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 Rep: 664 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

James wrote:

Obama and his brigade wanted to go against Palin. Well, your wish has come true.

Any regrets?:laugh:

This ad may go down as the greatest political ad in history. It has the potential to not only ruin his presidential aspirations, but his political career as well.

Whoever created this ad deserves an award.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

PaSnow wrote:

Karl Rove politics. You do know he's an advisor to the McCain campaign.

Also, McCain used this phrase when referring to Hilary's Healthcare plan.

How come whenever I state facts & statistics all you come up wtih is "It's just liberal smear" but whenever you buy into Karl Rove "he said she said" politics it's fact & relevant. I guess America does want 8 more years of Karl Rove/Bush/Cheney in office.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

buzzsaw wrote:

This isn't a knock on you Pa, but I notice a lot of people seem to think that electing a republican means 8 more years of Bush/Cheney.  It's like there's nothing about McCain to attack other than he's old and chose a "questionable" candidate for VP, so were going to make comments about McCain being another Bush/Chaney?  I don't get it. 
One has nothing to do with the other.  If the democratic candidate was strong, there wouldn't even be a question as to who the next president was going to be.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

PaSnow wrote:

Karl Rove is EVERY reason to be under the impression it will be 4 more years. McCain has sold out. Also, Karl Rove was the guy who helped Bush win by calling people in South Carolina saying "John McCain has a black child outside of wedlock" when in fact he has an adopted child from Indonesia. Yet now he teams up with him??  Sad, the mans pairing with anyone & everyone to win.

 Rep: 131 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

mitchejw wrote:

One can safely assume it will be more of the same...I don't see how McCain is such a Maverick...he falls in party line whenever he has to...

You have to agree on that...he may waiver for awhile on some issues but when it comes down to it...his policy is the same on the war as Bush' lip service to the voters but still do whatever the hell you want...

Education...well education is only really for rich people in this country anyway...Phoenix is a shit hole when it comes to public schools and I'm sure most of Arizona is the same with their extremely low taxes and retirement communities that don't pay a property tax...

There is nothing in this candidate for's more status quo...and posturing...I can't say I'm a democrat...but I'm definately not a republican by any stretch

 Rep: 131 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

mitchejw wrote:

My favorite fact about Palin is that in a dispute over local politics, Palin intended to dismiss a local official for disagreeing with her over censorship at the public libraries and a merging of the museum system...

I've heard this policy before, either you're with us or your against us?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

How come whenever I state facts & statistics all you come up wtih is "It's just liberal smear" but whenever you buy into Karl Rove "he said she said" politics it's fact & relevant.

That's not true. Some of the stuff you post I have no issues with it. I might disagree, but at least it is a relevant article. Its when you post stuff like that rape kit article where I'm gonna stand up and call it a smear.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

buzzsaw wrote:

I'm not a republican or a democrat.  I think both parties suck and both candidates suck.  Anybody that makes it to the national level of politics is a sell out, so don't label one as being one and the other as not being one.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

Axlin16 wrote:

I always liked Karl Rove.

So it makes no difference to me

 Rep: 664 

Re: Knockout blow to the Obama campaign?

James wrote:

I don't like him, but he's a genius. So is James Carville. If I was running for president, I'd give them both blank checks to run my campaign. I'd be king of the world in a month.

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