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 Rep: 664 

Re: US Politics Thread

James wrote:
Cramer wrote:

CNN is reporting that Pence is considering dropping out of the race.

Wow. JUst when you think this election cant get any crazier.....

I'd be surprised if Pence dropped out. I mean if you assume that Trump wouldn't last 4 years, he'd be President.

Trump doesn't have a realistic shot.

does he see now his relationship with Trump may be toxic to his future chances & is going to try and minimise the damage?

This is likely. His name is now out there in the mainstream, he can walk away from the 2016 freak show and try and run for prez in 2020.

Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I'd be surprised if Pence dropped out. I mean if you assume that Trump wouldn't last 4 years, he'd be President.

Trump doesn't have a realistic shot.

Not according to the polling data polluxlm compiles!

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:

If I didn't fear the rig I'd take bets on a Trump win.

Most polls use the 2012 model to predict turnout. That's not going to hold up when you swap Obama for Hillary and Romney for Trump.

The desperate media campaign against him should tell you all you have to know about how well he's doing.

Spontaneous Trump rally after scandal dwarfs a normal Hillary event:


Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

If I didn't fear the rig I'd take bets on a Trump win.

The desperate media campaign against him should tell you all you have to know about how well he's doing.

Oh ffs. I shouldn't have said anything.
Reminder to self: Must stop trying to be/being a smartass around nutjobs. I keep forgetting I'm dealing with humourless, impotent, deranged paranoids.

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:

I have humor! 14

Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

I have humor! 14

14 9
Sorry. You do.

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:

The reason why I say I'm surprised at all the fuzz about Trump is that stuff like this has been around for a long time:

So if nobody cares that Hillary got a child molester off and bragged and laughed about it, I fail to see why Trump making a lewd joke is such a big deal. Of course we know why there is such a disparity from the media, but nobody wants to talk about that either. Trump says mean things and knows how to do tax deductions, focus on that.

For those who still don't get it, the supporters of Trump are those who see how ridiculous this is. How screwed up such a system has become and how it desperately needs change. If it's the guy from the Apprentice with funny hair, so be it. They're not leaving us a lot of options.

 Rep: 77 

Re: US Politics Thread

TheMole wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

The reason why I say I'm surprised at all the fuzz about Trump is that stuff like this has been around for a long time:

So if nobody cares that Hillary got a child molester off and bragged and laughed about it, I fail to see why Trump making a lewd joke is such a big deal. Of course we know why there is such a disparity from the media, but nobody wants to talk about that either. Trump says mean things and knows how to do tax deductions, focus on that.

For those who still don't get it, the supporters of Trump are those who see how ridiculous this is. How screwed up such a system has become and how it desperately needs change. If it's the guy from the Apprentice with funny hair, so be it. They're not leaving us a lot of options.

I'd recommend everyone actually watch that video, 'cause Pollux's description above is disingenuous and in no way supported by the actual video. Yes, she's telling an anecdote of how she, in her time as a defense lawyer, once was able to drastically reduce someone's sentence based on a technicality. That was her friggin' job, her legal obligation as a defense attorney (and I'd say moral obligation as well). All she's doing in this video talking about how good she was at it, sharing an interesting anecdote that demonstrates how the system sometimes doesn't work, that is all...

Nothing to see here, as usual, but at the very least watch the video and see for yourself...

So yeah, Hillary does her job and does it well, doesn't commit any actual crimes: she supports child molestation. Trump talks about grabbing women in the pussy, in line with all of his other misogynistic exploits: he's just joking. And you have the gall to say the media is skewing the story... that's just insane.

 Rep: 77 

Re: US Politics Thread

TheMole wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Lol at those that think medical reasons are why many abortions happen.... those are a very VERY small percentage. Most abortions are from people that like to fuck but don't want the inconvenience of kids. I get it. But they have condoms and birth control and ovulation scheldules. To get pregnant you are either trying, stupid, or extremely unlucky like a condom breaks and your other medicine negated the affects of the birth control.

Dude, where do you get these numbers? Late term abortions only make up 1% of the total number of abortions in the US. The argument that was being made is that of those late term abortions, all of them are for medical reasons. The VAST majority of abortions happen in the first trimester, and yes a good number of those are because the parents aren't ready for (or simply don't want) kids. What's wrong with that? There seems to be general consensus in the medical community that a fetus doesn't show the necessary brain activity to be considered sentient in the first trimester. Hell, even the Christian church used to adhere to a theory that a fetus is only endowed with a soul around week 16/17 (it has since been abandoned, but still, goes to show how flexible their belief system is...).

I can guarantee you that the vast majority of first trimester abortions are because of a problem with other firms of birth control. It just doesn't make a lick of sense to think that a couple would fuck to their heart's content counting on the fact that they can get an abortion later on instead of just relying on any of the many other contraceptives available. Abortion is almost always used as the back-up to another method of contraception.

But frankly, all of that shouldn't matter. It is their fucking choice, just stop trying to control what someone else can do with their own body when it doesn't affect you in the slightest bit.

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:
TheMole wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

The reason why I say I'm surprised at all the fuzz about Trump is that stuff like this has been around for a long time:

So if nobody cares that Hillary got a child molester off and bragged and laughed about it, I fail to see why Trump making a lewd joke is such a big deal. Of course we know why there is such a disparity from the media, but nobody wants to talk about that either. Trump says mean things and knows how to do tax deductions, focus on that.

For those who still don't get it, the supporters of Trump are those who see how ridiculous this is. How screwed up such a system has become and how it desperately needs change. If it's the guy from the Apprentice with funny hair, so be it. They're not leaving us a lot of options.

I'd recommend everyone actually watch that video, 'cause Pollux's description above is disingenuous and in no way supported by the actual video. Yes, she's telling an anecdote of how she, in her time as a defense lawyer, once was able to drastically reduce someone's sentence based on a technicality. That was her friggin' job, her legal obligation as a defense attorney (and I'd say moral obligation as well). All she's doing in this video talking about how good she was at it, sharing an interesting anecdote that demonstrates how the system sometimes doesn't work, that is all...

Nothing to see here, as usual, but at the very least watch the video and see for yourself...

So yeah, Hillary does her job and does it well, doesn't commit any actual crimes: she supports child molestation. Trump talks about grabbing women in the pussy, in line with all of his other misogynistic exploits: he's just joking. And you have the gall to say the media is skewing the story... that's just insane.

There is nothing disingenuous whatsoever about stating she was laughing and bragging about it. That's what she's doing on that tape. There's a difference between doing your job and not caring about helping a child rapist out on the streets again. It was a good case for her, what does she care about the victim.

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