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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Trump compromising on the illegals. This is good. It will piss off the Bannon’s and Sessions of the world.

Where did you see this?

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Trump compromising on the illegals. This is good. It will piss off the Bannon’s and Sessions of the world.

Where did you see this?

All over the news. Open to a path if he can get the border sealed.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Thought he had a good meeting yesterday, that was good Trump. Unfortunately, stupid Trump will show up at any moment and screw it all up again.

Oh, I love the south. Love it. If you don't... I'd suggest just staying out of the south.

I've been off Twitter since Christmas and hot damn am I in a better mood. I don't think I'm going back.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Thought he had a good meeting yesterday, that was good Trump. Unfortunately, stupid Trump will show up at any moment and screw it all up again.

Oh, I love the south. Love it. If you don't... I'd suggest just staying out of the south.

I've been off Twitter since Christmas and hot damn am I in a better mood. I don't think I'm going back.

I quit Facebook a week before TLJ. So much happier. I really believe those studies saying social media fucks with your outlook.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

So I'm about 1/2 through Wolff's book.  It's more about Bannon than Trump.  Anyone who thought this book was going to help the collusion believers was gravely mistaken.  Every time it's addressed in the book, it's addressed as completely fabricated and Trump's team worried that the attention will reveal something stupid Trump did unrelated.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

So I'm about 1/2 through Wolff's book.  It's more about Bannon than Trump.  Anyone who thought this book was going to help the collusion believers was gravely mistaken.  Every time it's addressed in the book, it's addressed as completely fabricated and Trump's team worried that the attention will reveal something stupid Trump did unrelated.

That’s a very valid concern and that’s exactly what happened.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Trump is doing good so far in 2018. I like the idea of working together but there are some huge egos on both sides that will make it hard.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

Thought he had a good meeting yesterday, that was good Trump. Unfortunately, stupid Trump will show up at any moment and screw it all up again.

Oh, I love the south. Love it. If you don't... I'd suggest just staying out of the south.

I've been off Twitter since Christmas and hot damn am I in a better mood. I don't think I'm going back.

I quit Facebook a week before TLJ. So much happier. I really believe those studies saying social media fucks with your outlook.

60 Minutes did a pretty informative segment last year, showing how deep their algorythms are. Essentially the psychology is similar to that of casino's & slot machines, 'Did I win', and the goal is to entice the brain into seeing something it loves or wants or needs. Which is why often times if you log on, you'll see a post but if you log off than on again, you won't see the post again. It thinks you weren't attracted to it. It also runs pretty deep, memorizing an average of how far you scroll. So if you tend to only scroll down about 5 or 6 posts, it'll place a high priority post at the top, then another about 4 down, to keep you on. Things like that.

TBH I think the social media craze will fade in the 2020s. It might linger for email/contact purposes, and keeping to touch with friends/classmates, but like anything the younger generation will have a backlash, and say 'No' to the way of life. Sorta like what the 90s did to the 80s. If I could bet against it or 'short' Facebook I would love to lol.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

I was noticing every time I was on Twitter I'd get mad. If I responded to an idiot it made it worse. I'd be in a bad mood all day. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that but I think it's pretty subtle but pretty insidious. Outside 10% of getting something valuable for something I'm interested in, I don't see what good social media does for society. Hashtag nation is really shallow. Yeah, things go viral but is it really doing any good or is it creating more stringent ugliness for whatever political affiliation you belong to. I heard a great quote, read a book not a tweet. I firmly believe social media has created a vitriolic stew of hate in this country.

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

I don't do twitter.  It's a cesspool as far as I'm concerned. I do use Facebook to keep up with family and friends since I am so far away from them.  I avoid the political discussions there like the plague

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