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 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:

One thing I will say about Obama, I think it's reasonable to believe he will look at things from an all-around perspective than McCain would have. Primarily I'll say this because of their VP picks. not trying to turn it into a Palin bash fest, but the decision making of it all. Obama knew he lacked experience, and foreign policy, but who did he choose. joe Biden, who supplements him on both issues & strengthens the tickets & the future potential White House. What did McCain do, pander to the conservative base knowing he wasn't highly approved there. But a pick who adds nothing to the future of the White House, no advising, no specialty, nothing. I'm not talking about the pick, but the decision making makes me believe he wouldn't be the maverick/reach across party lines person he claimed he would have been. Also, hiring Karl Rove?? WTF?? Really?!

It's a drawback that the dems may control the house & 60 seats in the senate, but it goes back to failed policies & George Bush's incompetence as President. It's been a bad 8 years, would have been pretty hard for any Republican to compete much better in the final tally.  But it's just a case of the pendulum swinging back to the other side. Hopefully the dems can realize it could easily swing back in 2 or 4 years & dont' do very much stupid.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Hey guys, just talked to my aunt, no lie, she voted for McCain.

She was up last night sick to her stomach under the idea Obama will get elected. She voted McCain, becaue Obama is a muslim, who's middle name is Hussein, and refuses to wear the American flag lapel on his jacket.

That's why she voted for McCain.


Seriously John, if these are the votes you're getting... you don't want to win this election this way. I've read more bullcrap about Obama over the last six months... good God.

(Note - my aunt is a racist, who still refers to call blacks as the N-word, so i'm not shocked by this information. She's gonna lie awake tonight paranoid about white concentration camps, before the race war begins)

 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Communist China wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Dadud wrote:

its just a bunch of friends at school heard that from the internet

and with that, I'm glad the minimum voting age is 18.  smile

You think they'll be more enlightened in a year? Age has some impact, yes, but man I know so many adults who know a lot less about local issues than I do, including my father, and it's frustrating that I don't have a voice because of my age. It's ok with me, I accept it as the law, but don't make the presumption that from 17-18 people become more fit for democracy.

Yeah, not trying to stereotype or generalize all teens in this way, (sucks you didn't get to vote in this one), but man, flag burning?? I've read some crazy smears about just about all 4 of the people on the tickets, but even I didn't read that one. Let alone believe it??

Dadud wrote:

No, they voted today, they're all 18, im 17.

That scares me.

 Rep: 341 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

bigbri wrote:
Dadud wrote:

No, they voted today, they're all 18, im 17.

Well, to vote based on internet lies is just dumb.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Give me the good 'ole days back in 2004 when I was 19, being begged by the kids my same age to vote Kerry, to end this illegal war in Iraq. The children, the blood, the lies, don't let it continue... oh my.

Bush/Cheney 2004 - FUCK YEAH 22

 Rep: 423 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

buzzsaw wrote:

This is a scary time to be a responsible American.  Our best hope is that 2010 will see the House make a major shift to Republican power.  The damage he can do in 4 years with full control of Congress will make Bush's presidency look like paradise.

Today, the lazy asses win.  Corporations (which happen to employ most Americans) will layoff millions of Americans as a result of the decisions of the democrats.  At least when I get laid off thanks to Obama's ignorant economic ideas, I know he will see to it that I have money handed to me for doing nothing.  Fucking socialists need a reality check before they destroy the country.

 Rep: 67 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Tommie wrote:

Elections over, even Fox is calling it for obama

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Obama won!

Join the fun here guys...

 Rep: 109 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Saikin wrote:

What wonderful news!  I was so excited when 8pm pst rolled around and they came out and said Obama won with 284 votes. 

Then his votes increased even more.  I didn't think he'd win by such a wide margin.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I didn't think he'd walk away with it either... he did. The electoral votes weren't even close.

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