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 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:

2009 is fucked, you can chalk that one up as a loss. 2010 is where the turnaround needs to be aimed at. There's hope, believe it or not, there's hope. This country has hit recessions before, 2002, 92, 82, (Republican, Republican, Republican, notice a pattern??) America can come out on top.

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I hope it does because something has to put a stop to this Obama worship. The worship will stop once he is president and we go down the tubes, but I'd rather the worship stop before then.

So let me get this straight, you "hope" there is a tape of Michelle Obama saying "Whitey" so that way Barack Obama will not become the next President. Boy that's just pathetic, no different than a Daily Kos poster "hoping" Palin's daughter is actually her daughters daughter, and the truth will eventually come out.

I guess when it comes to issues like lowering our taxes, listening to sound economic advisors or crafting good foreign policy relations you don't care about that in a President.

He isn't the messiah. People think he is. All he is is some ultra liberal with no experience who's gonna add trillions to the debt(those facts can be found in another thread). Our budget deficit is around 600 billion. When he walks in, its 800 billion. That's a fact. You call that an improvement?

McCain's isn't any better, but that's what makes the support of Obama so laughable. He isn't gonna do a goddamn thing to help anybody.

"sound economic advisers? You mean those guys who caused this crisis?  "good" foreign policy? Advocating two(Pakistan and Iran) more wars? Awesome! You still draft age? If so, might want to start running laps in anticipation of the coming of the messiah.

 Rep: 194 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

tejastech08 wrote:

McCain's the one advocating war with Iran.

 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

"sound economic advisers? You mean those guys who caused this crisis?  "good" foreign policy? Advocating two(Pakistan and Iran) more wars? Awesome! You still draft age? If so, might want to start running laps in anticipation of the coming of the messiah.

Uhmmm, Economic Advisors = Michael Bloomberg, a likely cabinet member. Foreign policy advisor = Joe Biden. Unless of course you'd rather have a "Hockey Mom" do it for you.. BWAAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

"sound economic advisers? You mean those guys who caused this crisis?  "good" foreign policy? Advocating two(Pakistan and Iran) more wars? Awesome! You still draft age? If so, might want to start running laps in anticipation of the coming of the messiah.

Uhmmm, Economic Advisors = Michael Bloomberg, a likely cabinet member. Foreign policy advisor = Joe Biden. Unless of course you'd rather have a "Hockey Mom" do it for you.. BWAAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!

Link to Bloomberg joining an Obama administration? First I heard of it. I noticed you ignored his actual advisers tied to the latest economic mess.

 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Link to Bloomberg joining an Obama administration? First I heard of it. I noticed you ignored his actual advisers tied to the latest economic mess.

Phil Gramm?? Author of the bill that DEREGULATED the banking industry!!

Oh wait a sec, that's John McCain... my bad.

As for Bloomburg, they're known to be relatively good friends, and have met & discussed the economy several times. So I guess he'd have input, since you feel a person like Bill Ayres that Obama's met in passing a few times will have such a drastic impact on Obama's Presidency. The Republicans gotta take the good with the bad when they make desperate accusations like that.

 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:

For the record, Obama's hitting the 50% barrier pretty consistently, making it difficult for McCain to obtain voters. And even though this is a national poll you probably don't want to see the state polls in places like PA or FLA..  Barack Obama is up 5% in 264 electoral voted states. … a-225.html

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

That's what's significant. Obama is leading in the big electoral states.

If Obama gets Florida, it's not gonna really matter what the popular vote is.

Now they're talking 'tie'... maybe on the popular vote, but I just don't see the electoral votes going that way. There will be a winner.

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Link to Bloomberg joining an Obama administration? First I heard of it. I noticed you ignored his actual advisers tied to the latest economic mess.

Phil Gramm?? Author of the bill that DEREGULATED the banking industry!!

Oh wait a sec, that's John McCain... my bad.

As for Bloomburg, they're known to be relatively good friends, and have met & discussed the economy several times. So I guess he'd have input, since you feel a person like Bill Ayres that Obama's met in passing a few times will have such a drastic impact on Obama's Presidency. The Republicans gotta take the good with the bad when they make desperate accusations like that.

Facts are now desperate accusations?:laugh: Oh man. Funny you still aren't able to come to terms with the fact that Obama's economic team is knee deep in this Fannie and Freddie shit. Doing so makes people realize he's just as corrupt as all other politicians, and his candidacy loses its shine. I think this is the main reason liberals ignore all negative aspects of Obama.

Starting a war with a nuclear power(Pakistan)? Giving Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants? Comparable worth? 800 billion budget deficit? 5 trillion in new debt? Who cares? He stands for change!

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

Not to mention he gives lobbyists a hard time, and took money from AIG.

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