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 Rep: 485 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Neemo wrote:
bucketfan wrote:

Excuse my ignorance, but who is 'Mother Goose' and how did they get that name?

oneway23 wrote:

Chris Pitman

i think it was rir3 or vegas '01 where axl introduced him as mother goose and tommy as "the general" tommy stinson

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:
oneway23 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Yeah, it looks like Pitman and Bucket played a huge role in the development of this record. I remember years ago how we all assumed Axl would get sole writing credit on the tracks. Shockingly, we were wrong. 14

I'm very curious to see the writing credits for one Thomas Eugene Stinson.

Same here. Not shaping up to be a 'Stinson record', but I certainly am pleased with his contributions.

Welcome to the forum. I know I've seen that name somewhere. Gonna assume mygnr as its the only 'big' site that I semi-lurk at now.

What is goin on with other sites agenda wise?

I try not to get too involved in that

I avoid most GNR sites now. This one the exception obviously. 16 I do lurk at mygnr from time to time, and most of the sites are censoring these leaks.

 Rep: 107 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Furbush wrote:
Neemo wrote:

what forum you from durden? your user name is familiar bandonox

used a new name cuz i felt like i was cheatin'...
but i'm feeling better about it every minute.. i like it here.
this is what it felt like over there until a couple of days ago..
i'm in love... 20

 Rep: 768 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

Can anybody tell me if the vocals on Riad are redone? What are they like? That was my biggest complaint about the song.

 Rep: 21 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Has Rhiad leaked? Sorry, I have been busy at home and didn't realize more had come down the pipe. :0

 Rep: 0 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

oneway23 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Same here. Not shaping up to be a 'Stinson record', but I certainly am pleased with his contributions.

Welcome to the forum. I know I've seen that name somewhere. Gonna assume mygnr as its the only 'big' site that I semi-lurk at now.

Yea, I've used the same name for years at all the usual locations..I'm not feeling very optimistic regarding writing credits (at least with what I know thus far), but I can say that "The General" and his bass work are tremendous on the June leaks of TWAT and The Blues, specifically.

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

Vocals are the same. A minor change at one point. Would have to listen again to pinpoint it. I think a word was added.

Like I mentioned earlier, this wont sway opinions on Riad.

 Rep: 768 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

Dammit. This was one of the songs I was hoping the 92/93 raspy Axl voice was thrown on.

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:
oneway23 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Same here. Not shaping up to be a 'Stinson record', but I certainly am pleased with his contributions.

Welcome to the forum. I know I've seen that name somewhere. Gonna assume mygnr as its the only 'big' site that I semi-lurk at now.

Yea, I've used the same name for years at all the usual locations..I'm not feeling very optimistic regarding writing credits (at least with what I know thus far), but I can say that "The General" and his bass work are tremendous on the June leaks of TWAT and The Blues, specifically.

I love Tommy's tone on IRS. I'm no musician so cant get into any technical descriptions. The sound is reminiscent of Timothy Schmidt on The Eagles Long Run album. Also seems to be channeling Ben Shepard's sound a bit on Superunknown.

 Rep: 107 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Furbush wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Can anybody tell me if the vocals on Riad are redone? What are they like? That was my biggest complaint about the song.

nope... they're not as out front though.. so they ain't too bad

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