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 Rep: 20 

Re: Current Events...

harmon420 wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Tomorrow is going to be an embarrassment.

Spot on. If you walked away feeling emboldened by either candidate, then boy have I got an entire catalog of bridges to sell you. I'd vote for Mitch McConnell or Hillary Clinton before I'd vote for one of these dotard clowns. By the way I hate both McConnell and Clinton. We are rapidly approaching the apex of the culture war. Gross. I'd gladly take another W. Or Obama.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Current Events...

-Jack- wrote:
harmon420 wrote:

We are rapidly approaching the apex of the culture war.

God I hope so lol.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

Any thoughts? My main thought is, "I wonder how many people watched the debate?"

I didn't hear many people talking about it beforehand. But I've also been off work and laying low/not socializing. Biden looked awful. I think that the debate format, which was supposed to hurt Trump (no audience, no interrupting from other candidate by shutting their mic off,) ended up helping him a lot. Biden seems most effective at calling Trump a liar and beating him in chaotic shouting matches... when he has 2 minutes to talk freely his cognitive decline is clear. Trump is better when he isn't baited into shouting matches, especially with Biden.

I think Trump started strong and got weaker during the debate but I don't know if that mattered all that much since Biden was struggling so hard.

Anyway I still think Biden wins in November mysteriously... but who knows.

Yeah, the CNN format actually helped Trump. Biden looked bad, he’s probably going to lose, but not for the debate performance. Democrats cannot accept reality that they are losing on policy. When Trump was elected everyone knew he lied, was a whoremonger, etc. They were not happy with the direction of the country. We’re in worse shape than in 16. People are even more unhappy.

Gas prices

If they think they’re actually winning on any of those they are completely deranged

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Biden is a good man and he gets to say he was president. Trump is everything ID says…he’s revolting.

But he will win as i predicted a few messages back. Rather than get it right with policy, the Dems spent way too much time chasing down Trump in court. Even when Trump was beaten, they couldn’t resist.

Here we are 4 years later and we have AOC looking like a total fool at NYC rallies looking as detached as anyone could be in 2024.

Plug your nose in November…it’s gonna stink.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

I’ve been plugging my nose since 2016! 16

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events...

I’m amazed at how this election is shaping up. It’s truly an amalgamation of 2016 and 2020, but reversed.

In 2016 republicans such as myself hoped and prayed Trump would be replaced at the convention, this couldn’t be our nominee. The convention came and went and the majority got on the Trump train. This is what is happening with Biden now. Half the party wants someone else, and over half thinks he should step aside because he’s not a serious candidate. Sound familiar?

In 2020 Trump was down in nearly every poll this time. Covid was all the hype and the media and Democrats blamed Trump for the shitty state of affairs. Biden hid from the media for 6 months, and let Trump destroy himself with his nonstop gaffes and idiotic statements. Admittedly Trump isn’t hiding in his bunker, but he’s certainly not leading the chorus of chants against Biden. Quite the opposite in fact, he’s shutting the fuck up about it. The same media the ran Covid numbers on every inch of our screens for 10 months is now doing to Biden what it did to Trump, and Trump is letting it eat Biden.

I thought Stephanopolous went too far with his interview with Biden. Yes, he needed to hit the mark on Biden’s cognitive ability, but he beat a dead horse. He pushed Biden to say only God can get him to quit, and that was way beyond the line of good journalism in my book. Biden is staying in the race. We don’t need 12 minutes of nonstop badgering on if that’s a good idea.

I have serious concerns for this nation early next year. Because I do think Trump will win, and the violence of the summer of 2020 is only a glimmer of what left wing radicals will do now. The media and the left have convinced them it’s morally acceptable to use violence against “Nazis” and that Trump is the greatest threat to America in a century. Let’s ignore the reality of his presidency and the crime rates and and global conflicts, and pretend such a claim is remotely true, as they do. How do you not have tens of thousands of Gen Zers and young millennials in the streets trying to insta their Selma moment?  How do you not have militarized police that respond with force when they try to firebomb the White House again like they did on June 1st 2020.

If you think for a moment Democratic leaders will call for calm, Pelosi and Schumer knelt in solidarity with the rioters a day after they threw Molotovs at the White House and Trump was rushed to the bunker. Democrats called 2016 stolen and Trump illegitimate. They’re just as guilty of dissent and stirring the pot as Trump was in the aftermath of 2020. Or did we all forget that every newspaper in the country and leading Democrats called for the electoral college to vacate Trump in January of 17? 

ARs and AKs take 5 minutes to get in nearly every state. Both extremes have violent people willing to hurt others for their cause. The two party system is broken and co-opted by the same corporations and people happy to have the country fight over coke or Pepsi.

