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 Rep: 664 

Re: The SAW Thread

James wrote:

II isn't too bad, and if you have a needle phobia, there's one scene that will make your skin crawl.

You know, I have NEVER seen a single one of these.

Definitely watch the first one. This franchise is overrated, but the first is a gem.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The SAW Thread

PaSnow wrote:

^^ Yeah Axlin08, the first was is really good. Actually it creeped me out as I wasn't expecting much & saw it on tv late at night. I actually made sure to double check my doors were locked that night. 2 was ok, not bad for a horror sequel, def not as good. I heard what APE said, 3 isn't very good but 4 is. I don't think I've seen them though, I should.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The SAW Thread

Von wrote:

Overrated franchise. I stopped after I was underwhelmed by the first one. I'm happy to see an 80s style succession of sequels keeping horror afloat, but I'm not so happy about the torture porn it helped to popularize. They're just too ... MTV for my tastes.

 Rep: 109 

Re: The SAW Thread

Saikin wrote:

Trailer is up. 

The tagline:

"You Won't Believe How it Ends"...


 Rep: 664 

Re: The SAW Thread

James wrote:

I'll be watching this. Why I don't know. I usually try and support horror by going to the theater though. Not much horror been coming out lately unfortunately.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The SAW Thread

James Lofton wrote:

I'll be watching this. Why I don't know. I usually try and support horror by going to the theater though. Not much horror been coming out lately unfortunately.

I remember you claiming to be done with the Saw franchise after you saw number 4. I knew you'd cave 16

Re: The SAW Thread

I just started watching Saw 3, haven't finished it yet as I fell asleep but I plan on finishing it up tonight.  I didn't fall asleep because it was boring, I fell asleep because it was 1:00am and I couldn't keep my eyes open.   I really did enjoy 1 and 2 and I really wanted to see 3 to see what happened after 2.  I have to say so far I am not disappointed in 3 but it does lack what one and two had, that constant stream of energy that keeps you on the edge of your feet to see what happens next.

 Rep: 109 

Re: The SAW Thread

Saikin wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I'll be watching this. Why I don't know. I usually try and support horror by going to the theater though. Not much horror been coming out lately unfortunately.

Unfortunately, i fell the same.  I didn't go at midnight like i usually do, and i doubt i'll see it this weekend.  Who knows though?

 Rep: 221 

Re: The SAW Thread

polluxlm wrote:

I saw Jason 9.

Part 5, of anything, is a cakewalk after that.

 Rep: 20 

Re: The SAW Thread

Finally watching SawII as it's on TV right now, enjoying it so far.

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