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 Rep: 118 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

mickronson wrote:

I agree with most of what Buzz said.  Too much overcompensation with effects and long winded intros.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
deadsouth wrote:

So I should feel the need to start a thread every time I re think something?

Well, I could have put it in the "positive CD thread" that lasted for a couple days if that would have made you happier.

Shit - people think I look for reasons to complain?  People complain when I say something bad, they complain when I say something good, and the complain when I don't say something the way they felt it should have been said.  I can't win no matter what I do.

Hey now, that Positive CD Thread lasted a couple weeks! lol

But yeah, I honestly appreciate the fact that you put this up here. There's some positive stuff in there but overall I like the fact that folks like you who are constantly accused of wanting the band to fail actually go back and give it another listen.

I stand corrected!

I want to like the album.  I do.  I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I was.  I kept it on the mp3 player for future listens.  I do want to see them live though...I think they could do well with some of these live since they can't have quite as many layers as they do on the album.  Add DJ in place of Ficnk and I have to think I'd at least like some of it.  It's still their efforts on the old songs that make me nervous.

 Rep: 43 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

gnfnraxl wrote:
deadsouth wrote:
russtcb wrote:
deadsouth wrote:

Im sorry, is anyone supposed to care?

About each others opinions on GNR and their music? I think that's the idea behind these forums. So I would go ahead and answer you're question with a yes.

So I should feel the need to start a thread every time I re think something?

I would have not said nothing, but his review it totally of whack. 17

Here's a tip for you.  Don't like Buzz's opinion or opinions.  Don't read it and avoid this thread ok.  In the meantime let us have good discussions regarding CD.  I will give it a listen too later this week and post what I thought since I haven't listened in a while.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

faldor wrote:

I agree that this album is a grower too.  Maybe you'll never grow to truly love or ever REALLY like the album Buzz, but as you said you like it more than you used to, or hate it less, whichever way you choose.  It grows on people differently.  I didn't love all the songs initially either.  It didn't take too long for me to love the whole thing, but it wasn't instant.  Oddly one of the songs I liked right off the bat is a song that is thought of by many to be one of the worst in the GNR catalog, "Scraped".  Loved that song right from the beginning.  I was singing it to myself all next day after I heard it for the first time.  Also liked "Street of Dreams" initially after hearing the live boots 8 years ago.  And "I.R.S." was a pretty quick grower.  Songs that took me awhile, "This I Love", "Riad N' The Bedoiuns", "Prostitute".  Shackler's and If the World took a few listens but were the 2 songs when I first listened to I thought, "what the hell is this?"  It wasn't what I expected of GNR.

I can understand people disagreeing with Buzz, I do quite often.  But you can't fault him for giving his honest opinion.  He's actually giving the album a fair chance.  He could've chosen to never listen to it again, as I have done with some albums I bought in the past.  That gosh darn Smashing Pumpkins "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness".  What a load of crap that was!  Why did I ever buy that?  I experienced infinite sadness everytime I listened to it.

 Rep: 40 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

-Jack- wrote:

Am I the only one who really didn't like the album and doesn't listen to it at all anymore? I've completely forgotten about CD hmm. Next album please tongue

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

I don't listen to it anymore. But that happens with any album. ChiDem remains unremarkable but those 06 leaks are among my highest played songs of all time. I played the hell out of the leaks, and then the album was a let down because it was actually worse in quality.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

Axlin16 wrote:

It's a solid album, and some tracks are growers like If The World, which I think takes some time to absorb. Same with Sorry. I think it's a love/hate thing with that song, and it takes a little while.

But Scraped, Riad & I.R.S. continue to suck through repeated listens.

The rest of the album rules for the most part. CD's intro gives the song a big more of a heavier feel, especially the drums. TWAT, Catcher, Maddy & Prostitute are all great songs imo. Shackler's is vastly underrated, and the best rocker on the album.

I agree on the issues with the other tracks. Better is not "better" to me today, than in 2006. I think the new-ness has worn off or something. It's a good song, even it's studio-form, but I guess i've moved on from it. SOD needs to be more guitar-driven, and probably shouldn't have had any pianos in it at all. That song could been given Sweet Child-type balls, and instead it's another piano ballad in a sea of them. The 2002 live version was superior. This I Love is the reverse. It needs no guitar, and that big orchestra, an it'd be PERFECT.

 Rep: 476 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

misterID wrote:

That version of This I Love with no guitar was pretty boring. Not having the solo sucked the life out of it.

I really wish Axl would have got a good producer, or at least kept the ones he had, to give it a less cluttered feeling. If it was just "the band"playing this would be a classic album. There's just way too much going on.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 1st listen to CD in awhile...

Axlin16 wrote:

Whatever man. That orchestra was huge in there, especially turned up.

If anything the guitar sucked the life out of it, and turned that entire section of the song into a mediocre clusterfuck. BRILLIANT idea.

The only way a guitar works in that song, is if Saul Hudson is the one on the axe.

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