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 Rep: 341 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

bigbri wrote:

I think Trump is trying to lose. No other explanation, unless he really is that stupid and/or evil.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

WSJ had an interesting article on Hillary and her lies. Rare to see those in the msm since they are doing everything they can to get her elected. It's no wonder people bury their heads given the support her lies are getting from pretty much everyone.

I know you love saying this over and over about burying heads in the sand, but you're really doing it yourself. I mean, youre literally talking about yourself. You believe and read things you only want to hear. The only time you give the "msm" credit is when it bashes Hillary. WSJ is a republican/conservative newspaper. Like the NYT is liberal - who did all they could to try and sabotage Hillary also because she's not really a liberal, or liberal enough.

Try out politifact, a nonpartisan site that debunks myths and calls out lies and you can see all Hillary's lies based on fact, but I know how adverse you are to those.. You can see Trump's also, but be prepared to see a lot of this for old Donald: … onfire.gif

No, see, here's where you're wrong.  I'm not voting for Trump either.  He's as big of a loser as your lying psychopath is. 

Read the WSJ article.  She lied her ass off and continues to lie and people like you just give her a pass because she's not Trump.  I can't handle the absolute stupidity coming from you and a few others in this guys are why maybe all people shouldn't have the right to vote.

Yeah, we are the problem, buzz. You lose your shit whenever presented with a fact. You care only about the world according to Buzz, where your simplistic point of view has all the answers, where you don't have to think too hard about anything that isn't fed to you in small doses. I know she's not perfect. None of our founding fathers were, either. JFK was an unscrupulous individual, far worse than Hillary, but saved us from nuclear annihilation. Reagan was incredibly shady and his whole administration lied their asses off, far worse than she ever has. They actually did arm and fund terrorists, they had a big hand in creating the very people who attacked us, yet a lot of people praise him, like James, as the greatest president ever. You read a smear piece from a conservative newspaper... And? You want us to accept it as the gospel? Did you even attempt to look up the facts, did you even try to look into it more, did you even attempt to find a different point of view,  or was it just easier to swallow what was fed to you because it sounded good? I've given you facts on Obama that included the negative... Which is all you focused on and dismissed the good. You are the ultimate rube. You're sitting here, telling us what we think, when you're doing far worse. I know reality. I want someone who knows the system, who is ruthless, smart and ego driven. Not some silver spoon poser with an inferiority complex and a fragile ego masked by an undeserved sense of entitlement. And there isn't going to be some dream candidate to come in and make everything right. That's not the way it works. I want someone who can get shit done with republicans. She will not be perfect. She's a hawk, a lot of stuff I don't agree with. Calling a politician a liar... This just in, cheetahs have spots.

 Rep: 423 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

Facts? You ignore every fact presented to you. Consider me returning the favor.

You want Gary Johnson or the other 3rd party candidate, but you can't bring yourself to admit it.   Sad. Carry on with the stupidity. I'll laugh at you whenever I bother to read this again.

 Rep: 423 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

Simplistic point of view. Hilarious. You dream of having half of the intelligence I have. Someone in love with Hillary thinks I'm simplistic. Classic. Thanks for the laugh. Really.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

This is getting ugly. Can we stay on point??

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

James wrote:

Buzz...who are "the few others" whose stupidity you cant handle? 16 I know political debates get heated but can we at least drop the insults? Hell, we've all known each other over 10 years.

Reagan was incredibly shady and his whole administration lied their asses off, far worse than she ever has.

Horse shit.

Is this the time for us to play pretend again and live in a temporary fantasy land where you say Reagan's two terms were a disaster, economy down the toilet, then when facts are pointed out to you, you do a 180 and say Reagan was a smashing success but he had no hand in it whatsoever and you credit Carter and the Fed for the 1980s?

Let's do that one again. I need a good laugh right now. 13  19

Before you go into a rage, yeah I know the Fed played a role in the economic recovery. The problem is that you wont credit Reagan. Instead you give the credit to Carter..... who was an imbecile.

One other thing, don't try to school me on Iran Contra. You'll lose and even if it could somehow come out a draw, I'm not in the mood for a lengthy debate on Iran Contra. If/when I get the "all clear" on my health issues, I'll gladly start a new thread where we discuss the pros and cons of the Reagan years. You, Cramer, maybe Bri, Acquiesce, etc. on one side and me, Buzz, SG,  and Flagg on the other. It'll be like an episode of Crossfire. 9 5

bigbri wrote:

I think Trump is trying to lose.

I'm starting to believe this as well. His candidacy was a publicity stunt that got out of control. He had no idea that millions were sick of the corruption. Its sad that HE wound up being the one to threaten the establishment. Said it before I'll say it again....this was THE election Ventura should've taken a stab at it.

He could've won. I know some people here think he's nuts and I'll agree him doing the conspiracy shows was a huge mistake but that guy knows how fucked up the system is and is a genuine outsider that both sides might have played ball with had he been able to become president.

 Rep: 423 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

I said something about him trying to lose a while ago. The sad thing is Hillary is so bad that she can't gain anything. God help us all if a 3rd party doesn't return some sanity to the race.

 Rep: 130 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Simplistic point of view. Hilarious. You dream of having half of the intelligence I have. Someone in love with Hillary thinks I'm simplistic. Classic. Thanks for the laugh. Really.

You're starting to sound like Trump.

 Rep: 149 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

slcpunk wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I think Trump is trying to lose. No other explanation, unless he really is that stupid and/or evil.

I started to sincerely wonder that last week.

 Rep: 149 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

slcpunk wrote:

According to new "Skewed" polling numbers, Hillary has locked down Virginia, Pennsylvania and Colorado. That puts her (today) at 273 EVs to start. She could lose Florida and Ohio and still win.

Here's what my map looks like using RCP data. Anything under a 4 point spread I left undecided.


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