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 Rep: 20 

Re: How many stayed strong?

Brett wrote:

I've heard only Better and Chinese Democracy off the real album.

I mean come on guys, this is a GNR forum, have a little patience! (as if that needed italicizing)

I said to myself way back when, if it actually comes out, I won't download any songs. It was one thing when you didn't think it was going to come out, but with a release date officially named, I was done with the leaks.

 Rep: 14 

Re: How many stayed strong?

ereeper wrote:

I'm very proud of myself.  At this point, I haven't even listened to Better except I noticed my widget plays it now.  That was tempting, but I think I'm going to do an itunes download at midnight.

 Rep: 661 

Re: How many stayed strong?

monkeychow wrote:

staying's messing me up...but i'm doing it!

 Rep: 281 

Re: How many stayed strong?

faldor wrote:

I've listened to the 2 singles and to Shackler's on that Radio 1 broadcast.  That's all till, Sunday.  I've been tempted to listen to the 30 second clips of each song, but I've resisted.  So far.

 Rep: 227 

Re: How many stayed strong?

Will wrote:

I caved sad I downloaded Scraped last week and This I Love a few days ago. Grabbed the whole album this morning but could only stomache 60 seconds of Catcher before turning it off.

I liked This I Love.

 Rep: 633 

Re: How many stayed strong?

RussTCB wrote:


Thorazine Shuffle
 Rep: 3 

Re: How many stayed strong?

I've stayed strong as well, but I admit it is tempting.

The only thing I heard were the little snippets that sweedish website had.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: How many stayed strong?

NY Giants82 wrote:

Only thing I have heard is the two singles. I refuse to hear any more. Nov 23 is just going to be a special day. I have waited way too long to spoil it before.

 Rep: 13 

Re: How many stayed strong?

strat0 wrote:

I haven't stayed strong. Didn't know the whole thing was out there...Might have to grab it...

 Rep: 14 

Re: How many stayed strong?

alexh0618 wrote:

I've heard the two singles, those 30sec clips, and I listened to The Blues (I will always call it that) and This I Love only one time each.

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