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 Rep: 341 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

bigbri wrote:

I'm finding this hard to fathom. We could be getting CD in less than 2 months. Unreal. Unbelievable. I don't want these leaks, I'll just wait for the real thing.

I will say one thing I'm disappointed about, unless we hear differently, is that CD might be filled with songs we've already heard. Of course, that's our fault, right?

 Rep: 17 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Locomotive98 wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I'm finding this hard to fathom. We could be getting CD in less than 2 months. Unreal. Unbelievable. I don't want these leaks, I'll just wait for the real thing.

I will say one thing I'm disappointed about, unless we hear differently, is that CD might be filled with songs we've already heard. Of course, that's our fault, right?

Weird isnt it!

Its not our fault we've heard most of this album already, if they'd managed to release it in a reasonable time frame then we wouldnt have had to resort to downloading leaks. Even Shacklers is 6 years old apparently. Much older than when the leaks started appearing. If food gets thrown to a starving man he's not going to wait an indeterminate time to eat it, hes gonna dig right in.

Either way, the leaks are the only think thats made this whole debacle remotely palatable. If it wasnt for them, most of the sensible GNR fanbase wouldve jumped ship years ago - theyre the only thing that have made me still follow this band. 3

 Rep: 207 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

DCK wrote:

I knew the album would be on the horizon the moment my buddy in the music biz talked to Ron Thal a month ago.

 Rep: 17 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Locomotive98 wrote:
DCK wrote:

I knew the album would be on the horizon the moment my buddy in the music biz talked to Ron Thal a month ago.

And you didnt care to mention it?

 Rep: 53 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

elmir wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I will say one thing I'm disappointed about, unless we hear differently, is that CD might be filled with songs we've already heard. Of course, that's our fault, right?

that would suck...for me at least...unless those songs are a world of difference apart from the leaks, i won't be overly excited...

lets hope that the material we haven't heard outnumbers the ones we have by quite a margin....

 Rep: 341 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

bigbri wrote:
elmir wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I will say one thing I'm disappointed about, unless we hear differently, is that CD might be filled with songs we've already heard. Of course, that's our fault, right?

that would suck...for me at least...unless those songs are a world of difference apart from the leaks, i won't be overly excited...

lets hope that the material we haven't heard outnumbers the ones we have by quite a margin....

I'm not holding my breath, but I'll be happy just to finally have CD, if only to have closure on this whole saga.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

RussTCB wrote:


Thorazine Shuffle
 Rep: 3 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Well, I can finally say "It's about fuckin' time"!  smile

I have every demo of every song that is leaked, but since it's the real deal from now on, Me and my bourbon and cola will be waiting for Nov. 25th.  No more downloading for me.

I guess I have to do the same thing I did with "End of Days" and "Big Daddy" and check out that new flick.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:

This is unreal. To know it's actually happening is just.... i'm waiting to wake up from the dream.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

I'm still not sure... I haven't heard anything but even if it did happen and it does sound different I'm not jumping back on the bandwagon yet.

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