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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

I don’t know how Biden and co escape their rhetoric on this.  The commercials he buys tells me Trump will be a dictator and poses the greatest threat our democracy has ever faced. And now some left wing nutjob took 5 minutes to buy his AR, and took his shot. I don’t believe in a God that gives two fucks about our lives, but to quote Jules Winfield “that’s some divine intervention shit”.

Media is saying it was a 100 meter/yard shot, and homeboy didn’t get a direct hit. Definitely not military or a hunter. Whoever the shooter is, they weren’t trained.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

With your experience with is it possible that he hit an ear with Trump's head at that angle?

Biden won't escape this politically...I'm not sure if that's what you meant. Did you mean to imply more than politically?

Trump will most likely have an Obama style electoral victory in November.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

The shooter was a bad shot, that’s how I explain it. Assuming he shot an AR, the trajectory of that bullet is flat at 100-150 yards. Maybe he was trying to be fancy and go for a head shot, but 2-3 rounds center mass in quick succession would have been far more effective.

Im saying Democrats and Biden until he pulled all advertising this evening, explicitly said Trump was the most dangerous threat facing our country. They’ve been saying it for years. They also claim that any event that they can attempt to label right wing violence was inspired by or incited by Trump. See January 6th for the dictionary example. Charlottesville used to occupy that spot.

Someone, who clearly believed taking out Trump was worth dying over, has now shot the President in an attempted assasination attempt. CBS was immediately asking why Trump wasn’t asking for calm in his tweet. Again, refer to the previous paragraph.

Democrats can no longer say with a straight face that Trump is inciting violence. We all remember the summer of 2020, even though we were told it was “mostly peaceful”. Steve Scalise was shot. Now Trump. The people doing the shooting don’t get to tell others they’re inciting violence with their rhetoric.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

The question I want answered is how did this happen. We know there were snipers in place above, we saw them in the news coverage. How does a guy in multicam climb onto a white roof, and not be immediately spotted by the SS snipers. That’s the whole fucking reason they exist. Dude should have been spotted the moment he climbed on top and should have been neutralized a second later when visual confirmation of his weapon occurred. Standard Rules of Engagement for any situation like this.

Somebody fucked up bigtime. Didn’t House Democrats attempt to strip Trump of SS detail?

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Charlottesville actually happened. So did January 6. So did the events that occurred today.

Anyone perpetrating this kind of thing needs to be held accountable. It doesn't help that Trump handled 2020 the way he did. Suddenly he looks like a hero...I won't forget his wrong doings. I want this political era to be over. I don't know how that happens.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Current Events...

Liberals hating on Biden is insanity right now.

They don’t circle the wagons at all.

One debate ain’t the end of the world.

Yikes on the Trump assassination attempt, I don’t think that’s a key to the White House though. Makes a good image and rally call for his base.

I trust in Allan Lichtman’s 13 keys to the White House.

The sky isn’t falling for liberals. Need to snap out of it.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

The video of some of the secret service officers is absurd. Some of them are completely clueless and panicking. One couldn’t even figure out how to holster her gun.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Jesus…i hadn’t seen this before. I hope his parents never see that but i don’t know how they could avoid it forever.

Can you imagine dealing with all the shame and grief his parents are dealing with today?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Current Events...

Aussie wrote:

It’s staggering how he was able to climb up there, then crawl along the top and take the shots without being taken out prior.

He stands out like dogs balls on that white roof. What sort of security and snipers etc did they have in place that missed that? ?

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