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 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Another ramification here…when is the last time a democratic leaning judge was appointed to the Supreme Court?

What kind of stupid game are the Dems playing on this? How has Biden not replaced a single judge? The irony…age and health…and it all comes down to ego preservation just like it did with Ginsberg.

The Dems are about to get thrashed…and this isn’t even the top of the iceberg.

I’m annoyed by AOCs action but at least she’s doing something. Can’t say the same for rest of the Dems who have absolutely no plan should Biden lose.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

Edit. Okay, I see what you’re saying

Personally, I think it’s a good thing anti constitutional socialists aren’t getting placed on the court.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

There was just an assassination attempt on Trump. Looks like he was shot in the ear

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events...

polluxlm wrote:

Just won the election.

 Rep: 20 

Re: Current Events...

harmon420 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Just won the election.

He already had it won as long as Zombie Joe is the candidate. Extremely dislike Trump, but glad he is okay.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events...

polluxlm wrote:
harmon420 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Just won the election.

He already had it won as long as Zombie Joe is the candidate. Extremely dislike Trump, but glad he is okay.

True, but even if they replace Biden he's got it locked now.


Surprised something like this hasn't happened sooner to be honest.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

Can’t wait to hear about how dangerous rhetoric is


 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

How much more embarrassed do we have to be?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Current Events...

Aussie wrote:

Geez not a good situation. As others said, I imagine that will just seal the victory for him.

There is a sad irony in it all, in that this is exactly what the left/democrats continually tried to scare everyone with and accused/suggested would occur if Trump/the right got into power.

There are looneys on both extremes of the political spectrum and it’s high time that BOTH sides were called out, not just the far right. I see it here in Oz and elsewhere around the world. I believe it’s what drives more moderate people to lean right, when they are sick of hearing only one extreme view as being considered appropriate. If you disagree with that view then you are accused of being insensitive, racist, homophobic or whatever other slur they can think of to discredit the fact you might have a different point of view. Extremists are extremists, no matter which side they sit on and they ALL should be called out.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

Great post, Aussie

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