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 Rep: 50 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Rex wrote:
myillusions wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

This film is completely split.   Some people love it, others hate it.   I am going to eventually see it to judge for myself.

I just wasn't impressed from the very beginning and the entire story line was rather boring to me.

That's unique in that everyone bitches about the storyline being so outlandish, but you thought it was boring.

I thought it was pretty good.  I just went in to have fun and see a good action movie.  I got what I wanted.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Neemo wrote:

just watched was alright

its about what i expected

 Rep: 5 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

myillusions wrote:

The Lookout (2007)

Very enjoyable movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt with Isla Fisher.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

I watched Suspension last night. Really cool concept, but it falls a bit flat. Basically a rip off of a Twilight Zone episode where this guy can stop time. He gains this power from a camcorder his son was using when him and his mom were killed in a car wreck.

Does this guy investigate why he has been given this strange gift from the gods, or somehow look for answers as to why the wreck happened?

No. He becomes obsessed with the wife/girlfriend of the person who caused the crash.

I wanted to enjoy it, but the guy just had no logic whatsoever.

Wanted to go see The Strangers tonight, but not in the mood to sit in the theater. I might go tomorrow.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

I watched Black Water, and its one of the worst movies ever.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Mike wrote:

Yesterday I saw The Incredible Hulk, I thought it was pretty good and I've never been that much into The Hulk. The CGI wasn't that over the top even though I think The Hulk could've looked a little more realistic but overall it's worth checking out. The main fight in the end between Hulk and Abomination was awesome.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:
Mike wrote:

Yesterday even though I think The Hulk could've looked a little more realistic

I always thought they should've got Triple H to play the angry hulk. Similar to Lou Ferigno. Not a fan of the CGI, didn't bother with the first one. Glad to hear this one's at least better though.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:

I saw Cloverfield last night, and well.... I'm pretty indifferent to it. Overall the monster/chase scenes were really good. And the movie was better than I was expecting, however it wasn't really that good for all the hype it got. I almost shut it off after two minutes, as it was too much like Blair Witch, the shaky cam was pretty dizzying, and mostly the kids were annoying (not the actors, they were pretty good, but the characters they played).  I think that was what really killed this movie, the fact they were some annoying rich kids up in NYC. I just lost alot of sympathy for them (for a movie, I wouldn't had it happened in real life). Why couldn't they have been some average joes, or at least a few of them smoking weed and chilling on the couch. A 24 year old moving to Japan to become VP??  Really?!! Aslo, personal preference I'd rather it took place in another city than NYC, and the Statue of Liberty destroyed signaling the end of the world has also been done to death.

But, like I said, after the first 20 minutes it got really good, once the thing stuck. It was short, but I think myb it had to be, with the lack of script & ad libbing, not sure it would have worked out had it been longer. Maybe it was & they  chose to edit it down. The satellitte falling into the ocean was cool. I was on imdb after i saw it & remembered hearing about that & the end credits, I watched it again & the satelitte is pretty obvious if you close to the tv (or myb have an hd). The end credits, I didn't hear so much, thought that was overhyped ("Stay untill after the credits!!") All I really heard was

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and barely, at that.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

jorge76 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Mike wrote:

Yesterday even though I think The Hulk could've looked a little more realistic

I always thought they should've got Triple H to play the angry hulk. Similar to Lou Ferigno. Not a fan of the CGI, didn't bother with the first one. Glad to hear this one's at least better though.

I thought I read somewhere that Triple H was up for "Thor".  I don't know if they've actually decided that yet or not, but it would be a good reason why they didn't use him for Hulk.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Neemo wrote:

I got Indiana Jones Trilogy for fathers day

watched temple of doom for the first time in a long time

saw the Spiderwick Chronicals when it came out of DVD

and saw the Rob Zombie Halloween finally....

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