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 Rep: 70 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

tejastech08 wrote:

You Ain't The First is possibly the most underrated song on UYI even if I don't think it's the absolute best. Very good song.

Fuck yeah. It's been awhile since I've listened to it.

 Rep: 476 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

misterID wrote:

YATF is a fun song, but no way was it better than Estranged, Locomotive, etc. I always thought it was more of a dig at Axl than a compliment.

 Rep: 0 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

yarno wrote:
sp1at wrote:

Copenhagen Post are predicting GN'R and The Who at the Roskilde Festival this year (Denmark, July again) … y-for.html

Hey BB thanks for the heads up - got me awake and exited and all smile

But I discovered that Roskilde later answered a negative tweet and explained that gn'r won't be there for 2016: … 9816783872 "Just to be clear: GNR is not a subject for 2016"

I Think roskilde is already risking a bit with RHCP who did a quite bad show in 2007 - guns in 2006 wasn't to popular either sad

Cheers everybody- think I'll put on some nice YATF ;')

 Rep: 44 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

sp1at wrote:

Thanks for that. It is good to have it all on record.

I am looking into Super Bock Super Rock in Portugal if you see anything. Not looked at it yet

I am looking at the sequence, UK (starting 9th July), then Ireland, Germany, Portugal then Spain. Italy/France, Switzerland/Belgium, into Denmark/Norway/Sweden then east. Germany could be earlier, so there could be a concert/couple of concerts before the UK, then everything else rearranged around that.

I also have an Ireland link at the end of August, so there could be a secondary/alternative sequence as well. It is maybe based around where/when GN'R will play in the UK.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

Not that it has to be the same but in 06 they hit the UK festival scene earlyish with Download as you'll remember. Then the rest of the summer euro festivals before heading back to the UK at the end of July for a stand alone mini tour.

 Rep: 44 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

sp1at wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Not that it has to be the same but in 06 they hit the UK festival scene earlyish with Download as you'll remember. Then the rest of the summer euro festivals before heading back to the UK at the end of July for a stand alone mini tour.

I hope so. They could do at least three concerts in the UK, but we will need to wait and see.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

James wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

To be fair it's $8m for two shows, so $4m per gig. But yeah it's overpriced regardless. Coachella doesn't need them at all. Maybe the Coachella people just want to brag that they were the group to reunite Axl and Slash after 23 years, kinda like they reunited Rage against the Machine.

Yeah on top of being a hipster shindig it has become notorious for reunions. Other than ABBA, this was the biggest reunion left.

Smoking Guns wrote:

I say screw warm up shows and build everything up for the first weekend of Coachella and do a live stream. Don't need shitty you tube vids from the roxy prior to Coachella. Let Coachella be their kick off party in the grand stage

I agree 1000%. In this era of cell phones its not a good idea. If this was the 90s-early 00s, yeah a small club tour would create a massive buzz.

Save the iconic moment for Coachaella. Seeing Axl and Slash onstage together for the first time only gets to happen once.

misterID wrote:
tejastech08 wrote: … ns-n-roses

Anyone see this 2014 article by Alan Niven? He claims Izzy set up a meeting with Axl to discuss playing the Hall of Fame gig. Izzy waited for him 2 hours and he didn't show up. I wouldn't blame Izzy if he just said "fuck all of it" after that.

Honestly, I don't trust Niven at all.  The most butt hurt guy ever. I remember a story about Aerosmith telling Axl how he was fucking them over, something they know a lot about. I just can't get over him saying You Ain't The First was the best song on UYI.

I feel the exact opposite. I think he gets too much shit from the hardcore base.

What's wrong with him liking that song? That's a very diverse album and different people like different things. When I was 16 I had my mom listen to those albums. I put on UYI I and when it was over went in there to put on II. I asked her did she like it and she said, "yeah it was ok but I really loved that second song"(which was Dust N Bones).  That's not a typical favorite from that album especially coming from an extremely casual fan.

tejastech08 wrote:

You Ain't The First is possibly the most underrated song on UYI even if I don't think it's the absolute best. Very good song.

I think the most underrated song is DNB. Had Izzy never left it deserved to be a single in those first weeks/months after the albums were released.  Perfect time to throw it out there too. Had it not caught on it wouldn't have did any damage because it was already selling like hot cakes and was loaded with singles.

Hey...good to see ya here Yarno.  Thanks for posting that tweet.  5

 Rep: 200 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

apex-twin wrote:

Dust N' Bones is great. The lyrics have that acerbic feel to them that reminds me of Dylan.

He lost his mind today / He left it out back on the highway...

That way Izzy binds abstracts with concrete things, makes me think of this.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

Axlin16 wrote:
JamesLofton wrote:

I feel the exact opposite. I think he gets too much shit from the hardcore base.

Niven is full of fucking shit. ID is right. He's the biggest shit stirrer in existence. The only time I remotely believed him was when Axl spoke in his own defense of the acquisition of the band name, and Niven backed up Axl's story of the events, and considering the two fucking hate each other worse than childhood AIDS, I believed Niven.

Beyond that, the guy has made his disdain for Axl clear, which is fine, he's hated, but alot of the time Niven's shit doesn't even make sense.

Like this. Niven's claims make no fucking sense. Izzy supposed slated a meeting with Axl to talk about performing at the RNRHOF, i'm assuming in 2012 when they got inducted. Axl no showed, Izzy waited for 2 hours, and he was pissed. Right?

Then why the fuck did Izzy, who was so incensed by this, turn around AFTER THE HALL OF FAME, and perform with Axl and the new Guns in London, practically right the fuck after?

Again, some of what Niven says doesn't make sense. BUT... I will say this... Izzy has been kinda absent since. Hmmm....

 Rep: 50 

Re: Same Old, Same Old

Rex wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
JamesLofton wrote:

I feel the exact opposite. I think he gets too much shit from the hardcore base.

Niven is full of fucking shit. ID is right. He's the biggest shit stirrer in existence. The only time I remotely believed him was when Axl spoke in his own defense of the acquisition of the band name, and Niven backed up Axl's story of the events, and considering the two fucking hate each other worse than childhood AIDS, I believed Niven.

Beyond that, the guy has made his disdain for Axl clear, which is fine, he's hated, but alot of the time Niven's shit doesn't even make sense.

Like this. Niven's claims make no fucking sense. Izzy supposed slated a meeting with Axl to talk about performing at the RNRHOF, i'm assuming in 2012 when they got inducted. Axl no showed, Izzy waited for 2 hours, and he was pissed. Right?

Then why the fuck did Izzy, who was so incensed by this, turn around AFTER THE HALL OF FAME, and perform with Axl and the new Guns in London, practically right the fuck after?

Again, some of what Niven says doesn't make sense. BUT... I will say this... Izzy has been kinda absent since. Hmmm....

Wait, are you saying that a lot of things involving Guns N' Roses don't make sense? 16

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