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 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Right now there no crime being investigated. In fact even if there was evidence that the Trump Camp and Russia timed some dumps, that still isn't a crime. Just saw Alan Dershowitz on TV (Hillary Voter) say he must call it like he sees it and right now there is no Federal Crime Being alledged. Poor political decisions. Some possible leaking on both sides? Maybe. But no federal crime. And unless he tore up a subpoena or destroyed evidence, no obstruction of justice and he has the right to fire Comey. So in the end he feels this helps trump.

It's not about the crimes, he has incredible immunity as president, but breaking his oath of office.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Right now there no crime being investigated. In fact even if there was evidence that the Trump Camp and Russia timed some dumps, that still isn't a crime. Just saw Alan Dershowitz on TV (Hillary Voter) say he must call it like he sees it and right now there is no Federal Crime Being alledged. Poor political decisions. Some possible leaking on both sides? Maybe. But no federal crime. And unless he tore up a subpoena or destroyed evidence, no obstruction of justice and he has the right to fire Comey. So in the end he feels this helps trump.

It's not about the crimes, he has incredible immunity as president, but breaking his oath of office.

Won't lead to anything. Special Prosecutor is only allowed to investigate Federal Crime per AD.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

What? He can definitely be impeached depending on the findings and his behavior.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

You're making all of that up. Per usual. That's not how any of that went down. We very much were skeptical of pee tapes and I stated more than once that I didn't think Trump personally worked with Putin on this thing.

Do I have to go back and find quotes?  Like I said, you've moved the goal post.  Maybe you personally didn't buy into the piss tapes, but others on this forum sure did.  You've said countless times you have a "gut feeling" Trump worked with Russia.  I don't care how you move the goal post, but it's being done. 

Best case for you is someone on Trump's team did something illegal that Trump had no knowledge of.  That accomplishes dick.  Flynn goes to jail, and Trump is still the President.  You apparently don't know how impeachment works, and you're looney if you think Pence is going to invoke the 25th amendment and get buy off from the cabinet and congress.

Run a competitive candidate that doesn't think they're royalty.  But I have a feeling you guys will go full retard and have Pocahontas up there promising the world and being destroyed on stage by Trump.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

You're making all of that up. Per usual. That's not how any of that went down. We very much were skeptical of pee tapes and I stated more than once that I didn't think Trump personally worked with Putin on this thing.

Do I have to go back and find quotes?  Like I said, you've moved the goal post.  Maybe you personally didn't buy into the piss tapes, but others on this forum sure did.  You've said countless times you have a "gut feeling" Trump worked with Russia.  I don't care how you move the goal post, but it's being done. 

Best case for you is someone on Trump's team did something illegal that Trump had no knowledge of.  That accomplishes dick.  Flynn goes to jail, and Trump is still the President.  You apparently don't know how impeachment works, and you're looney if you think Pence is going to invoke the 25th amendment and get buy off from the cabinet and congress.

Run a competitive candidate that doesn't think they're royalty.  But I have a feeling you guys will go full retard and have Pocahontas up there promising the world and being destroyed on stage by Trump.

Yeah, you're absolutely obsessed with my gut, which I've stated facts to back up. You're pulling things completely out of your ass.

Obstruction. That will get him impeached or force him to resign.

You're a petty right winger, desperate to exaggerate and mischaracterize as much as possible. Pocahontas? Lol, let me guess the lying corrupt ignoramus you ripped that off from. Birds of a feather...

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Yea, It's totally cool she claimed to be Indian to benefit her career. Rachel Doelziak is pure evil, but Warren is a progressive hero, so fuck it.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

When you show the same outrage about a liar, con artist, sexual predator, let's talk about it deeper.

 Rep: 664 

Re: US Politics Thread

James wrote:

To be fair to ID/Mitch/etc. I think the piss tape issue was more laughed at and mocked although I obviously missed out on huge chunks of discussion.

Goal posts definitely get moved although that is happening on a grand scale due to a different story trending and being discussed. It will happen this time as well. Mark my words.

ID, Flagg is not a "petty right winger". You should know that due to the lengthy political discussion. He voted for Hillary for fucks sake. Does he lean right? Of course.

Question to all sides here:

What do you consider the best source of mainstream news? While I do prefer MSNBC, I like CNN's site as I prefer its design but it is getting ridiculous and is now bordering on not even being genuine news. Its front page comes across as a giant anti-Trump ad. Cornell's death was major news Wednesday and you had to scroll to the bottom to see it. Fucking insanity. They cant get their head out of Trump's ass long enough to cover other major events.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Flagg knows what I'm talking about when he diverts to right wing talking points. He voted for Hillary because he said he felt Trump was unfit for office, which is exactly what he's arguing with me about now. We can all see it has been a terrible week for Trump, but you can't act like none of it is relevant and everything is fine, and we're all Elizabeth Warren "retards."

I can't take CNNs format of twelve people talking over each other at once. Their panel usually consists of the most douche baggery of guests on top of it. I like Anderson Cooper, I wish he had a format more like Maddow, who is really grating on my nerves. Brian Williams is my favorite and you can see the shift in MSNBC since he's taken over the news division. He was instrumental in getting Nicole Wallace a show on MSNBC.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

CNN is the C Lister channel. What a Shit show over there.

Maddow is so annoying. Must every episode start with the 20 minute "what the fuck will the point of this be" monologue?  Brian Williams, the ultimate fucking liar is a clown. I like Nicole Wallace but she deserves a show as much as Katie Turr. Greta, Matthews, Hayes is a good run. Maddow is annoying and O'Donnel is a weird bird. That fucker acts all knowing. Don't like his style.

The Five is not ready for prime time. Tucker and Hannity do well.

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