Civil war is coming. China is now in Belarus doing drills alongside Russia, and half our country is blindly urging us to head to WW3.  I wonder if fighting for men to swim in the women’s Olympics or passing heart beat bills will seem like hills to die on in the coming years.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

I’m amazed at how this election is shaping up. It’s truly an amalgamation of 2016 and 2020, but reversed.

In 2016 republicans such as myself hoped and prayed Trump would be replaced at the convention, this couldn’t be our nominee. The convention came and went and the majority got on the Trump train. This is what is happening with Biden now. Half the party wants someone else, and over half thinks he should step aside because he’s not a serious candidate. Sound familiar?

Why is this happening? Why do we hate the people we're voting for?

In 2020 Trump was down in nearly every poll this time. Covid was all the hype and the media and Democrats blamed Trump for the shitty state of affairs. Biden hid from the media for 6 months, and let Trump destroy himself with his nonstop gaffes and idiotic statements. Admittedly Trump isn’t hiding in his bunker, but he’s certainly not leading the chorus of chants against Biden. Quite the opposite in fact, he’s shutting the fuck up about it. The same media the ran Covid numbers on every inch of our screens for 10 months is now doing to Biden what it did to Trump, and Trump is letting it eat Biden.

I thought Stephanopolous went too far with his interview with Biden. Yes, he needed to hit the mark on Biden’s cognitive ability, but he beat a dead horse. He pushed Biden to say only God can get him to quit, and that was way beyond the line of good journalism in my book. Biden is staying in the race. We don’t need 12 minutes of nonstop badgering on if that’s a good idea.

I have serious concerns for this nation early next year. Because I do think Trump will win, and the violence of the summer of 2020 is only a glimmer of what left wing radicals will do now. The media and the left have convinced them it’s morally acceptable to use violence against “Nazis” and that Trump is the greatest threat to America in a century. Let’s ignore the reality of his presidency and the crime rates and and global conflicts, and pretend such a claim is remotely true, as they do. How do you not have tens of thousands of Gen Zers and young millennials in the streets trying to insta their Selma moment?  How do you not have militarized police that respond with force when they try to firebomb the White House again like they did on June 1st 2020.

I have voted in every presidential election I could since I legally became of age. Why do I seriously consider not voting at all this year. Not that it matters...I live in a state that is already decided. This has the feel of a dead man walking no matter what or who...

If you think for a moment Democratic leaders will call for calm, Pelosi and Schumer knelt in solidarity with the rioters a day after they threw Molotovs at the White House and Trump was rushed to the bunker. Democrats called 2016 stolen and Trump illegitimate. They’re just as guilty of dissent and stirring the pot as Trump was in the aftermath of 2020. Or did we all forget that every newspaper in the country and leading Democrats called for the electoral college to vacate Trump in January of 17? 

ARs and AKs take 5 minutes to get in nearly every state. Both extremes have violent people willing to hurt others for their cause. The two party system is broken and co-opted by the same corporations and people happy to have the country fight over coke or Pepsi.

Civil war is coming. China is now in Belarus doing drills alongside Russia, and half our country is blindly urging us to head to WW3.  I wonder if fighting for men to swim in the women’s Olympics or passing heart beat bills will seem like hills to die on in the coming years.

I'm starting to believe this to be true...but why? What are we fighting over? What are we fighting for?

Define Civil War...

Here is one that I see...Gen Z women are total whores and will sell their bodies for $100. Men and women under 35 do nothing but use each other now. Women are proud to run up their body counts and making entire careers out of men pay for sex and toss them away. Sex work is the new feminism (wtf???) and men get accused of SA for no reason at all. 80% of women in marriages are initiating divorce and fleecing their husbands. Birth rates are at all time lows...we're not replacing ourselves.

That seems like a civil war of some kind.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events...

James wrote:

Good to see you back, Flagg.

In 2016 republicans such as myself hoped and prayed Trump would be replaced at the convention, this couldn’t be our nominee. The convention came and went and the majority got on the Trump train.

I wish we got the alternate timeline where Kasich gets the nomination and then the presidency.

Kasich or some other normal politician getting the presidency in 2016 is probably the only thing that MIGHT have saved us.

This is what is happening with Biden now. Half the party wants someone else, and over half thinks he should step aside because he’s not a serious candidate. Sound familiar?

Unfortunately yes.

It's another aspect of our hyper-partisan, psychotic culture war that's eventually going to destroy the West.

