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 Rep: 768 

Re: What did you expect?

Axlin16 wrote:

Really? I always was under the impression that Gene & Paul were pretty good with their fans.

 Rep: 2 

Re: What did you expect?

pupmpkin wrote:

Oh my god no!  Gene talks out of his ass about projects that are coming out and keep you eye open for them...and then don't see the light of day!  He promised years ago for a boxset of just his material and all of it would be unreleased!  As of this day, nothing.  You know the KISSOLOGY series?  How do you think they got most of the footage for that?  Thats right.  The stole it back from us!  Most of the bootlegs in circulation are better than what is on the KISSOLOGY DVD's?  They even had the balls to claim the owned the footage and its from their "vaults".  BULLSHIT!  The scared the hell out of anyone they could that if they did not come off the footage they would sue them.  Then look at the backstage packages that they sell for shows.  $1000 bucks a ticket for a autograph and a picture?  Most fans really can't afford that, but they don't care.  When they toured with Aerosmith, Aerosmith was only charging $400 for the exact same package!  I could go on and on they lie me too and yes I feel that they don't owe me anything either.

 Rep: 287 

Re: What did you expect?

Aussie wrote:

Prior to CD being released I believe the fans were owed something.  Why? - Because Axl continually sold it to fans that he was working on an album called Chinese Democracy that he was going to deliver it.  People stuck by him and defended him and the GN'R name during this time  He gave snippets of info about when it might be released, and I don't just meant the tentative release date, there were also other quotes like "it's time to wrap this baby up, it feels right" etc etc.  He toured under said album name a number of times, sold merch etc etc.

So yeah I think the fans were right to expect to be given an album at the end of the day.  If we never got it that's fine too - but basically it would mean the fans were told BS and fed a bunch of lies for years on end and Axl's integrity would be zero.

Now the album is out - I don't believe we are owed anything.  Nothing more has been promised.  He can continue to play nude twister in Malibu with Beta for the rest of his life.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What did you expect?

Neemo wrote:

i'm a bit surprised that axl hasnt spoken yet...but not totally shocked, sales are more than i expected, and the album is better than i expected

i do expect a real support tour at some point

 Rep: 88 

Re: What did you expect?

Gunslinger wrote:

I'm mostly surprised at the lack of promotion.  I thought there may be another song or two (like The General/Something Always) on the album but for the most part it is about what I expected.  James made some good points.  Using common sense you already had the writing on the wall.  However (and I think I'm in the minority) I do think the sales may surprise some people.  I still see it at better than 3 million by next year's end.  It's better than Contraband and even without promotion it will catch on I believe.  I'd just LOVE to see a couple videos and a couple singles to boost it.  Odd the silence.

 Rep: 281 

Re: What did you expect?

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

The only reason CD has done what it's done is because of the brand name itself.

Considering the fact the music itself hasn't spoken, and neither has Axl, Axl should donate his portion of profit to Slash, Izzy, Duff & Steven for building the name - GUNS N' ROSES - into what it is.

'Cause that's the only thing that is selling this album right now. The name.

I'm not so sure I agree with that.  Unless people are blindly buying Guns N' Roses CD's without knowing Slash isn't in the band anymore.  My friends are well aware that GNR is just Axl (in their minds at least) and they didn't buy CD.  They're fans of the old band and have seen the new lineup twice (to see the old songs get played), but the GNR brand name wasn't enough for them to be among the 261K.  I'd say a very small minority of people bought Chinese Democracy last week JUST because the disc said Guns N' Roses on it.  I think we've gone over in major detail about the lack of promo.  How in the heck would they have even known it was out to go buy it?

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: What did you expect?

Well, a poster on the Velvet Rope has a solution for the label and fans, which would address expectations--kind of an extension of Radiohead's "Build a Rainbow" idea:

Everything that is wrong with the record can be found in the track, "Scraped".

It should be the standout old school GnR track.
At it's core there's a muscular rock groove.
The problem is that the balls of it has been neutered by the layering of vocals and extra guitars.
There's way too much crap in the mix, which dilutes all the power and that's really the problem with this whole album.

Again I think that musically it's damn good, but it's overloaded with too much extra shit.
Axl didn't need a producer. He's a fine producer.
What he needs is someone he can hand the music off too and say, "Mix this so it fucking rocks" and then gets out of the way until the editing and mixing is done.

Open note to the execs at his company...

Repackage "Chinese Democracy" in "track packs" for Itunes, download, BB, etc...where buyers can get each song's individual tracks/stems (up to say 48?) so that they can re-mix it themselves and create the GnR album THEY want to hear.

 Rep: 281 

Re: What did you expect?

faldor wrote:

You mean I have to mix my own CD?  That's like Kramer's idea of making your own pizza pie in Seinfeld.  I'll leave that work up to the professionals.  It sounds fine to me.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: What did you expect?

faldor wrote:

You mean I have to mix my own CD?  That's like Kramer's idea of making your own pizza pie in Seinfeld.  I'll leave that work up to the professionals.  It sounds fine to me.

It's a pretty big thing--check out what Radiohead is doing: … /200811182

 Rep: 221 

Re: What did you expect?

polluxlm wrote:

I expected something to happen. Some sort of end to this train we've been riding.

Instead the album dropped like a downtrodden note of a crack house murder. Like watching old tour dates on gnronline. Yeah, I see them, but nothing's happening. Fans weren't just looking for a new album, they were looking for a comeback. Interviews, appearances, commercials, stories, a tour. No, I'm not expecting Madonna style blitz promotion, but I do expect what was done in 02 and 06 and then some, being that it's supposed to be the event.

GN'R has the appearance of a secret government operation. The boss is in hiding, nobody's talking and if they do it's "I don't know if I should say that, no comment". Are you still in the band? "I don't know". Elusive rumors about reunions, botched deals, lead guitarists and the album still being worked on.

The album may be out but nothing has changed. Just a larger version of Oh My God. We all know what's going to happen if that turns out to be the case. Axl is going to come out. He's gonna bitch, he's gonna blame people, fire somebody. Promises will be made for the real album. The GN'R camp will build the hype as usual and we have another lead guitarist, botched tour and album wait. Or maybe he goes into hiding for 10 years before we see a half assed reunion. Maybe he'll fire the band and start recording gas station albums with Dizzy and Pitman under the name "Hookers, Repairmen and Dolphins".

Point is we don't know shit, and I think many expected some of the secrecy to end. Expected things to be done properly, not all this ever ending bullshit. The album is great and the band seems to be disowning it.

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