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 Rep: 13 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

strat0 wrote:

Awesome song and i somewhat agree, even though i still love CD. Just off topic a second in wet sand is that guitar that plays a scale towards the end or is that a piano?

 Rep: 11 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

"Slash/Brian May/any bluesy "feel" guitarist could have easily made most of these solos fit the songs much better..."

I disagree completely.  There are plenty of strong "feel" solos.  Robin's solos in The Blues and Better are perfect for both songs IMO.  Buckethead's outros on TWAT and The Blues are perfect for the songs.  And so on.     

Every shred solo on the album fits with the song.  Bucket's solo in Better is a fitting segue into the "metal" section.  His solos on CD and IRS are completely appropriate for the songs.  A bluesy solo on Shackler's would just sound stupid in the context of the song.  Even in Prostitute it fits.  It wouldn't fit a song like The Blues or TWAT if Bucket or Ron came in shredding away, but they don't do that. 

As far as what I mean by more "interesting," Bucket's solo on CD for example, is short and sweet, much more interesting than what Slash would've played in the same spot.  I'm not saying that his stuff on CD is "groundbreaking," that doesn't mean it doesn't catch my ear and make me think "that's sweet"

 Rep: 1 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

jimb0 wrote:

Thanks D Machine. 

Any ways, it's not that I'm a Fortus "Nut Swinger" Far from it.  I just have the ability as a musician to recognize talent and hate when it's wasted.

My critique of Finck Remains.  He has good concepts, but does not have the "SIMPLE" technical skill to pull his own ideas off without sounding like a sixteen year old practicing bends. 

I Love Bumbles rhythm work, making it sound more sleazy and I love a lot of Buckets lead work.

Its just too far apart.

You'll have finck fill 8 measures with 8 bends, very sloppily, then you have bucket fill 8 measures with 10001 notes.  Its just way the fuck out of balance.

I would have rather heard bucket on this I love something like he did on twat, cuz finck FUCKS that song up for me.  His solo goes NO WHERE! That's why I said fucking without an orgasm.  That motherfucker needs to pick up a bass.

I ain't swinging on any nuts.  I'm stating a pretty broad consensus.

 Rep: 19 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

anyone who says fortus isnt good obviously never went to a show and heard his solo spot, it always got the most response from the crowd...bumble got the least because he is the worst guitarist gnr ever had for this type of style, which is why he plays dont cry, cos he knows himself his own playing is not appreciated....finck was applauded for his weird moves and energy, never his guitarplaying 22

listen to this fortus solo starting from 2:30 and tell me this guy is weak on guitar...if you do, you got sheet in your ears, got nothing to do with taste and stuff:

hes expressive, melodic, tight, clean, in pitch, technically advanced yet bluesy and spot on with his solos, every time. what he plays there is better than finck and bumble and it also rivals slashs best years in early 90s. only bucket is better.

no fangirls wanna hear it, but fortus is like a cleaner and more modern version of slash (yes i said it), but for some reason axl keeps him in the background.

so all go worship finck, bumble, slash, who the fok, but this guy is a notch above them, yet you will not hear it because he is not allowed to show it for some strange reason (see album, the average solos of finck and bumble....) 19

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

hmm,why do people always make a big deal about Fortus anyway?

 Rep: 768 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Axlin16 wrote:

Axl keeps him the background, because Fortus style of playing is not the kind of music he wants to make. Maybe with future new GN'R albums (GOD I HOPE) we'll see some Fortus influence, and we can judge.

But this is Paul Huge's album, when it comes to rhythm and actual writing. The upcoming album is proof he was the new Izzy, and had been since '94. Looking back, I don't think it's hard to believe that in some ways, it was always intended that Gilby was just someone to get them to finish the tour, before Axl could bring Paul in, much to the chagrin of the other band members.

Fortus is a good player. He's a very bluesy, Slash-esque player. But that's NOT the kind of music Axl wants to make. Otherwise, he'd just bent over backwards to make Slash happy, and keep him.