Wish I had predicted it. My prediction after Trump world ended was one Biden term with someone like The Rock or Oprah entering the picture and becoming the Trump for the left and they'd run against Ivanka. Obviously I was wrong.

It could still happen (2028?) but the West is going down the tubes fast.

Quite the opposite in fact, he’s shutting the fuck up about it. The same media the ran Covid numbers on every inch of our screens for 10 months is now doing to Biden what it did to Trump, and Trump is letting it eat Biden.

Yeah instead of Trump insanity, it's Biden senility.

Instead of Covid, it's Ukraine, Gaza, and other hotspots.

Instead of Agenda 30 or whatever it was that was going to send us over the cliff, it's now project 2025.

Different but the same as Cheech would say.

It's all by design. TPTB know exactly what they are doing. I don't know why they want us to collapse but they clearly do.

I have serious concerns for this nation early next year.

So do I.

Extremism has taken over both sides. We're fucked either way. A corporate hellish dystopia that has morphed into an Idiocracy.

Because I do think Trump will win

It's a lock.

Trump having a heart attack, stroke, dying in his sleep, etc is the only thing that could prevent a second term.

Just like I said 4 years ago, if the left refused to move on from him and made 2020-24 a constant Trump commercial like they did in 2015-16, they were going to force us to endure it all over again.

They didn't and now look.

Trump World 2.0 is on the horizon.

Thanks.   :(      :bs:

. Or did we all forget that every newspaper in the country and leading Democrats called for the electoral college to vacate Trump in January of 17?

I didn't forget.

#NotMyPresident trended for God knows how long.

It'll happen again in January.

I wonder if fighting for men to swim in the women’s Olympics or passing heart beat bills will seem like hills to die on in the coming years.

Our culture wars in the 2010s-20s were our ruination.

Building statues to honor criminals who like to rob pregnant women, political trench warfare during pandemics, school shootings or grocery store massacres only relevant depending on who the shooters voted for,  cocks are female and you're a fascist who makes Hitler look like Mother Teresa if you disagree, anything white is demonic and if you don't agree you're the grand wizard of the KKK, the abortion madness, movies now commercials for agendas, list goes on.

I still can't hardly believe millions of people believe a man standing in a locker room nude with a huge, throbbing erection getting off on standing in a sea of nude women should not only be categorized as a woman but that there's no difference at all.

We deserve our coming collapse just on that nonsense alone.

Sex work is the new feminism (wtf???)

Feminism was turned into a men's rights movement  in the 2010s with the trans craze used as the Trojan horse. As the gender critical feminists (actual feminists) said 5-6 years ago, they can't believe they were stupid enough to fall for it. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late to save it.

It was super easy for the takeover. Deploy the Trojan horse, the right sees through the madness and calls it out and thanks to our hyper-partisan culture, anything the right hates requires 10000% support from the left come hell or high water.

Voila! Feminism destroyed.

They were so focused on what Republicans were doing with their various agendas such as abortion,  they allowed the left to waltz in and burn the whole thing to the ground. Feminism has been set back decades. IMO it's never going to recover.

Feminism today:

Porn addicted, mentally ill men are now women
Men shattering women's records is a grand achievement
Porn is great
Prostitution is empowering
Mindless hookups are empowering
Divorce is awesome
If divorce not an option, affairs are the cat's meow

They also fell for all the woketastic nonsense.

I feel so sorry for the few real feminists who still exist. They weren't even allowed to have online communities once they realized how they had been bamboozled. Their communities not only destroyed but archives were removed as well. Why? Hate speech.

What was the "hate speech"? Believing that a man in a dress jerking off in the women's restroom while sucking on a used tampon isn't a woman.

Yes this really happened. They posted screenshots and links to the accounts of these degenerates. Then poof...their communities went up in smoke.

Like I said to Flagg above, we deserve everything that's coming. We allowed it all to happen and the chickens are now heading home to roost.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

So how does it play out? What's your prediction for the future? You forecast doom and gloom...what does that look like?

My very poorly researched conclusion? We end up with something similar to what the middle east has now as compared to 50 years ago. A total reversal in direction (not necessarily good or bad?) in which a severely patriarchal system is re-established. Or we just continue to meander aimlessly and hopelessly with no real objective in sight other than to tear each other apart.

What does that mean - 'the west will pay...the west will fall...'...don't we just reinvent? We don't just disappear?

Also, I wanted to hear more on your thoughts regarding when feminism became a men's movement. I had not heard that one before.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

I think there will be riots like in 2020, but like every other prediction of the end times for the US we’ll settle and ride out Trumps presidency like last time. I do like seeing Fetterman starting to break away from the Democratic Party though

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