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 Rep: 485 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

Neemo wrote:

up here we're getting screwed still between merchandise price changes, like books for instance say a softback is like $7.99US but still listed as $11.99CDN

Walmart is starting to roll back prices but most companies won't do it, so if they dont get their shit together there may be a crap load of canadians doing xmas shopping in the states....or retail will just be real bad this year when people use online stores to buy gifts

 Rep: 80 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

Backslash wrote:

It's a friggin ripoff is what it is.  Retailers are charging us more because they know they can.  Out here, we don't have much of a choice to cross the border to do our shopping, but most of mine will be done online or at Walmart.  Everyone else can go to hell until they get their prices where they should be.  I mean, the dollar is worth $1.07 US now.  If we can't pay the US prices on books, that's geographic discrimination.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

James wrote:

Its doomsday. No offense to canadians, but the dollar should have always been worth more.

Thanks Bush and Clinton.

 Rep: 80 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

Backslash wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Its doomsday. No offense to canadians, but the dollar should have always been worth more.

Thanks Bush and Clinton.

Of course your dollar should be worth more.  Your economy is a lot bigger than ours.  I wouldn't but the blame on any president, and certainly not Clinton.  When he was in charge, our dollar was at an all time low. 

We're at an all time high of US$1.10 today.  There was a time during the US recession in the 70s when ours was higher as well.  Look what happened in the 80s and 90s.  Don't expect this to last.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

polluxlm wrote:

Don't blame Bush, Clinton or whomever. Blame the FED. They're the ones who are supposed to be the source of stability in the economy. Still they keep printing more and more money, further weakening the dollar.

But hey, nothing new under the sun. This will be what, the 11th recession in America since the establishment of the FED some 90 years ago.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

James wrote:

I wouldn't but the blame on any president, and certainly not Clinton.  When he was in charge, our dollar was at an all time low.

The Clinton boom was a mirage. Of course people here had alot of money and jobs were everywhere, but high taxes, infinite credit, and a variety of other things is what propped our economy up during his tenure. This country hasn't had a truly stable economy since Reagan was in office. Reagan didn't have to go on national TV to lie and say our budget was balanced(it wasn't) to give a false shot of adrenaline into the economy and get people to buy more shit. Reagan knew a balanced budget was impossible, and didn't need to incorporate it into his economic policies.

One of the reasons this country is headed over the cliff is because of Clinton. He presided over the NAFTA deal, the WTO, the US manufacturing base heading to China, the deal between us, Canada, Mexico, and various central and south american countries to eventually unite(which is now finally starting to happen).

The Clinton credit card cant be paid off. He knew it couldn't be paid off. He just wanted to rule over a time of prosperity, so whipped out a credit card for the american people that had no limit. Dipshit Bush sent us over the edge when he did these permanent tax decreases and went on an unlimited spending spree, and of course the cost of the two wars currently raging on.

Here's an example of "Clinton money":

When I went to college in 1995, I applied for financial aid. Of course I was approved, and I was literally shocked at how much money I received. After paying all my tuition fees, book fees,etc., I literally had thousands left over to do what I wanted with.

Its cool that he allowed good money into financial aid for students, but don't you think that's a bit overboard?

As far as the Canadian dollar goes, no offense but its supposed to be weak. Not weak in Canada, but when pegged against the dollar. I know very little about Canadian history, but I would imagine it was weak against the dollar in the 80's as well. Its not just Canadian money that should be weak, its all money. The dollar has been the world's strongest currency(on paper anyways) for decades. Countries hold trillions in reserve.

The system is out of whack now, and mother nature is about to do a major correction to the system, and its not going to be pretty.

Don't blame Bush, Clinton or whomever. Blame the FED. They're the ones who are supposed to be the source of stability in the economy. Still they keep printing more and more money, further weakening the dollar.

But hey, nothing new under the sun. This will be what, the 11th recession in America since the establishment of the FED some 90 years ago.

The FED certainly plays a role, but the past two presidents economic policies played a role as well. They most certainly deserve part of the blame.

Permanent tax cuts, massive spending bills, blank checks for wars, and the FED pumping out dollars like its monopoly money has destroyed us.

