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 Rep: 70 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:
johndivney wrote:

tempted by the elder scrolls online

I was too, but the reviews aren't great.

I hear you need to download all these mods just to run it. Also there are bunch of load issues, frame rate drops, and not a whole lot of content when you finally play the game.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

DLC's make me feel like I'm not young enough to enjoy games anymore.

Me too. Buy a game and there's patches and mods to always download to make it how it should already be when you buy it.  No thanks.

Mentioned it before but this last golden age of video games passed me by. I'm sure there's a ton of shit I'd love but just cant bother with it.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I got V the complete version months ago on steam. It'd cost a fortune to buy everything seperate given how many DLC's (not expansions) there are. I really liked it short term, but I hated the end game. I never got the no natural disasters thing? Were you okay with that along with the other Civ players? I thought City states made it too easy as well, especially if you played as Austria.

The only other Civ played was III and not IV. So all this IV love makes me curious.

Get CIV 4 and its expansion Beyond the Sword.  Easily one of the greatest games ever made.

I do understand why they have to leave certain things out, whether its natural disasters, space shuttle launches, satellites, etc. I prefer realism but they can only go so far in that type of game. One thing I do wish they had done was create terrorists. Allow any surviving barbarians to form into a terrorist faction in the modern era.  Why they didn't do this is mind boggling. Random terrorist attacks in major cities of different countries would have added an interesting element to the game.  I do know years ago some fan mod came out with terrorists but it left much to be desired. Was too predictable and everything focused on that. I dont want death matches. I want an unpredictable terrorist group in the game that is difficult to wipe out.

Example: Terrorists just hit Washington. On the next turn they hit Bombay. After surveillance you see they are in the mountains of Asia. Do you strike and risk a war with China or allow them carte blanche and pray China takes care of it?

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:


Have to say, sometimes it's really good & not just cut content that didn't get put into the main game so the devs/publisher could make a few extra canoli's down the line.
The most recent expansion I bought was for the witcher 3 & it was basically a level pack, like a 10 hour sidequest. The kinda depth of story they probably couldn't have put into the main game without fragmenting it. It was superbly well done. Add it to the 16 or so pieces of free dlc they offered (which varied from alt outfits to short missions), I think they absolutely nailed it as to what additional content should be.

The flip side to that is the kind of treatment you get from EA/Activision - the recent dungheap that is Star Wars, or how they rolled out Destiny as prime examples of fleecing punters.
I did destiny upon launch & did the first expansion. I was so pissed off I've refused to give them any more of my money or my time. It was just completely inadequate & extortionate.

Gta online kinda occupies a middle ground. All subsequent dlc has been 'free', but it's a f2p model so unless you've glitched gtao currency you have to pay to access some of the features the dlc includes. But, crucially, a lot of what they have brought in since launch was stuff that was cut from release & just held over for dlc - there's been very little evolution or fresh ideas put into play. It's a bum note but not quite as game breaking/off putting as practices elsewhere.

I guess it all depends on the publisher really, and how good the game is. People said that the last of us dlc was great whereas you get stuff like what they're doing with Star Wars.
It's just I wouldn't say all dlc is a bad idea - I'm really looking forward to the next witcher expansion, probably moreso than I am any full game on the horizon.

Patches tho are another matter. Day 1 patches especially. I've been playing games since they came on tape(!) & I really miss cartridges - I mourned the passing of the N64 for the gamecubes stupid little discs (& probably still do).
It's definitely a problem, especially considering how much bandwidth these patches eat up. But it seems to be the way the industry is going. I'm all for digital distribution (if prices on the ps store weren't so ludicrous in comparison with physical copies) but there's gotta be something done to help the consumer. A lot of the time you're just as well waiting a few months & buying the GOTY edition on the high street that has all patches included. As it stands it looks like the industry is taking that infamous "deal with it" stance.
If the game isn't ready & hasn't been tested properly it's just totally unfair & there's nothing in place currently to prevent the customer from these practices. I blame those ET landfills.. That sorta shit would happen to far more games these days if it weren't for these patches.

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Trailer from last week for a game so anticipated that it cannot possibly ever live up to expectations.

Chinese Democracy II will probably be released before they finish this, if it has the same development time/engine as FFXV and they're not cutting content.

