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A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

Given what the other tracks sounded like in 99 it's possible CITR sounds very different to how we know it, that's effectively a new track for me. The somewhat legendary This I Love and Sorry which we know is apparently a catchy heavy rocker, and then this new track titled Scraped. I can't wait to hear all four. As for the others well, we've heard them but I think it was a pipe dream hoping CD would be half or more totally unheard songs. The whole point of them being played live was to showcase some of the new CD material. As for the leaks well we downloaded them, yes it's because we never knew if we'd hear a finished version, but even if a release was on the horizon most would still have downlaoded them.

It'll be interesting to see how the tracks have changed, I remember James saying shit will hit the fan if these songs get offical release and the demos are better. Well, now we get to find out.

I wouldn't be surprised if a few more new tracks don't come up as possible bonuses etc and maybe some live versions of tracks (I'd love a proper live recording of Sailing for instance). Let this thing unfold, we're getting new info everyday who knows what tomorrow might be holding?

 Rep: 2 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

CheapJon wrote:

baz described sorry as almost doom metal kind of song.. doom metal aint really what i'd describe as "rocker songs"

 Rep: 1 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

I'm not complaining at all about the tracklisting! Anyone who expects this album to cure cancer or be something sent straight from Heaven is setting themselves up for disappointment. It is what it is......a new Gn'R album! Through all the waiting and internet leaks and past disappointment, we are finally getting Chinese Democracy. Have faith in rock n roll!

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 77 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

Von wrote:

I've been told that what Best Buy's listed are the actual tracks, just not in the correct order. This will be clarified in a forthcoming announcement set to be made by Axl ... shortly. If it's been mentioned, I'm sorry, I'm not sifting through this whole thread.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

slimemonkey wrote:

Yup im with yas, only i love every track except if the world lol.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

Haha I'm happy with all of them except Rhiad and I'm hit and miss about ITW. Otherwise it's all good 9

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

faldor wrote:
sandman wrote:

we're getting at least 3 new songs. i'm really glad CITR is on there too. that's classic stuff.

I.R.S. and Shackler's are two of my favorite songs. i'd be really disappointed if they weren't on there.

i'm not a big fan of the blues. i got excited when i didn't see it at first. we can't be 100% sure, but it's probably 99% certain that that is the blues.

as for prostitute, it's very likely, but i'm not assuming anything about Song #2 at this point.

first single should be the title track IMO.

Agreed, I love I.R.S. and Shackler's too.  Like tejas said earlier, and I'm kind of surprised he did as prior to that he seemed to be slamming the quality of the tracks we've heard illegally.  We all have our own opinions.  Some don't care much for IRS, some Song 2, some Maddy, etc., etc.  The complaints that we're hearing about songs we've illegally downloaded is ridiciulous, stop it now.  And then you complain the songs aren't good enough, well that's YOUR opinion.  It's no more correct than my opinion or Joe Blow on the street.  Then there's the "well these songs have been played live for seven years".  Okay, so you want to scrap those songs?  So Don't Cry, KOHD, Back Off Bitch, for example, those songs shouldn't have appeared on UYI's?

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

tejastech08 wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Haha I'm happy with all of them except Rhiad and I'm hit and miss about ITW. Otherwise it's all good 9

That's pretty much how I feel about it. I love all of the new songs except Rhiad, ITW, and Shackler's. Those 3 are what I would call "I like but don't love" songs.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

tejastech08 wrote:
faldor wrote:
sandman wrote:

we're getting at least 3 new songs. i'm really glad CITR is on there too. that's classic stuff.

I.R.S. and Shackler's are two of my favorite songs. i'd be really disappointed if they weren't on there.

i'm not a big fan of the blues. i got excited when i didn't see it at first. we can't be 100% sure, but it's probably 99% certain that that is the blues.

as for prostitute, it's very likely, but i'm not assuming anything about Song #2 at this point.

first single should be the title track IMO.

Agreed, I love I.R.S. and Shackler's too.  Like tejas said earlier, and I'm kind of surprised he did as prior to that he seemed to be slamming the quality of the tracks we've heard illegally.  We all have our own opinions.  Some don't care much for IRS, some Song 2, some Maddy, etc., etc.  The complaints that we're hearing about songs we've illegally downloaded is ridiciulous, stop it now.  And then you complain the songs aren't good enough, well that's YOUR opinion.  It's no more correct than my opinion or Joe Blow on the street.  Then there's the "well these songs have been played live for seven years".  Okay, so you want to scrap those songs?  So Don't Cry, KOHD, Back Off Bitch, for example, those songs shouldn't have appeared on UYI's?

No, I wasn't slamming the quality of the tracks from my own point of view. I'm slamming the notion that these are going to be well-received outside the fanbase. I myself love the leaks. But I realize that most casual people out there are going to find this stuff either mediocre or flat out bad. I hope I'm wrong on that.

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