Axl wants industrial-tinged techno, Rob Zombie style rockers, with complex Dream Theater type ballads.

That's the kind of music he wants to make, and Fortus doesn't fit that mold, at least for the studio work.

The release of CD most likely proves that this album was finished in 2001, not that Paul Huge is still in the band. Huge will probably also have influence in future albums, but as more albums are released, the more they will probably get away from that initial material they worked, and slowly Huge's influence will fade away, and Fortus' will fade in.

But at the end of the day Axl wants La Sexorcisto meets Images and Words with a hint of Bucketheadland. Not Use Your Illusion III.

 Rep: 107 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Furbush wrote:
chicken_dinner wrote:

anyone who says fortus isnt good obviously never went to a show and heard his solo spot, it always got the most response from the crowd...bumble got the least because he is the worst guitarist gnr ever had for this type of style, which is why he plays dont cry, cos he knows himself his own playing is not appreciated....finck was applauded for his weird moves and energy, never his guitarplaying 22

listen to this fortus solo starting from 2:30 and tell me this guy is weak on guitar...if you do, you got sheet in your ears, got nothing to do with taste and stuff:

hes expressive, melodic, tight, clean, in pitch, technically advanced yet bluesy and spot on with his solos, every time. what he plays there is better than finck and bumble and it also rivals slashs best years in early 90s. only bucket is better.

no fangirls wanna hear it, but fortus is like a cleaner and more modern version of slash (yes i said it), but for some reason axl keeps him in the background.

so all go worship finck, bumble, slash, who the fok, but this guy is a notch above them, yet you will not hear it because he is not allowed to show it for some strange reason (see album, the average solos of finck and bumble....) 19

i think the newer material will let him shine alot more.
i agree about bumble.... he's a great guitarist... he just.. i dunno. he doesn't seem to fit
and whenever i see him, the first thing i think is "if satch or vai  dressed like ritchie sambora"...trenchcoat and a mullet. i realize bucket was a fucking weirdo(is)...but for some reason, he seemed to fit. Especially on the fiddle... bucket

 Rep: 217 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Mikkamakka wrote:

I think people tend to overestimate the complexity of Axl's music. In the last couple of days I saw a lot of Dream Theater mentions... OMG... this music's nowhere near to DT in terms of complexity. To tell the truth, I think that Locomotive. Coma, NR or even Rocket Queen etc. are more complex than the new songs.

 Rep: 485 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Neemo wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I think people tend to overestimate the complexity of Axl's music. In the last couple of days I saw a lot of Dream Theater mentions... OMG... this music's nowhere near to DT in terms of complexity. To tell the truth, I think that Locomotive. Coma, NR or even Rocket Queen etc. are more complex than the new songs.

i'd have to agree and lots more share your sentiments...not that its a bad thing or anything but its not rocket science thats for sure

 Rep: 221 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

polluxlm wrote:

I don't get the criticism. I used to have a problem with the lack of guitar myself, but that was before I heard what Bucket and Bumble have been contributing.

CD used to be just an average song, now I have no problem comparing it to some of the top tunes on Appetite. Killer intro, killer riffs and killer solos (especially the one at the very end) all around. And most importantly, they enhance the basic melody in a beautiful way. That can be said of almost any song on this album. There is no jerking off or uneccesary parts far as I can see, there just isn't. In fact the only thing I'll agree with is This I Love. It's on to something, but never quit gets there. Considering it's also perhaps Axls strongest vocal and melodic performance on the album that is a bit sad, but I can live with it.

And to those having a problem with Catcher...What!? The new solo rips your fuckin' heart out with those bends, and the fills on the outro compliments Axl perfectly. It's so beautiful now I'm almost in tears just by thinking about it. I had very high hopes for the reworking of this song, and in no way have I been disappointed. Even with the fucking bells and pling version we have currently it far surpasses most of the stuff out there, even old guns. I actually predict it to be the song when looking back in ten years time.

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