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 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

In my mind, that's what the band is though. With the revolving door lineup, it was almost inevitable that different people would be touring, and seemingly important figures would come and go.  New GnR is Axl, and whoever he wants around him at the time.

Exactly. But Axl is playing both ends of the table. He says it's a band, he says everyone is in it and has been giving their part. On the other hand, people come and go and quit and re-join.

They have to decide, is this a band or is this simply a family of players revolving around the singer?

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

family of players revolving around the singer....always will be from here on out. Axl isn't giving up control....reunion or no reunion.

 Rep: 11 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Roxxie wrote:
DCK wrote:

They have to decide, is this a band or is this simply a family of players revolving around the singer?

I get the impression Axl thinks its a band. With himself in control.

One thing that bothers me is about Freese.  He seems to get no credit apart from CD, so is Brain playing exactly what he played on the other tracks? Cos surely that would be some form of contribution.

 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

I think that his approach was right and that he wanted it to be a band, but the people quitting made him stuck on that idea while the world around him changed it to being something else.

 Rep: 17 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Locomotive98 wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

Yep, but a wonderful hybrid is on the horizon.:rock:

Know anything we don't?  And if so please share with us.

Don't know a thing. 21

So whats all this then? Speculation on your part? Hope? Teasing?

Do you know anything we dont? This 'band' do a good enough job of making fans play the guessing game!!

I'd love for Slash to be coming back - although I cant see him wanting to be joint lead with someone else a la Zakk Wylde. I'm sure he wouldnt come back without Duff either. Those guys wouldnt want to come back as employees either. I just cant see it happening.

Oh well, at least Robin has gone so its not all bad. He'll never botch Patience again.

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

pure bullshit.....

 Rep: 17 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Locomotive98 wrote:
madagas wrote:

pure bullshit.....

Thought as much!

 Rep: 268 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Olorin wrote:

I wonder who will be next to jump ship. The smart money is on Tommy.

 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

Tommy I would say...

This Finck thing is a fucking disaster.

Doesnt matter if you like him or not.

Imagine Slash quiting before AFD and not coming back and then think about if GNR would have gotten off the launching pad or not. Without their most influencal guitarist and image on stage.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Aussie wrote:

IF this happens and these guys intend to write new music - they REALLY need Izzy in there for his songwriting abilities.

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