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 Rep: 67 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Tommie wrote:

This is from MSL's site:

also, let's take a second to thank our hero over in china for making this happen. he's very busy helping with the olympics, but made sure to strike at midnight (his time) as promised.


I think

Oh my god,  I think the leaker / hoarder might be Michael Phelps  14

 Rep: 231 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

-D- wrote:

so does anyone have the lyrics?

 Rep: 23 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

darknemus wrote:

I wish to revise my earlier statement.  This song *IS* Shackler's Revenge.. although I'm still not certain this is the same version that will be bundled w/ RB II.


 Rep: 423 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

buzzsaw wrote:

I only got to listen to the first 30 - 40 seconds before my wife made me turn it off.  She said it was horrible.  I agree to some extent, though I hold out hope for the rest of the song as Axl started to sound like Axl at about the time I turned it off.  She loves todays top 40 stuff and her reaction is going to be the same as alomost everybody that likes this type of music.  This song won't even get played on classic rock will be relegated to the 1 heavy metal station that exists only in the major markets.

This song is going to be a commercial failure.  When was the last White Zombie/Rob Zombie hit?  NIN?  Anybody that plays industrial/alternative metal?  I liked White Zombie (even saw them live in Chicago) and NIN, but please try to be somewhat realistic.  If this was something new, it might (might) have a chance, but since it's all 90s influences, it has no chance whatsoever.  It will have a cult following, that's it.

EDIT:  Maybe I shouldn't be posting anything this morning...need coffee.

 Rep: 23 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

darknemus wrote:

When I see James on, I'll provide information on how I know that it is SR.  Until then, yeah, can't say too much more.  Sorry bout that.  (This is to stop the people who are PM'ing me asking me, well, how I know)

Thanks smile


A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

buzzsaw wrote:

I only got to listen to the first 30 - 40 seconds before my wife made me turn it off.  She said it was horrible.  I agree to some extent, though I hold out hope for the rest of the song as Axl started to sound like Axl at about the time I turned it off.  She loves todays top 40 stuff and her reaction is going to be the same as alomost everybody that likes this type of music.  This song won't even get played on classic rock will be relegated to the 1 heavy metal station that exists only in the major markets.

This song is going to be a commercial failure.  When was the last White Zombie/Rob Zombie hit?  NIN?  Anybody that plays industrial/alternative metal?  I liked White Zombie (even saw them live in Chicago) and NIN, but please try to be somewhat realistic.  If this was something new, it might (might) have a chance, but since it's all 90s influences, it has no chance whatsoever.  It will have a cult following, that's it.

EDIT:  Maybe I shouldn't be posting anything this morning...need coffee.

Maybe you should also give it a full listen. You've always said Better and TWAT were you're favourites so I don't see why you wouldn't like this, give it a couple of spins, it's catchy as hell.

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Sky Dog wrote:

Buzz, I agree. This song will not get played at all on any station that plays classic rock. I thought they would go for a more middle of the road track that could hit multiple formats. Instead, they chose to go straight to the youngsters and modern rock radio.

 Rep: 423 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

buzzsaw wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Maybe you should also give it a full listen. You've always said Better and TWAT were you're favourites so I don't see why you wouldn't like this, give it a couple of spins, it's catchy as hell.

I fully plan to listen to the rest of I said, it started sounding better when she made me turn it off, so I want to hear it all.  I will get it added to my mp3 player this weekend and give it a full listen...probably a couple listens since the song seems to be growing on people, I want to be sure to give it a fair chance.

To be fair about Better, the less Pitman, the better...I don't like the versions that are over pitmanized (I made up a new word that only exists in GnR world).  I really think if Axl could fire the effects guy and one of the guitarists and go to a purer form of rock music vs a cluttered form of rock music, I'd be a lot more receptive to the songs (as would the general public).  The songs themselves probably aren't that bad, but the way the songs are put together (even the 2 I like) is awful.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

buzzsaw wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Maybe you should also give it a full listen. You've always said Better and TWAT were you're favourites so I don't see why you wouldn't like this, give it a couple of spins, it's catchy as hell.

I fully plan to listen to the rest of I said, it started sounding better when she made me turn it off, so I want to hear it all.  I will get it added to my mp3 player this weekend and give it a full listen...probably a couple listens since the song seems to be growing on people, I want to be sure to give it a fair chance.

To be fair about Better, the less Pitman, the better...I don't like the versions that are over pitmanized (I made up a new word that only exists in GnR world).  I really think if Axl could fire the effects guy and one of the guitarists and go to a purer form of rock music vs a cluttered form of rock music, I'd be a lot more receptive to the songs (as would the general public).  The songs themselves probably aren't that bad, but the way the songs are put together (even the 2 I like) is awful.

I think you'll like it. As for Pitman he's definitely on the track a fair bit, but unlike the other leaks it works on this one, it doesn't feel over done or cheesy. There's still a lot going on in it but again it fits this time rather than just mashing everything together and seeing what happens this track sounds more deliberate, kinda like organised choas 16

It follows a pretty traditional rock structure too, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, chorus.

I think of all the new GNR material we've heard this is probably the best track, obviously if I still like it in a few months that's a better indicator but right now I think it's awesome.

 Rep: 88 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Gunslinger wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Hell yeah! I appluad the balls GNR have to lead off the album with this song. It's a bit of a gamble, but it's good to see they can recognize a kick ass song when push comes to shove. I wonder who really pushed for this to be the single? Axl? Azoff? Record execs?

Great choice Guns!

EDIT: In my tracklist of ChiDem songs, I can't find a good song to go before Shackler's. I like to have Shackler's go into Better, but any suggestions as to what I put before it? I always have ChiDem first and TWAT last btw.

Oh My perfect!!

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