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Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

It doesn't matter. It has to be released, and that's the best time to do it regardless of its sales. With a Best Buy promotional exclusive deals, its figures are going to be way up (isn't that how exclusive deals work? They guarantee #1 because they count as 'sold' as soon as their shipped to the store?) and a #1 spot is possible. It should beat Cornell, Weiland (easily), and even The Killers. Only Kanye could get in its way.

 Rep: 109 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Saikin wrote:
Communist China wrote:

It doesn't matter. It has to be released, and that's the best time to do it regardless of its sales. With a Best Buy promotional exclusive deals, its figures are going to be way up (isn't that how exclusive deals work? They guarantee #1 because they count as 'sold' as soon as their shipped to the store?) and a #1 spot is possible. It should beat Cornell, Weiland (easily), and even The Killers. Only Kanye could get in its way.

Agreed.  Kanye is the only one that is really going to compete with CD's release.

And anyone who buys his album is wasting money.  We're in an economic crisis people!  Spend your money on CD! 16

 Rep: 633 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 43 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

gnfnraxl wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Of all those releases I know I will only be buying CD.

But I'm not the average consumer. You guys have to remember that alot of shopping that gets done that week is for Christmas gifts. Kids (and old GNR fans) aren't going to have this album on their Christmas lists.

It's my opinion that they're gonna have a hard time moving units to many people outside of these forums. The average, curious music listener is going to take to the torrents to hear it.

If and that is a HUGE IF CD comes out on Nov 25th it'll be /1 because it's a BB exclusive.

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

Cornell, Weiland and even The Killers have absolutely no chance of competing against Chinese. I'll go so far as to say Chinese will sell more than all three combined in the first week. Kanye is a way different story though...nobody in pop music and radio gave a shit about the Eagles either and they put up huge numbers due to their exclusive deal. There is you point of common reference.:ummm:

 Rep: 633 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 212 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

BLS-Pride wrote:

GNR will have Kayne to deal with. And if its not November 25th then Jay Z is also putting out another album is almost a lock for number one slot. Eminem returns with an album and so does 50 cent all slated for 2008. Rap has their major hitters coming up. GNR need to release the album in between all of them.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:

I actually think CD will beat Kanye, and do about 35% more on top of that.

Never underestimate the power of appeal. Kanye is a major artist, and big right now, but outside of an 18-25 demo, his appeal is limited if not mixed. GN'R appeal to all ages, and alot of old Gunners, which are in the millions, on going to purchase on curiosity alone.

I think GN'R go #1. And up against Kanye, that's not a safe bet. It won't last though as like others have stated, other big artists have albums coming out in future weeks.

However, one stipulation. If GN'R poorly promote this, when Kanye obviously will get a huge market push, they'll have themselves to blame. But I don't think Irving Azoff would have his name attached to an 'under the radar' album release.

The sad thing is, we're even discussing this. CD could be loaded with nothing but Silkworms-type songs, and be MUCH better than Kanye's album. That dude is the most overrated, overhyped artist since Usher.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

war wrote:

the ball is gnr's court i think
if they push the album hard and earn some new listeners this could be huge
if they try to release UYI3 the album willl will still sell well but it will not compete with the younger and more trendy artists

 Rep: 212 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

BLS-Pride wrote:

Kayne will promote the fuck out of the album. He has the following. He has a whole culture behind him. He's mainstream he's crossed over from just a rapper to a major recording artist. He sold 900,000 plus his first week with his last album.  Go to a Kayne concert and 90 percent of the audience are white. These are things some fans don't realize. It's possible GNR will be number two depending on the quality of Chinese Democracy. I don't think GNR is going to do that. 600,000 is what I think is tops for the first week. Unless other stores buy the album in bulk and push sales up a lot just like what happened with the Eagles.

Also Metallica proved Old School can run with the newer artists and maintain the top spot not only in the States but world wide.

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