic, junkies recollection 20 years later is hardly the gospel.....

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Smoking Guns wrote:

Nothing is overrated about Sweet Child O'Mine... It is almost a perfect song, and that solo Slash plays is ONE OF THE VERY GREATEST ROCK GUITAR SOLOS OF ALL TIME!!!!  Great vocals, great rhythm guitar, great everything....

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Sky Dog wrote:

yep....and for the record, I don't take anyone's version of things as the gospel. Axl is just as full of shit as Slash is. Izzy won't say anything. Duff openly admits to problems with his recolllection of events and NOBODY cares what Matt and Dizzy think. 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Fall To Pieces had ALOT of potential. It's not Nickleback garbage, and i'm not even a fan of the song or VR, all that much. But just because someone records a song that people like to hear, doesn't make it garbage. You might not like it, but the tons of people that made it a hit disagree with you.

Like I said, I would re-write the bitch from top-to-bottom, EXCEPT for Slash's guitar stuff. But yeah, it needs LOTS of work.

Saying you'd rewrite it from top to bottom means it's fucking terrible and Nickelback also have a shit ton of songs people think are great simply because they've heard them over and over again thanks to radio force feeding that shit down people's throats. FTP was the closest thing VR had to a Nickleback style song so naturally modern rock radio force fed the shittiest fucking song VR ever did down our throats because it was the most similar song to what radio formats were pushing. Not sure how you can deny that.

"Everytime I'm falling down ......" repeat 40 fucking times with boring music and yeah, you've got yourself a NIckelback-esque hit on your hands 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Nothing is overrated about Sweet Child O'Mine... It is almost a perfect song, and that solo Slash plays is ONE OF THE VERY GREATEST ROCK GUITAR SOLOS OF ALL TIME!!!!  Great vocals, great rhythm guitar, great everything....

madagas wrote:

yep....and for the record, I don't take anyone's version of things as the gospel. Axl is just as full of shit as Slash is. Izzy won't say anything. Duff openly admits to problems with his recolllection of events and NOBODY cares what Matt and Dizzy think. 16

So  true! X 2

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:
Bono wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Fall To Pieces had ALOT of potential. It's not Nickleback garbage, and i'm not even a fan of the song or VR, all that much. But just because someone records a song that people like to hear, doesn't make it garbage. You might not like it, but the tons of people that made it a hit disagree with you.

Like I said, I would re-write the bitch from top-to-bottom, EXCEPT for Slash's guitar stuff. But yeah, it needs LOTS of work.

Saying you'd rewrite it from top to bottom means it's fucking terrible and Nickelback also have a shit ton of songs people think are great simply because they've heard them over and over again thanks to radio force feeding that shit down people's throats. FTP was the closest thing VR had to a Nickleback style song so naturally modern rock radio force fed the shittiest fucking song VR ever did down our throats because it was the most similar song to what radio formats were pushing. Not sure how you can deny that.

"Everytime I'm falling down ......" repeat 40 fucking times with boring music and yeah, you've got yourself a NIckelback-esque hit on your hands 16

The music is boring to you. Slash's work in it is great. The rest of the song just needs work. It's not fucking terrible.

Scott's FUCKING HORRENDOUS lyrics are what drag the song down. He's out of his element in a song like that and it shows.

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