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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

well my shitty tv connection just crapped out again.  Guess I saw what I needed to see.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

voted Republican down the line in 2004, voted for Republican Charlie Crist (a McCain supporter) for governor,

Republicans need to get away from the uber-conservative base. It' isn't doing them any favors & is only pandering to southern states that are going to vote Republican anyway. If Charlie Crist & Tim Pawlenty do a good job over the next 4 years they should pair up & run on the same ticket. Fewer & fewer states have majority populations who care much about the NRA & Bible thumpers "Godless" attack ads.

I agree with you that the GOP needs to re-group.  Time to return to the principles of Goldwater.  Though I believe the NRA is the most imporant interest group in America.  Without it, we'd have lost out 2nd amendment right decades ago.

 Rep: 14 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Dadud wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Dadud wrote:

Heh, i know like 10 people who arent voting for obama just because he burned the US Flag

when did Obama burn the flag?

Personally, i dont care if he did, im not old enough to vote (just one more year). its just a bunch of friends at school heard that from the internet (because everything on the internet is true) and because of that, and because his middle name is Hussein, they aren't voting for him

PS, because this seems like the popular thread tonight, and the rest of the forum is dead. does anyone know anything about the fuzzy leaks for the new songs? (pm me if you do)

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

polluxlm wrote:

^ Haha. I once thought such people only existed in the movies.

 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Communist China wrote:

You guys gotta learn to trust statistics and polling. It's not like they're calling a state with 3 votes turned in because it's 2-1, it's because of accurate exit polling. I know we've been fucked over by premature numbers before, but we will continually improve at gaging public opinion and polling, and even if they did call it wrong at first - not like they can't fix it later. The media calling states early doesn't mean those states can't turn out different and be changed.

If you don't like it, go to bed. The finals will be in when you wake up.

the problem with them calling it early is that it demoralizes those who would vote otherwise.  If I was out west or if my state was still open to vote, why bother going out if Obama is gonna win

I agree with you there, but not only because of that, it could effect smaller races. If someone's running for congress or even mayor of a town or something, and alot of voters stay home, it could drastically swing the outcome. Even in negative light to a democrat, who myb hoped to ride Obama's coattails in a state like Oregon. Then now fewer dems in Oregon would be voting. It could work the other way, & hurt a republican also too.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Dadud, so basically you're saying you have a bunch of ignorant friends who have no grasps of the issues.  I don't like Obama, but I despise the lies that have been spread about him.

 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Dadud wrote:

its just a bunch of friends at school heard that from the internet

and with that, I'm glad the minimum voting age is 18.  smile

 Rep: 88 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Gunslinger wrote: least Chinese Democracy is FINALLY coming out.  Talk to you guys soon.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Dadud wrote:

its just a bunch of friends at school heard that from the internet

and with that, I'm glad the minimum voting age is 18.  smile

You think they'll be more enlightened in a year? Age has some impact, yes, but man I know so many adults who know a lot less about local issues than I do, including my father, and it's frustrating that I don't have a voice because of my age. It's ok with me, I accept it as the law, but don't make the presumption that from 17-18 people become more fit for democracy.

 Rep: 14 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Dadud wrote:

No, they voted today, they're all 18, im 17.

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