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 Rep: 485 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

Neemo wrote:

where's bumble on that list?

 Rep: 77 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

TheMole wrote:
madagas wrote:

Where Bucket stands out to me on the new leaks:
1. TWAT solo
2. IRS solo, especially how he ends the solo.
3. The guitar flourishes and brief solo on Better.
4. IF The World's acoustic flamenco guitar and his electric solo has great tone to it-I assume that is him by the tone.
5. The solo on CD and it's aftermath-the underlying guitar flourishes under Axl's outro.

All solo's, right? Is there any reason for us to assume he had a hand in the actual songwriting as well? Bucket's solo's are among the scarce highpoints of these songs for me, so I agree to a certain extend. I just can't seem to stomach Axl's songwriting vision any more. As I see it, without Buckethead these songs would've been crap, with him they are mediocre at best. That's why I will always cry "bring back Slash (and Izzy, obviously)".

 Rep: 77 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

Von wrote:

Buckethead and Finck, together again. I think voting for Slash is pure fantasy. Not that it can't be argued a Bucket/Finck combo isn't right now, but I think that's a way more viable option consider the current material and the apparent goings on of this "forthcoming" release. Slash will always be my favorite guitar player for many reasons. Buckethead remains one of the most talented players I've ever watched/heard in my life. Finck's just damn cool. It's a tough one. As an aside, I was pretty set to vote for Bucket solo on this one, and I can see him out and out replacing Finck like he did once upon a time. But when all's said and done, I'd rather have Finck back in the fold even in a diminished capacity than not at all. A lot of what little charisma these new lineups may have had was brought to the stage by Finck.

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

Sky Dog wrote:

Mole, while I still like Axl's songwriting style, I see where you are coming from. We have no way of knowing how much Bucket wrote but the majority of these songs were written prior to him coming in the band. He did elevate them way to tell much of anything until we get writing credits and an actual list of who played on what tracks.

ps the only track I potentially see him writing is If The World as it has an element of funk that only Bucket and Brain could pull off with this group of musicians.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

monkeychow wrote:

Can I thow an idea into the mix....

Slash and Bumble as a two guitarist band in my fantasy reunion where CD era songs are part of the set list still.... Bumble plays rhythm parts for slash to solo on the old songs...then on the new new CD era tracks...bumble gets to play the shred stuff and go crazy!!! Never happen but it would kill!

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

For a CD tour with those options, I'd say BH and Finck, as they were in 02 sharing lead duties. I don't mind if it's Ron and Robin though, in fact I'd probably prefer it, the band in 06 looked much more like a rock band than the 01/02 lineup and sounded pretty damn good too. The 06 lineup being the band that tours live when CD launches is fine with me.

If we're talking reunions there's only one man for that job 21

 Rep: 14 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

ereeper wrote:

I didn't include BBF for this reason:

1. If he left, I don't see the majority of the fan base being upset.

2. Slash, BH, and Finck all have dissapointed the fan base on their departures or speculated departures.

3. Slash and BH have both been rumored to return at different times and have made the majority of the fan base excited.

4. In my opinion, BBF is the ultimate copycat player and can take over another former players parts, but not too excited about hearing original material from him.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

Neemo wrote:
ereeper wrote:

I didn't include BBF for this reason:

But ron is the only Lead Guitarist in the band currently just odd to leave the guy with the most chance of being the lead guitarist is not in the poll

I think Bumble and BH would be a cool combo

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

Robin stepped up his game on the old Guns tunes in 06, making a huge improvement on his 01-02 performances. He also seems to have stepped up his writing and recording standards when Bucket was brought in (comparing 99 demos to the nearly finished 02-04 ones we have now). Having Bucket back to play the parts he wrote, with Robin, who has constantly improved throughout his tenure in Guns, would be the way to go.

Seeing Robin and Bucket together now could be even better than they were in 01-02 (que Rio footage).

 Rep: 14 

Re: Which lead guitarist do you prefer for the future?

ereeper wrote:

I think a tour would be a huge failure if BBF is your lead guitarist.  I would probably buy a ticket, but wouldn't be too excited like I was for any of my previous shows.

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