Apparently though this is going to be released in multiple parts... "Too big for a single release".

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

I've heard this quote somewhere from a game critic I listen to regularly. "Square Enix does a better job announcing games then they do finishing them." He wasn't wrong. I mean fuck...the team developer for this remake left Final Fantasy XV to do Kingdom Hearts 3 and work on a new engine, then decided to jump on another big project budget wise,  the FFVII remake. It's funny because he also did the Advent Children movie (Which was pretty cool.) and was just a character designer on the original game. Ugh. I mean so far it looks like it's running well; but you're not the only one that's hearing the splicing and releasing the game into different scenarios and parts. Which is kind of lame and feels very EA and Konami-ish. They could easily put this on a single disc and not be assholes about it with today's data storage on Blu Ray discs. They are taking the battle system they've been tinkering with on KH3 and FFXV and using it for the remake too. Instead of the original turn based system. Axl and Nomura do share alot of similarties. Especially on time management, artistic vision, money, and delays.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

Just picked up fallout 4 for ps4

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Just picked up fallout 4 for ps4

A pro tip. Leave "the first step" quest until you're late into the game. It's for the Minute Men quest chain which is very bugged and not fun. It's a quest you get very early on and will distract from the real fun the game has to offer.

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:

Did that Soma over the last few days. Really loved it.
I'm not usually keen on survival horror but this was just the right mix of adventure/puzzle & a bit of horror thrown in. In many ways it played more like a walking simulator than an action/survival game.

I played Alien Isolation but never finished it. Got fed up of hiding in lockers n shit, but there was very little of that in Soma. More freedom to explore without having to worry about insta-death.

Trying to finish up The Talos Principle which has been a really good puzzle game. Bit of a melter tho.

Grabbed the latest Wolfenstein & Borderlands the Handsome collection off the psn sale so going to dive into them next.
After all this puzzling I feel the need to shoot stuff again.

Might give world of tanks a blast. One of my friends swears by it but I've never really been fussed.

Looking forward to the witness & maybe this war of mine at the end of the month.
Then Far Cry Primal.
Good times. Plenty of distractions.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I completely agree on DLC's. Prices are just crazy, and you have to draw a line somewhere. I've recently been playing Batman: Arkham Knight (finally). I bought the sum bitch in early July (shortly after it was released), I bought it digital-download off of PSN, because I wanted to play it immediately. It cost me $59.99. I played the Poison Ivy capture deal (like the first thing), then got busy, and never picked it up again until Black Friday in November, I got a special deal + coupon where I bought the "Season Pass" for like $23 bucks off of PSN to get all the current DLC. I started over, played the Poison Ivy mission again... then got busy.

I started it AGAIN, and now i'm in it and like a quarter done. It's cool, it's great, the graphics rule, it's a nice sequel, Mark Hamill returns, but the Batmobile thing SUCKKKKKSSSSS.

But back to the DLC, there's alot of things to like about the "Season Pass" (I got screwed on the Arkham Origins one from a couple years ago), but at the same time... I just can't help... but to feel CHEATED.

All of this stuff is downloaded -- but locked. So it's already in the game. But then you have to pay for it. I payed $83 dollars (in total) for Batman: Arkham Knight... and I didn't even get a game disc. Nothing. If I would've bought the Premium Edition (Game + Season Pass), it would've cost $100 bucks. $100 Bucks!!! For a fucking video game?!?!

Am I old?

Now i'm probably going to Pre-Order "MLB: The Show 16--MVP Edition" for $69.99 (but i'll probably get 20% off). It's got all kinds of bonus stuff, but nothing earth-shattering. The best probably being a collectible Steelbook for American League MVP 3B Josh Donaldson of the Toronto Blue Jays, which looks really cool and I really want as an MLB & PS4 fan.

But there's another version... the "Digital Deluxe Edition" for $100 bucks... and it's ENTIRELY digital. $100 bucks?!?!? For a fucking baseball game that comes out every year with a roster update, no changes to uniforms, and it's $100 bucks? Madden does the exact same thing. So does Call of Duty.

I mean... you get to the point where you DRAW A LINE. $100 bucks is too fucking much for a video game, that in 6 months will be yesterday's news and available on Amazon for usually $25 bucks, if not less.

The greed, and locking people out of games is getting ridiculous.

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