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 Rep: 664 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

James wrote:

obama won Maine by 2 votes to 1. Now McCain is leading there 17-8.

Is a corpse counting those votes? At that rate, it'll be next election season by the time the whole state is counted.

 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

they are.  NBC  has already called PA for Obama, yet won't call VA for McCain even though he is up by over 100k votes.

Networks usually base it off a pooled exit polling & research, not the precincts reported. 20% of the vote could be reported in Missouri, but if it's all from St Louis it's pretty useless since it'd obviously favor Obama. Same thing with if it were all from a rural area, because it'd favor McCain. Usually the networks do their own surveying & have their own methods (voter turnout, specific towns & coutnies, surveys vs previous polls etc)

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

the problem is that they aren't even saying what percent of the vote is in, and exit polls have been proven bullshit the past 2 elections

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

James wrote:

I took a screenshot because it was so ridiculous. He literally won with 3 votes tallied.


Networks usually base it off a pooled exit polling & research, not the precincts reported. 20% of the vote could be reported in Missouri, but if it's all from St Louis it's pretty useless since it'd obviously favor Obama. Same thing with if it were all from a rural area, because it'd favor McCain. Usually the networks do their own surveying & have their own methods (voter turnout, surveys vs previous polls etc)

There's no excuse for calling a state with three votes counted. Regardless of how accurate any statistics are, the margin of error is too wide to call it that soon.

Our election rules need a massive overhaul. This is why its so easy to rig elections. Count 3 votes, call it for the candidate you want, and he's on his way to victory.

Imagine a scenario where Maine could have played a factor. Would you want three votes deciding the fate of this nation?

 Rep: 88 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Gunslinger wrote:

I was amazed at them calling PA so fast (as Flagg pointed out) when McCain is winning VA by a larger margin and its "too close to call".  People are really idiotic.  It's also very sad and disturbing to see that 96% of Blacks in South Carolina and 97% of Blacks in North Carolina are voting for Obama...gee, I wonder if this is "race based?"  Be ready to pay even more taxes out so others who would rather not work can take it easy, Obama's their boy.  Once again let me make the disclaimer that I in NO WAY have a problem with my taxes going to the disabled (if legitimately disabled), needy children, elderly people, people who work but can't make ends meet, but if you don't think a large sector of the population just sucks off the rest of hard working Americans (because they can) then you have a great deal of real life to be exposed to.  Their boy Obama will make it much clearer for you.

 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

It's also very sad and disturbing to see that 96% of Blacks in South Carolina and 97% of Blacks in North Carolina are voting for Obama...gee, I wonder if this is "race based?"

They said Obama won 91% of the black vote in PA. Although, in the interest of full disclosure John Kerry won 88% of the black vote. So it isn't really that they voted for him because he is black. It probably has more to do with Republicans not having much of a platform that appeals to blacks and not ever giving them much reason to vote Republican.

 Rep: 205 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I took a screenshot because it was so ridiculous. He literally won with 3 votes tallied.

That's awesome you got a screenshot of it. Keep that up man, that's classic. 16

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

Socialism here we come.  Under Barry, the 18 year old fry manager at McDonalds has the same quality of life as the 35 year old manager with a wife and 2 kids

 Rep: 14 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

alexh0618 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

It's also very sad and disturbing to see that 96% of Blacks in South Carolina and 97% of Blacks in North Carolina are voting for Obama...gee, I wonder if this is "race based?"

They said Obama won 91% of the black vote in PA. Although, in the interest of full disclosure John Kerry won 88% of the black vote. So it isn't really that they voted for him because he is black. It probably has more to do with Republicans not having much of a platform that appeals to blacks and not ever giving them much reason to vote Republican.

plus, think about how many people vote against obama because he is black.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: 2008 Election results thread

PaSnow wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

It's also very sad and disturbing to see that 96% of Blacks in South Carolina and 97% of Blacks in North Carolina are voting for Obama...gee, I wonder if this is "race based?"

They said Obama won 91% of the black vote in PA. Although, in the interest of full disclosure John Kerry won 88% of the black vote. So it isn't really that they voted for him because he is black. It probably has more to do with Republicans not having much of a platform that appeals to blacks and not ever giving them much reason to vote Republican.

what does that mean?  So we have to offer handouts to a segment of the population to win their vote?  I guess being educated and caring about the interests of the nation is expecting too much.

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