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 Rep: 2 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

well, if it's all in place and this thing is dropping in November, i imagine we will have guns' announcing something within the next week. Azoff and Gould should get a gold star for pulling off what Goldstein and Merck couldn't...and really in under a year's time.

assuming there are no cock-ups and it all goes through, it will be interesting to see what form promotion takes visa-vis touring, live media appearances, etc...


 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:

I really don't think they're gonna tour. At least not this year. The band is doing other things.

My guess is possibly a new year's show like Baz suggested, with a tour to kick off next summer. By that point, a second album might be on the horizon. I do believe when this train finally leaves the station, GN'R are gonna be back FULL time, as least with studio releases.

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

tour next spring is my prediction

 Rep: 664 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

James wrote:

I'm sticking with my prediction of no tour other than possible SNL, Tonight Show,etc. performances and GNR being marketed like NIN.

It should have been marketed like that all along instead of offering up some delusional fantasy that people like Fortus had any influence in the band. The fanbase wouldn't be splintered in so many "factions" had this been marketed like NIN since the late 90's.

Axl, Gould, and Azoff need to bring a dose of reality to certain segments of the fanbase.

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

Spring gives him enough time to put together a lineup. If the money is right, it's anyone's guess as to who will be in the band.:rock:

 Rep: 0 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

jaydubbs wrote:


 Rep: 2 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

It should have been marketed like that all along instead of offering up some delusional fantasy that people like Fortus had any influence in the band. The fanbase wouldn't be splintered in so many "factions" had this been marketed like NIN since the late 90's.

Axl, Gould, and Azoff need to bring a dose of reality to certain segments of the fanbase.

i generally agree with you. and maybe with A/G running things now you will see that. again, if things go through and the record is even a modest success, you have to wonder what these guys were able to do w/ Axl that Merck didn't or couldn't....

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I'm sticking with my prediction of no tour other than possible SNL, Tonight Show,etc. performances and GNR being marketed like NIN.

It should have been marketed like that all along instead of offering up some delusional fantasy that people like Fortus had any influence in the band. The fanbase wouldn't be splintered in so many "factions" had this been marketed like NIN since the late 90's.

Axl, Gould, and Azoff need to bring a dose of reality to certain segments of the fanbase.

Agreed. I think it's pretty clear at this point that guys like Fortus were session guitarists.

He could've just kept Paul around if that were the case.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Who knows, but my bet is that when they get around to touring, the line-up will include Slash and Duff.  Getting this album done, and out, hopefully will open the flood gates creatively, and allow work on the 94-97 recordings, plus allow them to work on stuff Izzy and Axl have tinkered around with over the years, not to mention writings Slash and Duff have held back for a possible reunion.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:

I wouldn't be shocked at all if CD were a multi-album box set, and then a reunion next year.

It's a very plausible scenario at this point.

The new band seems dead to me as a touring band. But we'll see.

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