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 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Biden out. Now what?

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events...

polluxlm wrote:

Surely not Kamala. Would be a disaster.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

It's Harris.  The Democrats don't have a choice, the party, particularly the left wing orthodoxy, have already said as much.  Immediately after the debate, prominent Democrats said they'd revolt if "the first black woman" was denied the position.  She polled horribly in 2020 and withdrew before the first primary was even held.  Most polls I've seen show her doing worse than Biden in the swing states.  And I don't think that is gonna change, she is less liked than Trump if such a thing is possible. 

Never say never, but the right wing wackjobs saying this was all planned are off their meds.  This isn't how you successfully run a campaign against Trump.  A significant portion of the party are going to be outraged their isn't any debate in nominating Harris, and when she takes down 1-2 Senate races, flipping the Senate GOP, the Democrats are going to blame it all on her.  I don't see any viable way Harris wins this, and the Democrats have only themselves to blame for lying and dismissing any concerns over Biden's now objective cognitive decline.  They could have had an enthusiastic primary where they picked the next generation of Democrat.  They're going to try to brand Harris as just that, but I'm calling it now that Trump gets more of the black vote than any Republican in a century. 

And worse, I have no doubt Biden is going to return to his cave and only be seen through teleprompter sightings.  He's not able to run for reelection because the majority of his own party thinks he's lost it, yet is still able to push us closer to WW3 with his disastrous foreign policy.  That this dipshit thinks he's remotely successful at diplomacy is the biggest sign his brain is decaying there is.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

Rumor is Mayor Pete will be her VP pick. The anti white straight male racism will be off the charts.

I think Vance will eat him alive

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Pelosi and Obama prefer an open convention while the Clintons and obviously Biden are kind of anointing Harris.

I do agree with Flagg's assessment on this level most...The Dems need the voting bloc that picks people based on race, gender, color, binary, non-binary....whatever...

If they accept Harris they, maintain that but lose a lot of Midwest voters (ie, Wisconsin, Michigan...maybe even Minnesota). If they reject Harris, they lose that voting bloc.

It's a very curious box they've painted themselves into...

Meanwhile Trump seems like he has unstoppable momentum.

I already made my prediction. President: Rep Senate: Rep House: Dem

Why would we care if Biden goes back into his cave at this point? For all intents and purposes, his party Julius Cesar'd him. What is he supposed to do at this point? The election is 3.5 months away.

The truth is there is no prominent Dem that can beat Trump except maybe RFK and they ran him off.

This all smells of desperation and to Flagg's point, there is no plan here. They Dem elites were really gonna try to weekend at Bernie's this whole thing.

I likely will not vote for Harris...I despise Trump So now what?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

There was no way they were going with anyone but Harris. Find it kind of sickening how the media is now showering Biden with praise when they bullied him out.

If I vote, it’ll be for Vance 16

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

If I vote, it’ll be for Vance 16

Vote dude. I know the south will be red regardless, but it’s an important right everyone should exercise. I don’t care who you vote for, but vote.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

If he said that he'd be a real contender.

As a full day has now passed, and some dust is starting to really does seem like they're just anointing Kamala. All of my text and donation emails from the Dems now all say Kamala. They wasted absolutely no time. This tells me that this was calculated and the decision was likely made some time ago.

We will find out more in the next few days, but I still don't see how this is a good look at all. This is what may cause the red wave. Not that Trump is any different or the MAGAs changed at's because the Dems shot themselves in the foot.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

Yeah, his campaign Twitter account was immediately shut down. The team who writes his tweets (it’s between his black lesbian press secretary and gen z white girl) attached a tweet to his resignation letter to Kamala’s fundraising campaign. This was dirty

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