Has any american ever wondered where all this money is coming from when there is barely any money coming into the system through tax revenue? Its coming out of thin air.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

polluxlm wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

The FED certainly plays a role, but the past two presidents economic policies played a role as well. They most certainly deserve part of the blame.

Permanent tax cuts, massive spending bills, blank checks for wars, and the FED pumping out dollars like its monopoly money has destroyed us.

Has any american ever wondered where all this money is coming from when there is barely any money coming into the system through tax revenue? Its coming out of thin air.

Presidents don't have economic policies. They are mere announcers of policy.

I'm amazed at how little knowledge is held about the nature of money and economy even at the top levels of government. Actually, I'm not amazed at all when thinking about it. What you get as a graduate in economics and through experience in the field is a level of understanding about a system. If that system is rotten it doesn't matter how well you utilize it. In the end you will fail since you never approached the problem from the correct angle. That's why Bernabanke continues to pour worthless dollars in to the economy, it's all he knows. Same goes with politicians, reporters, directors, teachers etc. What may be perceived as corruption, incompetence and even conspiracy is in most cases just conditioning, conditioning to a limited spectrum of reason.

That is the heart of this conspiracy, and that is why nobody can 'prove' it exists. In theory it doesn't even require active players at this point. It has become self sustaining.

And that my friend is the real scary aspect of this. Everybody knows there has been severe fiscal irresponsibility, everybody knows the collapse is coming. Still, our society is simply not able or equipped to handle it. And it's not just the economy. Education, health, security, bureaucracy you name it.

We're basically just a bunch of Thelma & Louises thinking we're in a Superman movie.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

James wrote:

The Reagan tax increases and then a sustainable level of tax cuts saved this country from the Carter disaster. This country went from gas lines at every gas station during Carter's final years to 89 cents a gallon gas for 8 years during his presidency. Thats no coincidence. Also, his 'don't fuck with us' policy concerning the Middle East played a HUGE role in gas prices staying virtually the same during his 8 year tenure. You weren't going to raise oil and gas prices on Reagan's watch because the possibility was there that he might blow you off the map. He was an old man, but he was a very intimidating leader on the world stage. There has never been anyone in a position of power quite like him. He talked very tough, and no country was willing to attempt to call his bluff.

Concerning the FED, I do agree that the scheme is so built in place and confusing to most people that no one even gives it a second thought. When Joe Public hears the FED just pumped billions into the economy, they think we're rich. Thats about as far from the truth as they could get.

Our society is so far gone, as long as there's a reality show on tv and Britney Spears is showing her crotch in a club, people don't care where the money comes from.

The day gas is about 15 bucks a gallon, a Big Mac is 10 bucks, and that reality show couldn't air due to "cost cutting measures", maybe they will start to care. However, it will be too late to care at that point.

Kinda reminds me of that famous saying by someone who witnessed and survived the Holocaust(I'm paraphrasing because I dont remember exact quote):

When they came for the Jews I didn't care. When they came for the gypsies I didn't care. When they came for the Russians I didn't care. When they came for the Polish I didn't care. When they came for me, no one was left to care about me.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar

PaSnow wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Don't blame Bush, Clinton or whomever. Blame the FED. They're the ones who are supposed to be the source of stability in the economy. Still they keep printing more and more money, further weakening the dollar.

But hey, nothing new under the sun. This will be what, the 11th recession in America since the establishment of the FED some 90 years ago.

Our country has also flourished in the last 90 years as well. Set up a graduated income tax, built a limitless roadway & railroad system, built millions of homes each decade, gave rise to corporate America & increased job growth( ). In the 1930's the WPA was paying people to dig holes & work on parks, because there were no jobs the government had to give them jobs (which it should make people do who are on welfare but that's a whole nother story). America came a long way under FDR's regime, and has hardly looked back since.

11 recessions is nothing, it's part of the process, a give & take. But overall our countries been pretty fucking good since WWII ended in 1945. Sure it had it's setbacks, but relatively speaking compared to other countries, we've been very strong & fortunate.

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