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 Rep: -3 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

Bumble4tus wrote:

OK for the nonbelievers...Mysterion just confirmed its in record COMPANY hands now......some people you just can't teach!

TOLD YOU SO....:butt:


 Rep: 287 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

Aussie wrote:

I couldn't give a fuck if it's with the record company or if the Tooth Fair has said it's in Santa's ball sack, until it's on the shelf at my local music store available for purchase it doesn't mean shit to me anymore.

 Rep: 661 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

monkeychow wrote:

Ans what does "Its in record company hands" mean? Its in the hands (ie discression) of the record comapny to agree to whatever business roadblock has been causing the delay.

Until they sort that out its meaningless...if they cant work out the contracts or whatever it will sit at the recordcompany for years.

Although I think the desire to make money will evenetually make the record label and axl see eye to eye. So hope we see it sooner rather than later!

 Rep: -3 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

Bumble4tus wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I couldn't give a fuck if it's with the record company or if the Tooth Fair has said it's in Santa's ball sack, until it's on the shelf at my local music store available for purchase it doesn't mean shit to me anymore.

My. My what a negative attitude..actually this post has been up for a long while, so maybe it will be tentatively Soon.....14

Here's some insider info for you -Santa isn't real, and the Easter bunny hides his eggs cause he doesn't want people to know he has been fucking chickens.

Vicarious Existance is........(fill in the blank)

 Rep: 57 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

supaplex wrote:

you're boring


 Rep: 53 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

elmir wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:

Mysterion just confirmed its in record COMPANY hands now......

its always been in the record company's hands...even during the time when they felt powerless against him...they still had the final say as to if it gets released...

we're just being sold that right now as the latest take the heat off Axl for a little bit...but the truth is...Axl Rose could never bypass them anyway...

perhaps on the creative level, he wouldn't let them contribute with regards to ideas and people and deadlines...but when it comes to the logistics of having that album out and on the shelves, he has no say or power in that department...

that's where the hold up may be....(for those who believe that the album is indeed done and delivered)...

there's a power struggle in those boardrooms as to who has a bigger dick with regards to this album...and the fact that we don't have any concrete info on it yet tells me that Axl is perhaps losing in the size battle...

i just hope that the arguments/disagreements are civil and human...and not based on ego's and personality clashes...because if that's the case...

we'll never see this thing...

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

Erm this isn't even news, mysteron said this in January if I remember rightly, so why post a thread on it now?

 Rep: 80 

Re: La La la....Mysterion, It in Record company hands now

Backslash wrote:

Did I miss the thread on Mysteron being GNR's official spokesperson or anything of the like?  And this isn't news.


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