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 Rep: 633 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 205 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

PaSnow wrote:

Wow, I think I'll be getting one of them. Probably the "Legacy" edition since I don't have vinyl & am not that big a PJ fan to spend what the Super Deluxe version costs. Although, that cassette tape is a cool idea, I remember reading about that incident in RS back when they first made it big.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

Neemo wrote:

nice...i may look into this as well i love that album

btw does anyone havethe 2 disk GH by pearljam? that is a good album...all the "ten" cuts are alterate takes ... not the album versions it was a nice surprise

 Rep: 205 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

PaSnow wrote:

^^ Are any of the alternates very much different than the originals??

 Rep: 485 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

Neemo wrote:

well alive for instance is the the video version not the album version...there are subtle differences, depends how well you know the orig album i suppose

 Rep: 88 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

Gunslinger wrote:

May be worth a look, easily one of the best albums of the 90's and far better than 99.9% albums released anytime after 1995 (the REAL year music died).

 Rep: 205 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

PaSnow wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

1995 (the REAL year music died).

In general, I agree with that statement. There's some exceptions here & there, but yeah, that's about it. For me at least.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 194 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

metallex78 wrote:

The addition of the MTV Unplugged DVD alone makes that a worthy purchase.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Pearl Jam's Ten Reissued

Axlin16 wrote:

This is cool... Ten is their only good album.

Yeah, I went there.

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