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 Rep: 664 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

James wrote:
Communist China wrote:

NIN - Head Down

The Slip is missing something. This track is really good, but it doesn't touch me the way the best of NIN does.

Its missing a lot. While I dig about half the record, I now just have Discipline in my playlist and avoid the rest of the album.

Lineup needs to go back to the studio ASAP.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Well James, first you need to take into account that you're not an NIN fan really (I didn't think you were anyway). If you don't love at least one NIN album (and probably not Pretty Hate Machine) you can't really judge all that fairly. As someone who worships The Fragile and the Downward Spiral, I can say that a song like Head Down is very similar to say 'Big Come Down' or 'Line Begins to Blur' but it doesn't have the same magic. With you and others here not being NIN fans, I think most would be unable to sense what makes BCD and LBTB great and Head Down just good....

It's hard to explain. I don't know if I'm saying it right. I'm not trying to be arrogant but I don't think you and I would agree on what the problem with The Slip is, because I would say the production is too small, the vocals are too soft (and no screams - Lights in the Sky needs a moment like the songs on Still had, where Trent's voice rises way above the music, but it's left without a climax and becomes somewhat boring), the noise seems aimless and the guitar depth is not layered enough. I think you would say the poppy elements found in Discipline need to be amped up, and guitar solos need to be put in. But that's not really NIN's thing, and as an NIN fan I wouldn't want to see a ton of that.

Right in Two - TooL

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Denial Waits - ASHES dIVIDE

One of the best releases of 08, and a very cool act to see live in a small club.

 Rep: 109 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Saikin wrote:

Right Next Door to Hell- GNR

 Rep: 8 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Slashisvr wrote:

Tunnel Of Love - Brides Of Destruction

 Rep: 386 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Bono wrote:

Terrible Lie - Nine Inch Nails(Off Pretty Hate Machine, still the classic NIN album. Nothing Trent has done comes close in my opinion)

T-Minus 15 days till Nine Inch Nails live in Edmonton!!!! 9

 Rep: 664 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

James wrote:

Huey Lewis- Heart and Soul

 Rep: 50 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Rex wrote:

Dragonforce - Reason to Live

 Rep: 217 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Mikkamakka wrote:

Tori Amos: A Sorta Fairytale

 Rep: 17 

Re: "What Are You Listening To" Thread

Locomotive98 wrote:

Do not Speak - Anaal Nathrakh. Check em out

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