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 Rep: 212 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

BLS-Pride wrote:

Haha maybe some but not me. Don't agree with Obama's views and ideas but not enough to think he is an actual Antichrist sent to send us all to burn in hell.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

polluxlm wrote:


The Antichrist! I wouldn't go that far. 16

It does contain some interesting symbolism though. The earthly colors, three stars (holy trinity, Empire of the city (DC, CoL, Vatican)) and the rising sun.

The sun being especially important. It has since the dawn of man represented the light of God. The sun of God. That and general astronomy are the basis for most of the modern religions on earth today. It's no coincidence we celebrate Christmas right after the winter solstice. The beginning of summer, the rebirth of the son. 

It means "the dawn of a new day". Darkness becomes light. Instinctively it carries a powerful connotation for the human subconscious. The Swastika is a sun symbol, as are the Teutonic and Christian crosses. These things aren't picked by chance as they spearhead rising empires.

Discussions about fascism, government oppression etc. tend to end up in definition fights. It's not what's being done that's the problem, it's the act of linking it to an undesirable ideology. As if those have ever been something you could make a definite statement on.

Socialism, to take an example, isn't really anything. It's just a word that means different things to different people. Even if there was some general idea it wouldn't be the same today as it was 20 years ago. Meaning you need to take off the 1940s fascism goggles. It's a new world with new refinements.

No, the President will not make himself dictator. Already tried that one. Instead they will lead you step by step. NAFTA becomes the SPP, the Constitution becomes the Patriot Act, a billion dollar bailout becomes a trillion and what once would label you a rabies crazed communist is now winning elections. What once was "the american dream" quickly becomes "thank god for the government". In the end the people are consumed, it's so much easier to take that small step forward than the long way back. Until one day your life is but a representation of government will in the name of economic efficiency for the good of the 'citizenry'.

And nobody would even notice. Just like the germans and countless people before them. Just like nobody noticed that most of Hitler laws were never rebuked, and that americans today are offered less protection than they did.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

Axlin16 wrote:

Of course all of this is bullcrap.

But I hate to say this...

But like Chinese Democracy - there's no way Obama is going to live up to his hype.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

Von wrote:

In November 2008 we got a new president, a new James Bond movie, and a new Guns N' Roses album. You can't beat that. That's a trifecta right there.

 Rep: 9 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

Seven wrote:

I cannot believe that people have not actually read the only bill he ever wrote and Biden supports. It calls for all U.S Citizens to pay a Tax to the UN (possibly the most ineffectual organization in the world) in addition to all the other tax INCRESES he will implement. Only Americans are to pay this tax...

It also calls for the disarming of Americans with Guns. One can only hope his flip flop to agree with the lifting of the ban on hand guns in the capital by the Supreme Court was sincere. This is all a form of control... Mandatory service come on how 1984 can you get? Do they even require that be read anymore in school? Forcing you to jump through hoops is cattle control. (see Who Framed Roger Rabbit and know it has been on the minds of people in the media a long time, control the movement of the people control the people). Why actors are talking on the late night shows but know musicians doesn't that strike you as strange? I lived in La when it went from hundreds of small labels to three arms on the octopus see:
This is scary mind control.

Since 1864 the Federal Reserve has interfered in our Banks. This did not start in our life time but it is likely to end with private banks (appointment only) for the rich and Centralized banks for the rest of us with Obama as President. The stock Markets react six months in advance to what they expect and Lawyers and Accountants across the country are sending money out of this country at a break neck pace. The bailouts are crap, See the thought of men who actually helped craft our economy below:

Legislation in California was already pending prior to his election to be able to heavily tax anyone whose money left the state in anticipation of his election. (Time to get your passports)    People have not stopped donating to their 401k's yet but with calls to remove this tax benefit (Capital gains and worse calls for a welfare state of equality) this is likely to eventually produce a grinding halt to our Stock market.  It also is terrible news for Americans because Corporate America currently matches this but you know they want out of Pensions and any type of obligation to workers. Democrats traditionally were advocates for the American Workers. Obama is way too deep in the pockets of the Corporate world to be this man. His agenda is to reform America into socialism and put for a kinder gentler face of America which is either, incredibly naive or constructed to hasten our destruction (only time will tell). While Kennedy was a brilliant man he is merely a narcissist (attorney, Since when do we trust Lawyers by the way, and where were the late night jabs at this) hoping that this previous plan to eradicate world poverty through a Utopian vision for America will work (see Doctor Zhivago) .

He will audit McCain's contributions but he will not be audited despite massive irregularities precisely because he raised so much money. He is a shroud man and obviously this kind of ghost in the machine (hard to find any of his actual writings it has all disappeared) does not happen by accident.

Obama's  ideologues without question favor a Marxist view. To deny this is just ignorance he without question should have run on a Socialist not Democratic platform but the media prefers their lambs divided and the country off balance (that's the main thing that interest me). Both Parties are at this point so far from their roots it should without doubt be called the Change party, because we are unlikely to have any left.

I spent three years working for the largest bank in America aligning their Metrics in Litigation. Without question the lending issues began under Clinton, and were never reformed when either the Democratic and Republican Congress were in session. McCain did call for more regulations but the reporting of this would have interfered with the coronation of who the Media wanted to be president.  The reason you don't see it till now is Cesspool syndrome, it takes a while for the shit to get to the top.

The media in this country is here to sell cars, whatever makes you tune in . Again see 1984 for some basic idea of what mind control looks like. Then throw out your TV. Obama’s campaign brilliantly utilized cutting edge research on Cognitive processing which points out the fatal flaw in how humans form beliefs. We only learn two ways. This book not only predicts why radical Islam will continue to grow; indirectly it also provides a clear map for mind control. The media orchestrated a segment of the population (the poor and the young) with this information.  Why the riff runs so deep has nothing to do with money, it has do to do with the people that elected this man have no idea what he plans to do and still call him the greatest. Huh? Like Stalin like Hitler, he has done nothing but still managed to pen an autobiography, the media will not say one bad word about him. He is held to a different standard because he is perceived as a black man, he is no more black than white. … 0521016290

Racism will in all likely hood at least initially grow worse as the media has put into play forces they cannot possibly understand. At least reverse racism.  None of this is news to my Generation X. We unfotunatlwey will never have a popular voice with any real power as we are too small in numbers.

The truth in Media is a joke. The evening news is not the truth it is here to sell you something. They are good t it, they just sold you a president. It is great he is such a salesman (see the tipping point) but that hardly prepares him to be the elected leader of the free world. There might not be much free world left if he is not educable, because he is incredibly naïve as were the people who elected him. H e is young, let’s hope he is smart, because like it or not he is the president. Great another President I will never listen to a word he says? Joy.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

bigbri wrote:

Same shit was said when Clinton was elected. The entitlement mentality of those right of center always comes out when a Democrat is elected. Suck it up. In four years you'll get a chance to "right" the ship.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

polluxlm wrote:

This isn't a right/left thing. The ship will continue on the same course as it did under Bush.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

Axlin16 wrote:

Oh yeah, and just to let everyone, it'll be at least two years, if not longer before we're out of Iraq.

Change 2008!

 Rep: 221 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

polluxlm wrote:

There will be change alright.


Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Obama calls for mandatory youth service.

I just have to laugh at all you guys. Let me know when the world ends. And I'm not buying 'it already has, you just dont know it yet' because that's horseshit.

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