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 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

Neemo wrote:
CrashDiet wrote:

Can someone explain to me what the big deal is about the rockband track leaks?  I mean its the same songs we have already right?

they are individual tracks from each instrument so if certain people get their hands on them they have master tracks to make alternate remixes or totally removing some things,,,but yeah they are the same songs we have already

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I will never understand admins/mods that delete stuff, just because they want to be on the 'e-mail forward' button of the assistant to their favorite band. In the meantime, they rob fans of all kinds of stuff.

They do realize all of those PRECIOUS GN'R unreleased demos n' shit they have sitting on their website from the old days, came from fans who liberated shit. Yet for AFD, Lies & UYI, it's okay. For CD for some reason, we've gotten be the fuckin' Company about everything and kill and silence anyone with a bread crumb.

ANYWAYS, like Russ said. We're all cool here, and we'll all help each other out. That's what makes this place the best, and Atari thx for the heads up on the stuff over there.

There's a huge difference.  Back in the days of AFD and UYI there was no internet or file sharing.  The "demos" didn't leak years before the album came out.  Nowadays all albums leak and it's not right.  I'm not gonna sit here and say I didn't download and listen to the leaks because I did, over and over and over.  But that doesn't make it right.  Recently the "Wolverine" movie leaked and the people involved were pissed, and they have a right to be.  You don't work so hard on something to have unfinished versions make it out to the public without their permission.  I wish I could say I won't partake in downloading any future leaks becaus it is wrong, very wrong.  I just don't know if I can stay that strong.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

Axl S wrote:
faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I will never understand admins/mods that delete stuff, just because they want to be on the 'e-mail forward' button of the assistant to their favorite band. In the meantime, they rob fans of all kinds of stuff.

They do realize all of those PRECIOUS GN'R unreleased demos n' shit they have sitting on their website from the old days, came from fans who liberated shit. Yet for AFD, Lies & UYI, it's okay. For CD for some reason, we've gotten be the fuckin' Company about everything and kill and silence anyone with a bread crumb.

ANYWAYS, like Russ said. We're all cool here, and we'll all help each other out. That's what makes this place the best, and Atari thx for the heads up on the stuff over there.

There's a huge difference.  Back in the days of AFD and UYI there was no internet or file sharing.  The "demos" didn't leak years before the album came out.  Nowadays all albums leak and it's not right.  I'm not gonna sit here and say I didn't download and listen to the leaks because I did, over and over and over.  But that doesn't make it right.  Recently the "Wolverine" movie leaked and the people involved were pissed, and they have a right to be.  You don't work so hard on something to have unfinished versions make it out to the public without their permission.  I wish I could say I won't partake in downloading any future leaks becaus it is wrong, very wrong.  I just don't know if I can stay that strong.

Whilst what faldor says is true. I think what Axlin08 was meaning is, all these songs are already out there and us having the master tracks is gonna generate even more interest by the community making fan remixes. Hell once these masters are out the official site should promote some of these remixes.

@ management. Since we're allowed all the old demos are we now allowed to post the demos from CD?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

Axlin16 wrote:

Axl S got it. I do understand GNR's stance on leaks, especially with an album out, that hasn't even been out a year, but the album is out there.

It isn't like some un-liked remix is gonna circulate as Chinese Democracy. If people want GNR's Chinese Democracy, finished, they can visit their local record store across the world, or visit Best Buy or Best in the states.

The only people that are truely interested in this stuff is the absolute hardcores anyways. GN'R aren't loosing money, nobody is stealing anything, this is just the diehards fucking around with an album they really like. No harm, no foul.

Although hackers are hard at work, and thx for that, there are certain people in the GN'R internet fan community more concerned with their own 'social class' within the eyes of GNR's secretaries and in-house street team, because Axl might like them one day, then just being fucking cool, and just doing what a fan thinks is right for other fans.

The day they started throwing the fuhrer a bone over there at HTGTH, and giving thx to internet admins in liner notes, they created a monster.

And I also think it's perfectly fine to post the leaks now, as demos. The only hang up might be, is that too many of them are too close to the final studio versions, and that might create a stink.

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

I have links to the vocal tracks if anyone is interested.

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

AtariLegend wrote:


Incase you guys missed it, via the turning of the page.

All the vocals tracks, plus the "Catcher In The Rye" guitar track have been hacked.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

Axl S wrote:

Surely the 99 demos and Catcher are allowed to be posted now. I mean the studio versions of those tracks are very different. Also the tracks are circulating as recordings of the tracks individually from Rock Band but the actual files from the game have not been ripped yet.

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

imsorry wrote:

nothin has been hacked yet... only some recording direct from the game with cheap cables which added some noise also the tempo isnt right a bit slower...

 Rep: 231 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

-D- wrote:

Has Rock Band increased the record sales any?

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy/Rock Band 2 (Tracks Leaking?)

faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:

Has Rock Band increased the record sales any?

I'm not sure what the figures were before Rock Band came out but if these figures are correct I'd guess NO.

From the Matt Sorum interview … mID=119177

"Chinese Democracy" — which was released on November 23, 2008 as a Best Buy exclusive after a wait of more than 15 years — sold 1,300 copies in the United States in the seven days ending April 26.

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