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 Rep: 194 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

There's zero chance anything official comes out from anybody until Axl gets his album out.  That is why the silence is deafening from all parties involved.

Slash has to finalize the divorce with Perla too. He doesn't want her to get a cut of the reunion money.

Do you think we will see a reunion within the next few years?

Yes 75%
No 25%
Total votes: 40
Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

Smoking Guns wrote:

Adler was interviewed yesterday (or very recently) and said all the right things... Says he talks to Slash all the time and has not heard a word about any reunion, etc.  Popcorn being smart is a red flag if I have ever seen one.

 Rep: 221 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

polluxlm wrote:

Protesting too much?

Man, we don't have much to go on do we.

 Rep: 423 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

buzzsaw wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Protesting too much?

Man, we don't have much to go on do we.

It depends on what you want to believe. There's a lot of information out there, and more if you're willing to put some pieces together.

Right now it's just theories other than adler's lead singer. Considering the source and the credibility of sg, I'm giving that a lot of weight. Others may not, and that's fine considering the long history of gnr. It's really a game of we'll see because I don't think we'll get anything official from anyone anytime soon.

 Rep: 287 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

Aussie wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Adler was interviewed yesterday (or very recently) and said all the right things... Says he talks to Slash all the time and has not heard a word about any reunion, etc.  Popcorn being smart is a red flag if I have ever seen one.

But how long can poor old Popcorn be smart for.  You watch, the reunion thing will probably trudge along slowly behind the scenes, with Adler barely being kept in the loop.  Then out of frustration at apparently nothing happening he will suddenly shoot his mouth of again and say something stupid.

The King of self sabotage just won't be able to help himself. 14

 Rep: 108 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

war wrote:

argentinian promoter says reunion is happening. … ion/page-1

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

Lomax wrote:

I 100% believe its happening.

Stay of Execution seems legit as the name of the first reunited GNR album

 Rep: 221 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

polluxlm wrote:

I believe it if in conjunction with CD II. If it's "just a reunion" I will be disappointed and my respect for Axl will diminish.

 Rep: 200 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

apex-twin wrote:

Yup, Chinese leftovers should be the hors d'ouvre for a reunion.

I mean, what's the point afterwards?

 Rep: 664 

Re: How much of the board actually believes a reunion will happen?

James wrote:
apex-twin wrote:

Yup, Chinese leftovers should be the hors d'ouvre for a reunion.

I mean, what's the point afterwards?

I loathed this idea when brought up years back during that GH2 thing, but if we truly are close to a reunion(or just a GH/Best Of) I'm not against the idea of tacking on the best songs left in the vault as bonus tracks to pull in the hardcore base. They have us aboard anyways but it would be a great idea if there's no other way for the songs to be released.

Always thought the eras should be kept separate but we're long past the point for fans to be picky.

If it's "just a reunion" I will be disappointed and my respect for Axl will diminish.

I understand the sentiment but mine wont. I never took the "cancer", "not in this lifetime",etc. comments as seriously as others. I knew a 180 could be done on that in three shakes of a lamb's tail.

EVH said worse shit about Roth for twenty years and they're on what, reunion album number one and tour number 3?

Soundgarden reunion wasn't supposed to happen either. All sides had buried it. Like with SG, all it takes is one tiny snowball to create an avalanche.

Stay of Execution seems legit as the name of the first reunited GNR album

For some reason they let the trademark expire.

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