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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Smoking Guns wrote:

That is right, at first he hated the songs, then AFTER slash wanted to release them solo, THEN he wanted to "work on them"..

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:

Axl should've hated those songs. I've never understood the fan fare that first Snakepit record had.

A few of them could've been worked by Axl into some GN'R B-sides, but there was nothing there worthy of GN'R greatness. Unlike Contraband & CD.

Axl wanting to "work on the songs" was his way of trying to smooth over pissing off Slash, which it was obvious he had done when Slash went "fuck you, i'm releasing them myself".

I still don't think he gave two shits about those songs.

Now one song Axl was wrong about, was Slash claimed he originally wrote Fall To Pieces while still in Guns, and took it to Axl and Axl wasn't interested.


Axl writing good lyrics and recording good vocals on that (unlike Scott) would've made it the next GN'R Sweet Child.

 Rep: 50 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Rex wrote:

Beggars and Hangers-On would've been even better with the "Axl touch."

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Lomax wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Now one song Axl was wrong about, was Slash claimed he originally wrote Fall To Pieces while still in Guns, and took it to Axl and Axl wasn't interested.

Axl himself said that. Said he liked it and that he still has the demo on tape somewhere but that slash took the song when he left

 Rep: 661 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl should've hated those songs. I've never understood the fan fare that first Snakepit record had.

A few of them could've been worked by Axl into some GN'R B-sides, but there was nothing there worthy of GN'R greatness.

Very much disagree with that.

I think the guitar riffs and solos in Snakepit 1 are on par with any of the UYI rocker numbers - minus the input of Axl and the others.

If you listen to an instrumental version of songs like Bad Apples, Perfect Crime, Right Next Door to Hell, Shotgun Blues, Don't Damn Me, Garden of Edan and others it would sound exactly like an instrumental version of Snakepit 1 does.

The end result sans Axl may not have been GNResque - but guitarwise - that album is like an album full of the blue-prints for the slash based tracks on UYI3. Add Axl/Duff creative input to those songs...and throw in a couple of Izzy tracks and 2 or 3 Axl ballads and you would have had UYI 3+4.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Mikkamakka wrote:

Monkey is right, again. 5 O'Clock musically matches AFD and much better than the UYI rockers, minus the two epic. With Axl and Duff it'd have got that GN'Rish turn. IMHO it's still the best album any GN'R-member released since 1991.

The problem is that Axl didn't want that direction. One day he was heartbroken and wanted an all ballad album, the next he was full of anger and wanted an industrial, on the third he calmed down a bit and wanted a Pearl Jamish record. The only content thing on his part was not attending the rehearsals, leaving the guys alone in frustration. He played his 'I only order the music, you deliver, then I decide' game he's still playing, but it hurt those who didn't feel to be employees. I don't think the current guys would be happy with this situation either.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Now one song Axl was wrong about, was Slash claimed he originally wrote Fall To Pieces while still in Guns, and took it to Axl and Axl wasn't interested.


Axl writing good lyrics and recording good vocals on that (unlike Scott) would've made it the next GN'R Sweet Child.

NO! That song is one of the biggest peices of shit songs in the history of music. Boring music, awful lyrics. Fuck Fall to Pieces. Garbage from top to bottom. Axl would not have saved that song let alone turned it into the next SCOM. Fall to Pieces is a prime example of modern rock radio force feeding people garbage untill they start to think they like it. No different than how Nickelback gained success. Forced fed garbage.

Messages... now that's another story.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

BLS-Pride wrote:

I've always wished to hear what Axl's take on Messages would be. All the conductors are there for some lightning. That riff is just haunting.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Bono wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

I've always wished to hear what Axl's take on Messages would be. All the conductors are there for some lightning. That riff is just haunting.

agreed 100% It's a great song on it's own and then to hear that Madagascar mashup just makes ya think what could have been. In my opinion with Axl's lyrics and vocals on Messages you'd have an instant timeless, classic.

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

johndivney wrote:

Snakepit r x100 better than VR
Axl would've killed it on some of those Snakepit tunes. it'd have been their Let it Bleed phase. Slash was master of his domain then.


Fuck Fall to Pieces. Garbage from top to bottom. Axl would not have saved that song let alone turned it into the next SCOM.

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