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 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Bono wrote:
DCK wrote:

Axl's silence is speaking volumes right now. We just don't know how to translate it.

Spot on mate. The whole thing makes our minds overload because we can't find any good reasons for it. We thought: "Album out, boooom" and he didn't even show up!

And I can't find any good explenation.

yeah it's like Vick in NoCal calling his shot a  week before the smackoff and then pulling a  no show the day of the big event.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

-D- wrote:

Axl like i said a few days ago seems to really be boycotting his own album.

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Sky Dog wrote:

Anybody got a source for those alleged final numbers of 254,000? Final numbers are suppose to come on 12-3 and the Billboard 200 chart is not released until Thurs 12-4.

ps I initially thought Sorry would be a good radio song as well. After this week, I don't know what to think is good, bad, radio worthy etc...:nervous:

 Rep: 231 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

-D- wrote:

Sorry guys. Venting here cause I can't at another forum!

The CD is amazing though, but the sales have been flabbergasted

 Rep: 20 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

harmon420 wrote:

I wouldn't go that far as to say Contraband killed CD since it only pushed 2k more units in it's first week, four years ago. It's scary how close the numbers are. Makes me wonder what a illusions era line up could pull off.

The sales are pretty much what I expected. Nickelback only pushed 325,000 units in their first week. 250k is hardly a flop. Oh and since I'm spewing out random numbers, Hinder sold 91k in their first week. 16.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

war wrote:

hmm i wonder what forum that is

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Sky Dog wrote:

Hey, the ship has now sailed for me. I got the album and now have no expectations for anything in the future. Whatever happens, happens...

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Bono wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I feel that CITR and Prostitute is the most mainstream friendly songs they have.  They aren't too involved with alot of stuff going on and are very catchy if you are thinking in a mainstream point of view.

I would disagree DTJ. I think Sorry is likely the most mainstreme song they have and it just happens to be their best in my opinion.  Sorry sounds like Modern rock radio. Nothing else on the album does.

I think Sorry is an awesome song, I just think that if you really want total for lack of a better word, bubble gummish songs for mainstream release to get the attention of all types of ages, I think these songs are the ones.   Not that they are bubble gum or sell out by any means, I just think they are the least complicated songs lets say.

I agree with War, I can see all 3 of these on the radio.

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Sky Dog wrote:
harmon420 wrote:

I wouldn't go that far as to say Contraband killed CD since it only pushed 2k more units in it's first week, four years ago. It's scary how close the numbers are. Makes me wonder what a illusions era line up could pull off.

The sales are pretty much what I expected. Nickelback only pushed 325,000 units in their first week. 250k is hardly a flop. Oh and since I'm spewing out random numbers, Hinder sold 91k in their first week. 16.

while you are spewing out numbers, where is the source for the 254,000 figure.....

 Rep: 205 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

PaSnow wrote:
Bono wrote:

or Beautiful by James Blunt 16  Songs that are as slow or slower that get played all the time?

That's very "metro" of you to point that out. 16

j/k 22

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