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 Rep: 386 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

Bono wrote:
faldor wrote:

I'll say one thing, I think whoever runs DJ's website should take over GNR's.  He's already got a section devoted to GNR on there.  Tour dates TBA. 

He's listed as an official member of the band now, but Brain isn't on there.  Isn't he supposedly back?  Why not list him?

That's cool. At least the guy is enthusiastic.  Hopefully he's given reason to remain that way.

 Rep: 341 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

bigbri wrote:

He's more rock than Robin but less inventive and proficient than Bucket or Bumble, but I couldn't care less. Indifferent. I ain't seeing them live anytime soon.

 Rep: 768 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah, me either. I have no interest in seeing the ELEVENTH version of GN'R.

 Rep: 281 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

faldor wrote:
Bono wrote:
faldor wrote:

I'll say one thing, I think whoever runs DJ's website should take over GNR's.  He's already got a section devoted to GNR on there.  Tour dates TBA. 

He's listed as an official member of the band now, but Brain isn't on there.  Isn't he supposedly back?  Why not list him?

That's cool. At least the guy is enthusiastic.  Hopefully he's given reason to remain that way.

Yeah I hear ya.  The turnover for the job as GNR guitarist is pretty high.  Not the most stable position.  So hopefully this works out for the best.  I saw DJ posted on the message board on his website about getting the gig.  Seems pretty fan friendly and ineractive.

 Rep: 30 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

Acquiesce wrote:

Indifferent. It's a revolving door so I don't bother investing in any of the musicians in the band.  I couldn't care less who they choose and have 0 interest in a tour. Nothing personal against DJ. I wish him the best.

 Rep: 43 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

gnfnraxl wrote:

Don't know him and I'll wait to hear his contributions on GNR's music on disc when Axl puts out another album in 2023.

 Rep: 108 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

war wrote:

if the guy couldn't play i would feel different.

timing is everything.

since axl hired his seriously talented management team we've gotten better communication, cd, and a tour appears to be around the corner.

things actually look pretty good for dj and gnr and if axl's intentions are ever to maintain a cohesive lineup, right now may be his last chance.

 Rep: 5 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

PGER83 wrote:

The first BC album has me thinking he will fit well with Ron and Richard.
I couldn't care less about sixx am or the crue album.
But I see how he could work well with this band.

I just hope Axl doesnt have him add bits and pieces to the next album.
As much as I love what Ron did in the rhythms and his leads I feel that having three lead players did take something away from the continuity of CD.

Its clear Axl wants all involved to be represented on what the band puts out but as admirable as that is, four leads may just kill the next one.

Maybe thats just me?

 Rep: 108 

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

war wrote:

the second album is not done though, according to axl
any worthy contributions from dj would be welcomed by me

Re: DJ Ashba First Impressions

AtariLegend wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

I'd rather have this guy in GN'R than no GN'R at all.

I can't say that I'm thrilled, though.

What he said...

Them going on tour this year and soon is the most important thing.

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