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 Rep: 633 

Re: It's been a year today

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: It's been a year today

Neemo wrote:

happy bday CD

 Rep: 43 

Re: It's been a year today

gnfnraxl wrote:

Where's the cake?

Re: It's been a year today

johndivney wrote:

happy birthday, little buddy. it was a long time for everyone, & though some heap scorn upon you (& some heap scones) i still love u 'cause you've given me a lot. a lot of fun.
i reckon u'r a classic, & a[n other guns'] landmark hard rock album. 'cause of ur tunes, not 'cause of ur myth.
i reckon u'r special..

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: It's been a year today

Cool, maybe I'll play a track or two of it to celebrate later.

 Rep: 15 

Re: It's been a year today

I was hoping someone would post this. I had to cheat a bit to remember the exact date. I had to look at my sales receipt from Best Buy. (Yes, I still have the receipt)

Its funny how long it took to get to this point, and here it is a whole year AFTER the fact. I still remember the day well. I remember the whole weekend. The songs going up on Myspace, the radio playing the album in its entirety. I drove around like a loon just to hear the songs on the radio. I remember when the day finally got here, I could barely sleep. I sat in the parking lot at Best Buy waiting for them to open. I couldn't wait to finally have my hands on Chinese Democracy. I cracked it open right in the parking lot and shoved it into my CD player, and it didn't come out for the rest of the week.

I may be in the minority here as far as the excitement goes. But damnit it felt good to be a Guns N Roses fan again. And a year later? It still feels just as good.

Happy Birthday CD!!

 Rep: 43 

Re: It's been a year today

gnfnraxl wrote:

Is it normal that I did not remember the date it was released?  And is it normal that quite frankly it doesn't change anything that it's been one year today?  Should I care?  And I'm not being mean here.  Somehow if Russ hadn't remembered I sure wouldn't have.

 Rep: 633 

Re: It's been a year today

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: It's been a year today

faldor wrote:
christina_rose wrote:

I was hoping someone would post this. I had to cheat a bit to remember the exact date. I had to look at my sales receipt from Best Buy. (Yes, I still have the receipt)

Its funny how long it took to get to this point, and here it is a whole year AFTER the fact. I still remember the day well. I remember the whole weekend. The songs going up on Myspace, the radio playing the album in its entirety. I drove around like a loon just to hear the songs on the radio. I remember when the day finally got here, I could barely sleep. I sat in the parking lot at Best Buy waiting for them to open. I couldn't wait to finally have my hands on Chinese Democracy. I cracked it open right in the parking lot and shoved it into my CD player, and it didn't come out for the rest of the week.

I may be in the minority here as far as the excitement goes. But damnit it felt good to be a Guns N Roses fan again. And a year later? It still feels just as good.

Happy Birthday CD!!

Right on!  Those were some exciting times leading up to the release last year.  Finally, after such a long wait, we finally got the finished product.  It was surreal walking into Best Buy that morning and seeing it on display and being able to purchase it.  Something I won't forget anytime soon.  I know it sounds crazy, and it is.  It's crazy that my interest in this thing was held for so long.  I still listen to the album regularly and it hasn't lost any of its luster for me.  Hopefully the NEXT 365 days bring us some great memories on the touring front.

 Rep: 661 

Re: It's been a year today

monkeychow wrote:

I remember this for the wrong reasons...Sigh......the day Chinese came out here in Oz,  my girlfriend, knowing how i'd waiting for the album for years,  was determined that the best way to experience the album was for me to fuck her while listening to she drove around especially...I had thought about telling her that actually i'd listened to the album in the car on the way back from the store before I called her, and that I had the leaks anyway so most of it wasn't new....but a second listen while fucking didn't seem like such a bad idea wink

So here we are a year on....Chinese Democracy is still one of my favourite albums, I still love listening to it, and that bitch left me a week before christmas.....memories... wink

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