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 Rep: 6 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

JordanRose wrote:

Mr Winkler, Mr Mole, please chill! I only just came here and it's a little slice of heaven with brains compared to the garbage I've been ploughing through for the last 8 years. I know you can keep it above the belt. One long post that is disagreeable and flawed is a hell of a lot better than 20 idiots posting 'i fink it sux thers no tune'.

 Rep: 77 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

TheMole wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

The chorus itself is not good at all. It's bland, uninspired, messy and noisy. It's usually the other way around, but when the chorus comes on I start looking forward to the next verse. This is easily the weakest part of the song and kills it for me.

he was asking for it!!

ok sorry but that alone just got me pissed.

I am flabbergasted. The fact that I don't like the chorus pisses you off? Don't you think you should re-consider your value system?

As for me being a BH lover, puh-lease. I'm not going to dignify you by rebutting your "statements" one by one, but I assure you that it's not the case. My post history on here will support this.

 Rep: 77 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

TheMole wrote:
JordanRose wrote:

Mr Winkler, Mr Mole, please chill! I only just came here and it's a little slice of heaven with brains compared to the garbage I've been ploughing through for the last 8 years. I know you can keep it above the belt. One long post that is disagreeable and flawed is a hell of a lot better than 20 idiots posting 'i fink it sux thers no tune'.

Trust me, I'm generally a very laid back guy. I hate single-line posts as well. In fact, I might get a bit long winded at times. Mr. Wrinkler's response was uncalled for by whatever standard you measure it.

But hey, as he said in another thread:

Captain Winkler wrote:

my apologies for the 'stupid' remark, i was so swept up in the excitement of hearing shackler's that anyone who dissed its it automatically became my enemy.

I guess I brought this onto myself, being how I'm less than 100% over-the-top in love with Shackler's Revenge...

 Rep: 633 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 96 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Hello, everyone. Um, with my usual brilliant timing I buggered off on holiday for a week just as the song leaked... can anyone hook me up with a PM?

 Rep: 661 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

monkeychow wrote:
TheMole wrote:

I know it's a little late 'n all, but I'm gonna write down a more detailed review of the song, as I see it.

Good post...i don't agree with it all...but I like the detail you've gone into.

TheMole wrote:

The intro (if you ignore the ridiculous distorted chord bashing the first two seconds) is amazing, signature buckethead. My only gripe with it might be that's it's very reminiscent in style of a lot of Bucket's stuff, but that's not really relevant to the general public anyway.

Yeah...the chord bashing thing is on one hand its classic buckety and kinda gives the song a distinctive sound...then again I can see that kind of thing alienating a lot of casual listeners.

I love the drumming in the pre-chorus, the "don't ever try to tell me" - awesome.....

TheMole wrote:

The chorus itself is not good at all. It's bland, uninspired, messy and noisy.

This is where we disagree...the chorus is my favourite part of the song.  It brings everything together and its so damn catchy!

I feel that this song is similar to OMG in the industrial vibe, but this one succeeds where OMG struggles to maintain a melody that's catchy to a casual listener - as there are just too many forces pulling in different directions on that track - even though its cool....this one is chaos but with some kind of underlying logic to it....

I agree that the solo lacks melody....which is why I think the chorus is all the more important here.

TheMole wrote:

Sadly, this obviously isn't true. Bucket (a major driving factor behind this song) is gone, and we've heard a bunch of other (in my opinion lesser) songs before this one.

I dunno...I think Axl working with bucket gives him the chance at some structure and might make his music more approachable. Don't get me wrong - bucket has formidable skills on the guitar - but I've got to admit - I find that creatively - in his own random way he's actually quite repedative...all his songs seem to have jumps and tempo/style changes..mid song....they are like show reals of really cool stuff you can do on guitar...but its like watching a movie of trailers - they lack the ch-herance of a proper song structure. I think thats what people like TWAT - its bucket playing in a trraditional rock context...hopefulyl there's more of that kind of thing on the album. Although it seems his use has been limited in most of the track's we've heard to the occasional tapping burst.

I dont want to build hype. But we don't actually know what Rockers exist. Prior to this year no one knew about SR...there could be many other hidden gems...Baz has heard 3 full CDs of Axl stuff...we only have what like 3/4 of 1 disc....

 Rep: 77 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

TheMole wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I feel that this song is similar to OMG in the industrial vibe, but this one succeeds where OMG struggles to maintain a melody that's catchy to a casual listener - as there are just too many forces pulling in different directions on that track - even though its cool....this one is chaos but with some kind of underlying logic to it....

Interesting, I think the OMG chorus the best part of that song, and much better than Shackler's. Or maybe I'm confusing OMG's chorus & bridge? It's been a long time since I heard that song... I'm talking about the part that starts with "ooh" smile.

monkeychow wrote:
TheMole wrote:

Sadly, this obviously isn't true. Bucket (a major driving factor behind this song) is gone, and we've heard a bunch of other (in my opinion lesser) songs before this one.

I dunno...I think Axl working with bucket gives him the chance at some structure and might make his music more approachable. Don't get me wrong - bucket has formidable skills on the guitar - but I've got to admit - I find that creatively - in his own random way he's actually quite repedative...all his songs seem to have jumps and tempo/style changes..mid song....they are like show reals of really cool stuff you can do on guitar...but its like watching a movie of trailers - they lack the ch-herance of a proper song structure. I think thats what people like TWAT - its bucket playing in a trraditional rock context...hopefulyl there's more of that kind of thing on the album. Although it seems his use has been limited in most of the track's we've heard to the occasional tapping burst.

Oh no, sure. I'm not enough of a bucket fan to know for sure, but I can image his song writing skills have improved during his tenure in GNR. Agreed on the bucket-being-more-repetitive-than-some-give-him-credit-for thing. I'm not sure Bucket has been limited by Axl though. I think Shackler's Revenge and possibly If The World are Bucket's idea's and Axl expanded on those.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Really Mole? You don't like the chorus? I think SR's chorus is the highlight and climax of the song, and one of the best choruses in the CD era. I think it has more energy and is catchier than any other song's chorus, and it's the reason why I consider SR to be a good single choice. But to each his own, I guess. I agree the solos don't grab me by the balls like some other times in the CD discography (Bucket in IRS and TWAT, Robin in Better and The Blues, May in CITR) but the title track has a similar problem and it still owns.

 Rep: 217 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Mikkamakka wrote:

I like the chorus in SR the least. IMO it's horrible. On the other hand I think the "ooh..." OMG chorus (or more likely a bridge) is awful, too, but the "Oh My God, I can't deny..." chorus is pretty catchy and I really dig that. Although OMG has some horrible parts (out of tone guitars, out of place part), it's among the better rockers (CD, Better) of the Nu-Era. The others are barely listenable for me.

 Rep: 77 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

TheMole wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I like the chorus in SR the least. IMO it's horrible. On the other hand I think the "ooh..." OMG chorus (or more likely a bridge) is awful, too, but the "Oh My God, I can't deny..." chorus is pretty catchy and I really dig that. Although OMG has some horrible parts (out of tone guitars, out of place part), it's among the better rockers (CD, Better) of the Nu-Era. The others are barely listenable for me.

Right, that was the chorus in OMG. I indeed prefer the bridge then. smile

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