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 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

monkeychow wrote:

To be fair though...if he really lost his front teeth...the dental bill to fix that could cost offering him a signed microphone isn't going to help the guy get a date next weeknd...dude needs some teeth y'know?

 Rep: 33 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

Scabbie wrote:

Would be classic if CD2 was hidden inside the microphone!

 Rep: 67 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

Tommie wrote:

That sucks.  Every concert I've been to, the band almost always throws stuff like that into the crowd.  Guitar picks, drum sticks, mics, etc.  Sucks that luck of the draw, he got caught in the mouth.  As Money said though, that stuff can be expensive.  Not sure he's doing it to be a dick move, but I really don't know how else you'd get in touch with the band about'd call, they'd say GFY thinking he was trying to run a scam.

 Rep: 23 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

Bro-mero wrote:

Personally, I feel for the guy

Sure, there are douchebags who would try to find blame in anyone other than themselves, but for all we know as of now, this guy didn't see the mic, got whacked, and now has a $5000 bill to pay. I think Team Brazil or whoever offered the autographed mic had good intentions of keeping this incident on the down-low, but in the end, I think the dude has a fair case.

But damn, to have the mic get thrown right at you...I've dreamed of catching Axl's mic, way better than catching any home run ball IMO. I guess it's really a person to person thing though. Meeting Axl for even 5 minutes would be the highlight of my 16 year life, while my best friend couldn't care less to see the guy. Different perspectives I guess...

 Rep: 221 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

polluxlm wrote:

Didn't Duff once throw his bass into the crowd? In Prague or something.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

faldor wrote:

Sounds ridiculous to me.  It'd be one thing if Axl threw the mic directly at him on purpose and knocked out his teeth.  Then, the guy would have a case.  But that doesn't seem to be the case here.  Will an autographed mic cover the dental bills?  Probably not.  But I'm sure this guy will probably looking for money to cover psychological damages, neck pain, etc.  When you go to a baseball game and try to catch a foul ball and it conks you in the head, do you sue the batter who hit the ball?

Ridiculous.  People are money hungry though, so I'm not surprised in the least.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

monkeychow wrote:

It depends on what he asks for.

IMO he's entitled to the exact price of the repairs to his teeth, and maybe something small as a gesture of goodwill for his trouble, like say the signed microphone.

If on the other hand he asks for several million to pay for the shock and the trauma and so on then that's bullshit.

But on a simple level I can see that if he looses his teeth at a show through something he had no part in doing then he deserves to have his teeth repaired by the people that caused it to happen.

I saw a show with Zakk once where at the end of the set he punched his guitar and launched it into the mosh pit. Not sure if it was anger or just a respect gesture. Anyway dude threw it a disturbingly long distance...must be a strong mother cos those les pauls are heavy...anyway.....I remember thinking then that I wouldn't want to be the guy under where it lands copping a guitar to the face from a height.

On one hand - there's an element of assumption of risk when you go to a show - on the other hand - you should be able to watch a show without getting your face smashed in because of something the performer does.

So I don't think he should sue for millions, but at the same time it's not unreasonable for the promoter to fix his teeth if it full on hit him in the face without his involvement. Offering him some signed merch doesn't fix the gap smile he'll have forever was kind of a low ball offer.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

metallex78 wrote:

Sounds suss to me. Sam was there and said that Axl gently threw it to the front of the crowd. This guy is making out like it was missile speed trajectoried at him.

He probably got in a fight and is making up shit about the mic hitting him

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

Smoking Guns wrote:

If true, Axl should pay. It is why you have an umbrella policy or at least liability insurance. He should not throw any mics. A pic is harmless. As handing out drum sticks.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

metallex78 wrote:

Sounds suss to me. Sam was there and said that Axl gently threw it to the front of the crowd. This guy is making out like it was missile speed trajectoried at him.

He probably got in a fight and is making up shit about the mic hitting him

This happened in Perth. But I noticed in Sydney he did a gentle underarm throw to people near the front. When I got home I read the article about the Perth guy suing Axl, and guessed maybe he heard about the Perth law suit and decide to gently throw it into the audience for the Sydney show.

Are you going to both Melbourne gigs Al?

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