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 Rep: 207 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

DCK wrote:

perhaps Del has a life outside of GNR, and he simply wasn't updated by them on this development.

Then he would say "I don't know" instead of telling Dave that "only Robin knows".

 Rep: 53 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

elmir wrote:

perhaps he meant it in the "i couldn't give a shit about Robin" type of way?

 Rep: 633 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 205 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

PaSnow wrote:

I am really starting to think Robin's contract was a salary for "studio time" only and an additional contract created for the 06 & 07 tour. With the album finished, and Axl taking his time with putting it out & holding it up with the label, Robin was left off payroll (not that he was struggling to make ends meet, just no contract or income). Trent offered him a tour with NIN, so he accepted it, figuring the album is done, he's on it, who knows if & when it'll  ever get released but he did his part.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

war wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I am really starting to think Robin's contract was a salary for "studio time" only and an additional contract created for the 06 & 07 tour. With the album finished, and Axl taking his time with putting it out & holding it up with the label, Robin was left off payroll (not that he was struggling to make ends meet, just no contract or income). Trent offered him a tour with NIN, so he accepted it, figuring the album is done, he's on it, who knows if & when it'll  ever get released but he did his part.

i agree and have been saying that frrom the get go. i also do not believe he has been quitting gnr and NIN over and over again the whole time. this is his job - he is a hired gun and a hired nail. del said only robin knows what is going on with him because he is not under contract right now.  i don't think robin has been in regular contact with axl since the tour ended. robin agreed to take the nin gig when nothing was going on in gnr - no mangement, no release date, etc. i think this is less personal than a lot of us want to think. axl is probably sitting in his chair thinking i wish i would have gotten the ball rolling  two months go - robin could have toured with us in early '09, guess i'll have to do it without him, in which case it is time for bucket.  or he is thinking the opposite, this is too bad - we'll have to put off the release til late to mid '09 then so robin can tour with us.

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

Sky Dog wrote:

I agree with Pasnow and War....I don't think anyone is under contract now. The recording is done and there are no tour plans. Axl isn't going to pay 8 people for absolutely nothing. I believe Richard in the past once alluded to the fact that the touring money was separate from the studio contract. Either way, I highly doubt anyone is getting paid by "Gnr" right now.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

elmir wrote:
madagas wrote:

The recording is done and there are no tour plans.

i so want to agree with you on this one....but the realist in me reckons that the album is "done" the same way it was in 2002, 2006 and 2007....and wasn't really handed in to the label...well, not in its final format at least...a few sample copies were sent for comments....but not the final master...

and the most patient person in the gnr saga....Mr Robin himself....has had enough of waiting...

if he decided to do a stint with Cirque du Soleil....or even a solo album....then it would be more comforting...

but NIN is whats making me feel all uncomfortable....

as much as i hate to say this....i think we're in for another very long period of silence, after which we will be introduced to another new band member....whose presence still needs to be felt on the album we'll go back into the studio....

 Rep: 108 

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

war wrote:
madagas wrote:

I agree with Pasnow and War....I don't think anyone is under contract now. The recording is done and there are no tour plans. Axl isn't going to pay 8 people for absolutely nothing. I believe Richard in the past once alluded to the fact that the touring money was separate from the studio contract. Either way, I highly doubt anyone is getting paid by "Gnr" right now.

except a pretty penny to the manegement team which is balancing out the concerns form me a little.

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

Sky Dog wrote:

done in the sense that the band is NOT needed....I don't know if the album is actually handed in or not. Being done and handed in to the label are two different things. I too think Robin simply had had enough of the bullshit.:headbang:

Re: Del James comments on Robins status

madagas wrote:

done in the sense that the band is NOT needed....I don't know if the album is actually handed in or not. Being done and handed in to the label are two different things. I too think Robin simply had had enough of the bullshit.:headbang:

I have to agree or he wouldn't of done this.

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