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 Rep: 77 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

TheMole wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I mean come on...if your band mates don't know if your in the band...that means your not in the fucking band... 16

Or, in this case, it means your not a fucking band at all. No bond, no comradery, nothing more than an employer-employee relationship. That sorta takes the magic away from it all, doesn't it? GNR used to stand for something, the music was juvenile and angsty because that's who they were. Now it's business, and that irks me.

 Rep: 80 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Backslash wrote:
ibelieveinaxl wrote:

I really hope he is still in the band, but come on people, think about it rationally. Why would he leave the band and join another huge band if gnr were about to do something big like tour and/or release an album. it makes no sense at all to say he is just taking a leave of absence. plus, if he was still in, why wouldnt the camp just say he is taking a breather? because he isnt. the guy got fed up and left. its really that simple. and for those that try to cover it up (i.e. /backslash) it a joke. its pretty condescending also. how dumb do some people think the average gnr fan is? its also pathetic the way some speak to the masses that has nothing to do with the band and comes off as though he is in the band. again, i hope robin is still in, but common sense must lead one to only one sensible conclusion that he has left.

Hey, what did I do?

 Rep: 207 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

DCK wrote:

I mean if he wasn't gone...either he or the band would say he wasn't gone! But he says nothing and the band says "don't know and don't want to guess". I mean WTF is that?

Exactly. What the FLYING FUCK is up with a band and a guitarist who can't say if their lead guitarist is in the band or not????

 Rep: 664 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

James wrote:

I'm gonna ask a question, and its not meant in a "flaming" or "whining" tone.....

In the grand scheme of things, does it even matter anymore whether he's in the band or not?

GNR has survived the departure of....

Paul Huge

and Finck leaving matters in what regard?

Like Madagas said, Guns N Roses is Axl Rose at this point. Has been for years. Anyone that doesn't realize that at this point needs the kool-aid pumped out of their stomachs.

The CD project will either progress or regress regardless of whether Finck is on board or not.

 Rep: 150 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

sic. wrote:

And what would Robin do at this point anyway?

Rehearse the SCOM solo ad nauseaum while Axl finishes the 'negotiations'? Since Fortus apparently learned about the new management from the Internet, Robin also had a full week to pick up the phone, call Axl/Del/Beta/whomever, straighten things out and back up from NIN before anything official would've come about. Trent would've had time to find a replacement, and he would've done so with ease. Robin could've stepped down from the NIN train before it left the station, but he chose to go along for the ride. Why? Maybe it's because he's been with the CD Locomotive for eight years straight and that steamroller went off the rails  before anyone got on board.

IF CD comes out this year (which is more likely now than ever since 01/02 - Azoff wants it out), my guess is November, and not a month before. IF they'll go on tour because of this, Azoff himself will get Robin back on board, if he's still considered the one. Make no mistake, it'll happen that way if CD comes out. If not, Robin's gamble has just bought him a credit on The Slip and some spanking new live experiences with Trent.

Release CD.

Success = Tour / Follow-up.

Failure = Reunion.

A simple equation.

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Sky Dog wrote:

Axl needs to figure out how to do both....if Gnr is one big happy family then just make the band bigger. Just have two bands! The new and the old....let them release Chinese and tour behind it. The catch is new Gnr has to open for the reunited Gnr! Fuck all these lame opening acts. New band could do 45 to an hour of all Chinese. Then, let Axl have a good intermission and have an hour and a half to two hour reunion show. 16 Wildly dreaming, but it would be cool.

 Rep: 33 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Scabbie wrote:
madagas wrote:

Axl needs to figure out how to do both....if Gnr is one big happy family then just make the band bigger. Just have two bands! The new and the old....let them release Chinese and tour behind it. The catch is new Gnr has to open for the reunited Gnr! Fuck all these lame opening acts. New band could do 45 to an hour of all Chinese. Then, let Axl have a good intermission and have an hour and a half to two hour reunion show. 16 Wildly dreaming, but it would be cool.

OMG I can just imagine, he'd be late for the first one and the second one. It'd be an all night affair!

 Rep: 4 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Backslash wrote:
ibelieveinaxl wrote:

I really hope he is still in the band, but come on people, think about it rationally. Why would he leave the band and join another huge band if gnr were about to do something big like tour and/or release an album. it makes no sense at all to say he is just taking a leave of absence. plus, if he was still in, why wouldnt the camp just say he is taking a breather? because he isnt. the guy got fed up and left. its really that simple. and for those that try to cover it up (i.e. /backslash) it a joke. its pretty condescending also. how dumb do some people think the average gnr fan is? its also pathetic the way some speak to the masses that has nothing to do with the band and comes off as though he is in the band. again, i hope robin is still in, but common sense must lead one to only one sensible conclusion that he has left.

Hey, what did I do?

Hey, man! I wasn't referrring to you, but I love your screen name. LMAO! It's some lame as dude who thinks he IS GNR and can speak for them. But again, i'm his biggest fan!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Aussie wrote:

We definitely ain't seeing CD anytime soon (not that I thought otherwise).

I am proud to announce the final personnel lineup of nine inch nails for the foreseeable future. We've added, we've subtracted and we've wound up with unquestionably the strongest lineup I've EVER had. Joining me onstage will be Robin Finck, Alessandro Cortini, Josh Freese and Justin Meldal-Johnson.
We've been working on something really special for these shows and so far I couldn't be happier with the results. We'll be revealing some live performances shortly here on - in the meantime, we've posted some photos from rehearsals up on Flickr here.

Meanwhile, I assume some of you may not be entirely familiar with the acts I've chosen to join us on various legs of this tour, so we've compiled a sampler EP for you. CLICK HERE to download this for free. If you like what you hear, be sure to show up early to the show (and please remember to support them by purchasing their music, if so inclined).


Some pics of Robin rehursing as well:

 Rep: 53 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

elmir wrote:

hah...he got his old look back....i guess Trent didn't like the beard...fuck, he looks happy there, and some of those rehearsal photos really look like he's rocking out with them...

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